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In a knowledge economy society when people are better-educated and equipped with improved quality and higher level of knowledge, knowledge has become the magnificent capital for economic development and powerful impetus to social progress as well. Consequently, society is expected to offer conditions and environment for mass higher education, life-long education and life-long learning. Although the network and information technology has brought about changes to people's way of living and enabled people to obtain more knowledge from internet, most of such easily-obtained knowledge seems to be explicit and while the tacit knowledge which exists in human's mind and is hard to explicitly expressed still has to be transmitted in a college-based environment. In this sense, higher education remains the major means of knowledge transmission. The development demands of social progress have turned higher education from the Elite Education model into the Mass Education model. Only with a good management on college faculty who serve as the important producers and transmitters of knowledge can higher education effectively be carried through. However, most of the current college faculty systems are established in an Elite Education condition, which gives rise to the research focus of this dissertation, namely, how to construct and manage college faculty system in a Mass Education condition.
     To address such a problem, this dissertation, from the perspective of knowledge management, undergoes in-depth researches based on relevant theories on system science, knowledge science and higher education science, with such instruments as survey analysis, expert consultation, data analysis, logic argumentation, comparative research and the integration of qualitative and quantitative research employed.
     The nature of college faculty lies in the production, transmission and innovation of knowledge. Therefore, the construction of college faculty system can hardly entirely follow the theories and methods of human resources administration but should be analyzed systematically with the introduction of theories and methods of knowledge management and their integration with traditional theories and methods of college faculty management. Only on such a basis can a system of college faculty management be established, management methods proposed, a comprehensive evaluation index system designed and assessment methods put forward.
     One, in this dissertation, the nature of college faculty is analyzed to be the production and transmission of knowledge. On the basis of the nature of college faculty management as well as the relationship between college faculty system and its exterior environment, this dissertation points out the inner factors that affect the holistic characteristics of faculty system. It also suggests that the main function of college faculty is to produce and transmit knowledge as well as to serve the society and, college teachers are, in nature, operators of knowledge. It puts forward the guidance and methods on how to strengthen the construction and management of college faculty system with knowledge management. The objectives, research methodology and key issues to be solved are also listed to address the current problems in this field.
     Two, a knowledge-based management system is proposed. From the perspective of knowledge science and system science, starting from the researches on knowledge input and knowledge output, this dissertation proposes a knowledge-based topological structure system of college faculty system which takes knowledge butterfly, knowledge pump, knowledge link, and knowledge network as its subjects, presents a new college faculty management system with knowledge input management, knowledge pump management, knowledge output management as its main content.
     Three, knowledge-based management methods are put forward. Analysis above suggests that the nature of college faculty management is the management of knowledge, and therefore knowledge-based management methods prove to be the leading management methods in college faculty management. According to the logic procedures of knowledge management, management methods of such activities as knowledge input, knowledge transmission, knowledge innovation, knowledge output and self-learning which cover all the main aspects of college faculty management are proposed.
     Four, a comprehensive knowledge-based evaluation system and the evaluation methods are established. Following the knowledge nature of college faculty's work, this dissertation proposes the principle, content and foundation of college faculty evaluation and relevant issues that need special attention, analyzes and researches the explicit and tacit evaluation index systems, and establishes a set of methods and a comprehensive system for college faculty evaluation.
     Thanks to years of experience of the author in HR in Dalian University of Technology, he could have some understanding of the management, and able to collect some evidence in this field. Hopefully, what he has done guided by knowledge science in this dissertation could have some significance to DUT HR management.
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