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On the basis of literature analysis, with the reference of "person-job-organization fit" framework ,and using the collective training theory, this paper applied theories of competency modeling to study issues of training needs, and constructed a model of competency-based integrated training needs analysis. There are,six parts in this research:In Study 1, using interview and questionnaire survey, we investigated the training practices in 65 enterprises. The results showed that:1、 Training practices were not closely related to organizational strategies in most enterprises. The foreign-invested enterprises did better in training than that of the state-owned enterprises.2、 There were differences in contents of training needs analysis among different enterprises. The current theories and techniques of training needs analysis could not meet with needs from training practices.3、 Management training received recognition from most enterprises, but the framework of managerial competencies was neglected.4、 Competency-based training practices needed methods to facilitate managerial competency modeling and acquisition.In Study 2, an organizational competency-based training needs analysis was conducted. The main results were as follows:1、 A two-dimensional analytic model was built up including core technical competency and core operational competency .2、 Using case analysis, an analytic model of core technical competency was performed in terms of four interrelated dimensions including knowledge/skills of employees, technical system, managerial system, and value/norm system. The benchmarking was an effective method to analyze training needs.3、 The strategic training needs analysis must include organizational competency-based analysis and business environment analysis.In Study 3, a structural analysis of organizational continuous-learning culture was conducted. The main results showed that organizational continuous-learning culture was
    a multi-dimensional hierarchical construct, which played a diagnostic role in the organizational level of training needs analysis.In Study 4, the content and structure of managerial competency were developed. The main results indicated that:1 > Using critical incident technique, 25 managerial competence elements were acquired, and a questionnaire was developed.2 s The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showed that managerial competency consisted of four dimensions—leadership, organizational development, technical expertise, and interpersonal and team.In Study 5, the validity of the managerial competency model was tested. The main results showed that:1 > The managerial competency questionnaire had a high differential validity. Top managerial positions required higher human/team competency and organizational development competency, while mid-managers developed balanced competencies on all dimensions. Technical expertise was the highest among first-line managers.2% A self assessment of managerial competency showed acceptable criterion-related validity.3> The four-dimensional managerial competency model was a useful framework for training needs analysis.Study 6 focused on methodology analysis of managerial competency training. The results suggested that:1 -> Tacit knowledge of management be acquired through experiential learning, which includes four steps—concrete experiencing, reflective thinking, abstract conceptualizing, and active experimenting.2> Using the managerial learning styles inventory(MLSI) as a person analysis tool in training needs assessment, managers were found to prefere action learning and concrete experiential learning.3^ For effective managerial competency-based training, appropriate contents and methods at different stages of experiential learning should be established.Based on the findings of the above six studies, an integrated model of competency-based training needs analysis was developed. Theoretical and practical implications of the research were discussed. Issues and directions for future research were put forward.
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