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Human errors have more negative effect on the reliability and safety ofhuman-machine systems than machine faults nowadays, and have been recognized asthe main cause of incidents or accidents. Therefore, it is very important to researchhuman errors in order to control them in an effective way. Driven by the requirementsfrom engineering and in order to promote the development of human reliability analysis,this dissertation researches four key contents of human reliability analysis i.e. thehuman cognitive behavior description, the scenario representation, the human erroridentification and the human error probability quantification, and therefore proposes aseries of techniques for standardization or innovation. An engineering case study isprovided, which illustrates the applicability and validity of the proposed techniques. Theoutline of research works and achievements are as follows.
     (1) Human cognitive behavior description
     The available cognitive models are collected and compared. By comparison, SRKmodel is selected as the psychological base of human cognitive behavior description inthis dissertation. The explanations of SRK (Skill, Rule and Knowledge) model areupdated to improve its theoretical rationality. Considering that there are uncertaintiesamong the states of the behavior mode determinative factors, two techniques, based onfuzzy logic system and probability respectively, are proposed to determine behaviormode in the static and the dynamic scenario.
     (2) Scenario representation
     The dissertation chooses the human-machine interaction process as the typicalparadigm. Performance shaping factors, taken as the representatives of scenario, arecategorized into six aspects, three levels and thirty-eight factors, which can describe thescenario in a more complete, delicate and normalized way. According to the propertiesof the three behavior modes in SRK model, performance shaping factors are categorizedfurther, and the dominant and subordinate ones corresponding to each behavior modeare discriminated. The technique to rate performance shaping factors by expertjudgement is employed and normalized to some extent, so that the validity of the ratingresults can be improved. By analyzing human error data, the technique based onassociation rule mining is proposed to weigh performance shaping factors, which canimprove the validity and applicability of the current techniques. Based on the proposedtechniques, the basic scheme to evaluate the whole scenario is given, and the problemsthat need be noticed when implementing the scheme are discussed in detail.
     (3) Human error identification
     First, the external human error identification is improved. By analyzing andsummarizing, the basic framework for the external human error identification is provided. Taking “the basic taxonomy of execution errors” as the taxonomic framework,the taxonomy of external human errors is provided. Base on the taxonomy, a series of“questions” are designed and the “question-answer” identification manner is proposedaccordingly. Second, the internal human error identification is researched innovativelyas the main topic. The basic framework for the internal human error identification isconstructed. The correlations of the errors of cognitive modes, cognitive functions andcognitive behaviors are analyzed, and the taxonomy of internal human errors based onSRK model is proposed. With the provision of the taxonomy, a series of “questions” aredesigned and the “question-answer” identification manner is constructed accordingly.Besides, the correlation between performance shaping factors and human cognitivebehavior error modes are analyzed, and the technique to facilitate the causes-findingprocess of human cognitive behavior error modes is proposed. At last, the external andthe internal human error identification techniques are combined, and therefore theflowchart for the full-scope application of human error identification is provided.
     (4) Human error probability quantification
     The basic framework for the human error probability quantification is provided. Asto the human error probability prediction, the correlations among scenario, behaviormode and human error probability are analyzed and constructed, and the quantificationtechniques that can be used in the static and the dynamic scenario respectively areprovided, which can improve the applicability of the current techniques. As to thehuman error probability amendment, the multiple sources of human error data areanalyzed, and two techniques based on Bayesian basic method and Bayesianinformation fusion method are proposed. They can improve the validity of the results ofthe human error probability quantification.
     (5) Engineering application
     Based on the techniques proposed in the dissertation, an engineering solution forhuman reliability analysis is formed, and it is applied in and demonstrated by the casestudy of human errors analysis on car drivers. The cognitive behavior description,scenario representation, human error identification and human error quantification ofcar drivers are analyzed in detail. The results show that the proposed techniques canovercome some shortcomings of the existed techniques and can provide betterapplicability and validity. It is a useful solution for the human reliability engineering.
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