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The spatial concentration of cultural and creative industries and its impact mechanisms is aresearch hotspot in recent years. The new growth theory in economics, the new industrial districtstheory in geography, the production of space, post-modern urbanism theory of new economicgeography theory and political economics and sociology, have made a lot of research on the spaceof cultural and creative industries. And discuss spatial concentration of cultural and creativeindustries, development mechanism and profound and widespread impact on various areas such as:increasing returns to scale, flexible specialization division of labor, social networking, pathdependence, knowledge spillovers, capital accumulation, decoding, encoding and consumersociety.
     Beijing has developed cultural and creative industries since the "Eleventh Five-Year". It hasbecome an important node of the global network of cultural and creative industries. Cultural andcreative industry has become a pillar and leading industry in Beijing, and has had a tremendousimpact on urban space. Based on this background, this paper studies the evolution of the space ofthe cultural and creative industries in Beijing and its impact mechanisms.
     Based on the studies on domestic and international cultural and creative industries and spaceresearch, the paper integrates the theoretical framework of the interaction of microstructureevolution and spatial evolution. The paper presents the idea that industry cluster will determine thespatial concentration. Industry cluster formation requires external conditions (convenience of thecity and the related industrial base) and internal conditions (especially the innovation network).After the formation of industry cluster, it will form the path of dependence through elasticspecialized division of labor, and then moving towards economies of scale and scope of economicdevelopment. Ultimately will further enhance differentiate, or creatively destruct industrialclusters. In space, it shows a variety of forms of spatial concentration such as enhanced gathering,leapfrog development or decentralized concentration. Spatial agglomeration of constantlyself-reinforcing will eventually form a creative city.
     Based on this theoretical framework, this paper systematically combined the internal andexternal conditions (Including policy conditions) of Beijing to develop cultural and creative industries, industrial development characteristics and spatial distribution characteristics under itsinfluence. The paper finds that Beijing has formed a more perfect promote policy and supportindustrial systems to develop cultural and creative industries. And Beijing has many endogenousadvantages such as creative class, education level, R&D investment. It shows the developmentcharacteristics such as the integration of cultural and creative development and technology, andthe initial formation of producer networks in large enterprises and many small and mediumenterprises. It shows the special feature of resources relying, layer distribution, advanced in northand less advanced in south, higher density in west and lower density in east. Among which Cultureand art tends to be distributed in the inner city, while design services, advertising, exhibition, press,publishing, radio and television film industry locate in the third–fourth Ring Road; and software,network and computer industries tends to locate outside the Fourth Ring. Ancillary industries(such as printing, stationery, manufacturing, et al.), is located in the outer suburbs. West side of thecity emphasizes on cultural and creative industries in the technology sector, while east sideemphasizes on the creative industries in art media.
     On the basis of this analysis, the paper studies on the consumption coefficient and partitioncoefficient of the three major cultural and creative industries(including Information Transmission,Computer Services and Software Industry, Scientific Research, Technical Services and GeologicalProspecting Industry, and Culture, Sports and Entertainment Industry) in the year of2002、2005、2007and2010by the input-output relationship. And based on industry correlation coefficientmatrix, identify the cultural and creative industries cluster by factor analysis, then makes sure ofevolution characteristics of cultural and creative industries in the industrial network in Beijing.The study finds that cultural and creative industries in Beijing are obvious to the professionaldevelopment trend, self-association and self-growth trend of industry has increased. Amongwhich the high-tech industrial clusters are formed by information transmission, computerservices and software industry (Including software, network and computer services) andinformation equipment, computers and other electronic equipment manufacturing; integratedtechnical services (Including design of services), and Comprehensive technical services (includingdesign services) forms industrial clusters with research and experimental development,construction and related manufacturing. Culture, sports and entertainment (including the news andpublishing, radio and television film industry, culture and arts) forms industrial clusters with themajor service sectors. The three leading industry clusters in cultural and creative industries contacteach other mainly through leasing and business services.
     Driven by the evolution in industrial networks, the spatial evolution of cultural and creativeindustries in Beijing has shown an enhanced Self–gathering. It mainly increases the density at thesame place and does small peripheral expansion. Based on slightly growth of Special Ginicoefficient of employment, the special correlation of information transmission, computer services, software industry and integrated technical services has enhanced. And it begins to differ from thespecial distribution of culture, sports and entertainment space. All the three industries of culturaland creative industries has a certain degree of correlation with the leasing and business servicesand related services space, and distribution space begin to differentiate in culture, sports andentertainment. All the three industries of cultural and creative industries have a certain degree ofcorrelation with the space of leasing and business services and related services. However thedegree of correlation with Beijing's total employment space as well as Beijing's tertiary industryemployment space has declined. And it also confirms the trend of the professional development ofthe cultural and creative industries from space.
     Subsequently the paper selects13factors affecting the development of cultural and creativeindustries. The paper takes13districts and counties of Beijing as analyzing object, uses the paneldata of2006-2010to make a regression analysis, and it combines the case studies of typicalcultural and creative industries areas to the influencing factors of the spatial selection of culturaland creative industries and its development. Data analysis shows that the public librarycirculation(which shows knowledge creation, exchange and spillover, and the level of support ofthe Government's public finance spending for cultural facilities) is a most important positiveindicator of the cultural and creative industries, other important factors includes the add-valued ofthe servers industries except cultural and creative industries. The case study further shows thehuge role such as contingency, central figure (and industrial) and social networks (Productivenetwork) have played in the formation of Industrial clustering. However cultural and creativeindustries concentrated area policy dominated by the government has not played anticipated rolein the concentration and development of industrial space.
     Finally, the paper concludes some theories on the space evolution of Beijing cultural andcreative industries. The paper finds that the Beijing case conforms with the mutual influence ofindustry and space, and briefly suggested the adjusting direction and further research direction ofBeijing cultural and creative industries. It hopes to give some guidance to Beijing and other citiesto build creative cities and cultivate the cultural and creative industries clusters and park on spacedevelopment and regulation.
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