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     通过连续15天,每天3小时的游泳耐力运动建立大鼠运动性疲劳模型,大鼠疲劳时游泳水淹过鼻,且经常下沉。应用自动生化分析仪器测定血浆乳酸脱氢酶,肌酸磷酸激酶,葡萄糖,Ca~(2+)变化。应用Power Lab测定标Ⅱ导联心电图(ECG),在体左心室收缩压,左室舒张末期压,室内最大升降速率,心率。为了排除神经和体液因素的影响,应用Langendorff离体灌流测定左心室收缩压,左室舒张末期压,室内最大升降速率,心率。并在细胞水平上应用绝对钙离子成像技术测定了心肌细胞[Ca~(2+)]i。
     运动性疲劳可使大鼠血浆CK由对照组的357.83±50.45IU/L显著上升至558.1±101.2IU/L (P<0.01),升高55.97%; Glu由对照组的7.63±1.62mmol/L显著升高至10.28±2.08mmol/L (P<0.05),升高34.67%;Ca~(2+)由对照组的2.57±0.05mmol/L显著下降至2.21±0.11mmol/L(P<0.01),降低13.9%。过量运动性疲劳可使大鼠心脏显著增大,引起心肌肥厚,肌结构重组。心脏重量由0.573±0.03g显著增重至疲劳后的1.049±0.08 (P<0.01),增重82.89%运动性疲劳可使大鼠心电R波幅值显著增大,由0.5012±0.05mv增至0.9072±0.3152mv(P<0.01),增幅81.01%。运动性疲劳可使大鼠心肌力学指标较正常大鼠显著升高。在体LVSP显著升高,由15.88±0.47kPa增至18.14±0.19kPa (P<0.01),增幅14.24%;+dp/dt显著升高(P<0.05),增加了45.32%。对离体心脏,LVSP运动性疲劳组(5.681±0.497kPa)显著高于(P<0.01)正常组(4.539±0.389kPa),高出25.17%;+dp/dt显著升高(P<0.05),增加了30.78%。对心肌细胞,运动性疲劳可导致细胞内[Ca~(2+)]i显著升高,由正常的107.77±27.04nM上升至308.58±69.48nM,升高了186.3%。
     人参皂苷单体Rb1可使运动性疲劳大鼠血浆CK的升高回复至292±63.89IU/L(P<0.01) ,下降47.68% ; Rb1可使Glu进一步上升至14.85±3.73mmol/L(P<0.05),上升44.46%; Rb1可使运动性疲劳引起的Ca~(2+)下降回升至2.47±0.08mmol/L (P<0.01),回升11.61%。运动性疲劳使大鼠血浆中Ca~(2+)浓度降低,肌细胞内Ca~(2+)增加,Rb1能有效提高血浆中Ca~(2+)浓度,而起到阻滞Ca~(2+)向细胞内流,减缓细胞钙超载的作用。Rb1对运动性疲劳引起的R波幅值降低不明显。人参皂苷单体Rb1可降低运动性疲劳大鼠心肌收缩力,对心肌起到保护作用。Rb1可使运动疲劳引起的LVSP上升回复至16.41±0.43kPa,下降9.53%; Rb1可使+dp/dt升高显著回复(P<0.01),下降了40.34%。对离体心脏,Rb1可极显著的降低运动性疲劳大鼠LVSP(2.737±0.595kPa),降低51.83%;Rb1极显著(P<0.01)的降低了+dp/dt,下降了46.53%。Rb1对正常组心肌也具有负性肌力效应,作用效果不如疲劳组明显。应用Ca~(2+)通道阻滞剂维拉帕米(Varapamil)做阳性对照,对疲劳组心肌也具有与Rb1相似的效果,作用更为明显,但可使心率显著降低。
Exercise induced fatigue is body can’t keep its physiological process on an order level or can’t keep on certain sports strength. To study the mechanism of exercise induced fatigue and medical health care support improve the exercise ability and fatigue resume has a very important theory, practice, society benefit for improving exercise achievement and keeping fit. Take the data of [Ca~(2+)]i in myocardial cells, plasma biochemical indices, the apparent of heart, ECG and myocardium mechanics to explore the effect of exercise induced fatigue on rats’heart function. And then study the anti-exercise fatigue function of ginsengnoside Rb1, which can scavenge oxygen free radicals, improve the activity of SOD, block cell calcium channel opening.
