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Along with the acceleration of economic globalization as well as the manufacture factors worldwide flow and optimized allocation, there are more and more "agglomeration of enterprise group" in the global economy that lead to the formation of industrial clusters, which become the important driving force of regional economic and social development. The process the emergence and development of Industrial clusters is accompanied by a large gathering of excellent human resources, which on the one hand supports the emergence and development of industrial clusters, and the entrepreneurs themselves also promote clusters development through their own innovation activities. More people tend to start their business and participate in entrepreneurial activities, which become the important factors to promote the upgrading of industrial clusters and innovative development, and constantly create new and innovative industrial cluster. Therefore, it is of important theoretical and practical significance to study the reasons for agglomeration of entrepreneurship in the industrial cluster, explore the factors and mechanism of industry clusters on entrepreneurs'incubation as well as the stage of incubation.
     Firstly, based on the research in the literature, according to "magnetic field" theory in physics, the thesis reveals the agglomeration effect on entrepreneurial talents of the industry clusters, built a conceptual framework of the entrepreneurial talent incubation process. By applying the analogue research methods, it theoretically interpret the industrial clusters'agglomeration of the talents, analysis the formation stage of the magnetic field of the industrial cluster, and incubation effect on entrepreneurs in each stages of concentration, demonstrates the changing process from quantitative to qualitative of industry clusters'agglomeration on human resources that finally drive the development of industrial clusters; Based on Newton's "gravity" law, it established business attractiveness function model of the industrial clusters; According to the semi-structured interviews with the entrepreneurial talents in the industry cluster, empirically study the mechanism of how industrial clusters promote entrepreneurship incubation, by using content analysis, it also built a conceptual framework of industrial clusters entrepreneurship incubation process model.
     Secondly, based on the conceptual framework of industrial clusters entrepreneurship incubation process model, the thesis also establish the industrial clusters entrepreneurship incubation function model by empirical research. Through literature reviews, the thesis analyzed the incubation factors of industrial clusters on entrepreneurship, design and construct industrial clusters incubation factor scale consist of eight categories of institutions and resources, through a structured questionnaire, the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis is used to test the scale, and verify the structure of industrial clusters incubation system, construct the industrial clusters entrepreneurship incubation performance scale model including the two main factors of individual performance and organizational performance, in the use of correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to verify the cluster of different factors on hatching performance of the entrepreneurial talent and the interrelationships, and build the industrial cluster entrepreneurship incubation function model.
     Thirdly, by applying the theory of entrepreneurial management, it builds the industrial clusters incubation stage model. This thesis combined the literature and empirical research methods, from the perspective of the new ventures development, entrepreneurial opportunity recognition and entrepreneurial resources, build the industrial clusters incubation stage model. It fully reveals mechanism of the industrial clusters' effects on entrepreneurial talents during the entire process of entrepreneurship intention generation, entrepreneurial opportunities identification, business resources accessing, business plan implementation, and the ultimate success.
     Finally, referring to the value chain and innovation chain theory, it proposed and built a chain model of industrial clusters entrepreneurship incubation for the first time. In this thesis, inductive research methods is applied to define the concept of business incubation chain, through empirical study it also demonstrates the elements of the entrepreneurship incubation chain, by applying the resource allocation theory it proposed the incubation chain support system and the incubation units, and finally construct the three-dimensional incubation chain including six incubation actors, five incubation units, four groups of operational support system, which further revealed the mechanism of industrial cluster on entrepreneurial talent incubation. Finally, this thesis also provides the recommendations to enhance the function of industrial clusters entrepreneurship incubation chain.
     This study aimed to explore the entrepreneurial talent agglomeration and incubation process in the industrial clusters, analyze the key factors that influence this process and reveals mechanism of the key factors'influence on entrepreneurial talent incubation performance. The findings will enrich theories of industrial clusters and entrepreneurship research, as well as assisting new enterprises in a highly competitive environment of industrial clusters to achieve rapid development and growth, and providing the theoretical and practical reference for building suitable incubation mechanism in China's industrial clusters.
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