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Sources of all contradictions and problems arising sustainable development and solutions to them are more or less related to economic growth pattern. Capital is a very important concept in revealing the secrets of economic development or transformation of economic growth patterns, because different types of capital and their portfolio is the source of creation of goods, services and wealth. The foundation and driving force in the transformation of economic development pattern is human capital. The traditional reliance on a substantial increase in capital investment is one of the root causes to the natural ecological environment problem, The shift from relying on the capital investment to relying on science-based economic growth, or in other words, the shift from depending on the material capital to depending mainly on human capital investment to achieve economic growth, which is the common major issues facing contemporary China and the world.
     Human capital is not only an economic concept, but a sociological concept, Which should not only be characterized by its technical attributes, but also social and cultural attributes. the stock of entrepreneur human capital is the integration of regional culture human capital and the relation human capital.
     Regional human capital stock is the foundation and driving force for the transformation of regional economic growth pattern. From Zhang Yili (2005) model, regional human capital stock structure can be defined in two dimensions, that is professional human capital stock dimension and entrepreneurs human capital stock dimension, then the two dimensions structuring into four quadrants, so that different regions’human capital stock structure can be divided into four types, namely, double-high-type human capital structure model, high -low type (entrepreneurs human capital rich type) human capital structural model, low-high type (professional human capital rich type) human capital structure model and double-low model. from viewpoint of regional economic development, we compared the human capital stock structure in Shandong Province with that in Zhejiang Province, we conclude that human capital stock model in Shandong Province can be defined as low-high model, characterized by relatively affluent in professionals human capital, but poor in entrepreneurs human capital. Empirical analysis shows that the low stock of entrepreneurs human capital is not only leading to insufficient regional innovation, but also a prevention to the fulfillment of regional professional human capital in economic development in Shandong Province, the current human capital stock structural model of Shandong province has been a tremendous constraints on Shandong Province’transformation of economic growth pattern.
     Low entrepreneurs human capital stock reflects the low culture human capital stock and low relation human capital stock required by market economy, the reasons for that are mainly the region's conservative culture in one respect and unreasonable institutional transformation under the strong Government-weak society model of Shandong Province in another.
     To increase the entrepreneurs human capital stock in Shandong province, on the one hand, a variety of cultural mechanisms should be introduced to foster a market economy and professionalism, on the other hand, on the other hand institutionally providing more room and more and more effective protection for the rapid increase of entrepreneurs human capital stock, Finally, we should improve not only the entrepreneurs human capital stock in Shandong province, but also professional human capital stock as well.
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