     The exercise-induced fatigue models in rats were established by 15 days chronic swimming training. Using the automatic biochemical analysis instruments to take the data of plasma biochemical indices; take the standardⅡ-lead ECG; take the data of myocardium mechanics in vivo and vitro; and using the ion imaging technique to measure [Ca~(2+)]i in mycardial cells.
     Exercise-induced fatigue made the CK of rats blood plasma increased from 357.83±50.45IU/L to 558.1±101.2IU/L (P<0.01), increased 55.97%; Glu increased from 7.63±1.62mmol/L to 10.28±2.08mmol/L (P<0.05), increased 34.67%; Ca~(2+) decreased from 2.57±0.05mmol/L to 2.21±0.11mmol/L(P<0.01), decreased 13.9%. Exercise-induced fatigue made rats’heart increased obviously and myocardial hypertrophy. The weight of rats’heart increased from 0.573±0.03g to 1.049±0.08 (P<0.01), increased 82.89%. Exercise-induced fatigue made rats’ECG R wave increased rapidly from 0.5012±0.05mv to 0.9072±0.3152mv(P<0.01), increased 81.01%. Exercise-induced fatigue made rats’myocardium mechanics much higher than control. In vivo, exercise- induced fatigue, LVSP increased from 15.88±0.47kPa to 18.14±0.19kPa (P<0.01), increased 14.24%; +dp/dt increased obviously (P<0.05), increased 45.32%. In vitro, LVSP in Exercise-induced fatigue(5.681±0.497kPa) was much higher than control (4.539±0.389kPa, P<0.01), 25.17% higher; +dp/dt increased obviously (P<0.05) in exercise-induced fatigue rats, increased 30.78%. The [Ca~(2+)]i in fatigue myocardial cells (308.58±69.48nM) are much higher than control (107.77±27.04nM).
     Ginsengnoside Rb1 can make the CK rise of exercise-induced fatigue rats blood plasma decrease to 292±63.89IU/L(P<0.01), decreased 47.68%; Rb1 can make Glu increased more to 14.85±3.73mmol/L(P<0.05), increased 44.46%; Rb1 can make it recover to 2.47±0.08mmol/L (P<0.01), increased 11.61%. Exercise-induced fatigue can reduce blood plasma Ca~(2+) concentration, enhance in-cell Ca~(2+) concentration, and Rb1 can increase blood plasma Ca~(2+) concentration, decrease in-cell Ca~(2+) concentration, delay cell calcium overload. Rb1 did little to decrease R wave in exercise-induced fatigue rats. Ginsengnoside Rb1 decreased myocardium mechanicals in fatigue rats, and protect cardiac muscle. In vivo, exercise- induced fatigue, Rb1 recovered LVSP to 16.41±0.43kPa(P<0.01), decreased 9.53%; Rb1 also recovered +dp/dt(P<0.01), decreased 40.34%. In vitro, Rb1 can reduce LVSP rapidly to 2.737±0.595kPa (P<0.01), reduced 51.83%; Rb1 decreased +dp/dt rapidly too(P<0.01), decreased 46.53%. Rb1 also has the negative myocardium mechanics in control, but not significant to fatigue. Varapamil has similar effect on fatigue hearts, and more effective, but it reduced heart rate notably.
     Exercise-induced fatigue rats have higher myocardium mechanics, bigger heart, and get myocardial hypertrophy. Exercise-induced fatigue can reduce blood plasma Ca~(2+) concentration, enhance in-cell Ca~(2+) concentration in myocardial cells. Rb1 can increase blood plasma Ca~(2+) concentration, decrease in-cell Ca~(2+) concentration, delay cell calcium overload. Rb1 can decrease the myocardium mechanics of exercise-induced fatigue rats and play a positive role on cardiac protective, it shows fewer negative affection compare with Varapamil.
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