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The key of modern agricultural development is to improve the level of agricultural science and technology, and the latter lies on talents of agricultural scientific and technological extension. Its points out clearly that, the talent resources are the most important strategic resource in the building of our country's modernization, including agricultural modernization, the first resource in the development of our country's economy and society, of the medium-term and long-term plan on China talents' development (from 2010 to 2020). The talents of agricultural scientific and technological extension are main force to disseminate and to implement modern agricultural advanced technology, are the receivers, carriers and diffusers of modern agricultural scientific research achievements. The development of modern agriculture brings about new chances and challenges for the talents of agricultural scientific and technological extension, and they may not finish the task which spreading agricultural scientific research achievements to farmers without the knowledge of modern science and technology and the skill of acture operation. It has become a more important issue at current times in China in the building of agricultural scientific and technological extension teams of which these talents to keep up with the pace of modern agriculture development, to adapt the necessity of agricultural scientific and technological extension in the new period.
     This paper gives consideration to theoretical analysis and empirical research, the former basic, and the latter more important. It analyzes empirically, by using the ways including theoretical model, comparative analysis, typical investigation, case study, Meta-analysis and so on, the talents'demand on agricultural scientific and technological extension, based on commenting the relative theories. The main contents are follows:
     Firstly, the study about feature of the talents'demand on agricultural scientific and technological extension. This paper, based on the analysis of the current situation of modern agriculture in China, and drawing lessons from the developing experience of modern agriculture in developed countries, discusses the significant relationship between the talent teams construction at agricultural scientific and technological extension and modern agricultural development, and analyzes especially the new characteristics in talent's demand of modern agricultural scientific and technological extension from the requests of knowledge, major, ability and quality.
     Secondly, the study about the current situation and the problems of agricultural scientific and technological extension teams. This paper, from personnel structure, mechanism of sustainable development, distribution and focal point, career development and so on, analyzes the current situation of teams'quality on agricultural scientific and technological extension, the current situation and the problems of talents'evaluation on Chinese agricultural scientific and technological extension, and discusses the reasons of teams'quality on agricultural scientific and technological extension out of the demand of modern agriculture. And it studies, based on typical investigation and commentary, the mentality and action of extension personnel, the evaluation in performance for basen agricultural scientific and technological extension personnel which given by farmers.
     Thirdly, the study about competence of agricultural scientific and technological extension personnel in the perspective of modern agriculture. This paper, based on the summary of the concept and model of competence, the competence of agricultural scientific and technological extension personnel, builds the competence model of Chinese modern agricultural scientific and technological extension personnel.
     Fourthly, the study about change and comparison of the talents'demand on global modern agricultural scientific and technological extension. This paper, based on the change and comparison of global agricultural scientific and technological extension system, compares personnel quality and evaluation method to personnel performance on global modern agricultural scientific and technological extension.
     Fifthly, the study about forecast of the talents'demand on agricultural scientific and technological extension in the perspective of modern agriculture. This paper estimates personnel scale and educational structure proportion with educational level including doctor, master, undergraduate, diploma and below at rational expectation of agricultural scientific and technological extension organization in nationwide or the sample based on the condition of modern agriculture, by the forecast model of talents'recruitment with the constraints of forecasting educational structure, the reference to developed countries that have entered on new stage of modern agriculture, and based on the condition of our country and the sample, especially, the opinion of correlative specialists.
     Sixthly, the study about the innovation in safeguard mechanismof the talents' demand on agricultural scientific and technological extension in the perspective of modern agriculture. This paper, based on the specification of modern agriculture in talents, researchs the safeguard mechanism on personnel training, personnel development inputing, personnel employing, and the personnel incentive and restraint mechanism, so that it can offer the safeguard of talent's demand in modern agriculture development.
     The main conclusiones are involved. First, it has many new characteristics of the talents'demand on modern agricultural scientific and technological extension. It has many new and high requests, incluing knowledge, major, ability, quality and so on. Second, the personnel quality of today's agricultural scientific and technological extension does not meet the demand of modern agricultural development, because of unreasonable personnel structure, mechanism of personnel sustainable development lack, personnel distribution and focal point at work misplace, career development frustration and so on. Third, double discontented are existed at the same time in basen agricultural scientific and technological extension workers themselves'and farmerss dissatisfaction with the work of basen agricultural scientific and technological extension workers. Fourth, this paper builds the all-round competence model like tower of talent's characteristics at agricultural scientific and technological extension, based on adapting modern agriculture development and meeting demand of the targets and duties of agricultural scientific and technological extension.It include ten abilities:professional skills, research innovation, information gathering, teaching and training, market orientation, systematic thinking, cherishing posts and devoting whole heartedly to work, social public relations, team cooperation, adapting the change. Fifth, these countries which have finished modern agricultural construction have perfect talent teams of agricultural scientific and technological extension, with the reasonable structure and the high quality. Sixth, China should take in high-ranking talents and cut low side workers so as to meet the talents demand of modern agriculture. That is to say, for the talent teams at agricultural scientific and technological extension, it should receive high-ranking talents including PH. D and master, add many talents with bachelor degree, and cut drastically the workers with junior, secondary specialized, even blow degree only. Seventh, it should innovate the institution and mechanism in order to balance between supply and demand of modern agricultural scientific and technological extension talents, to build the new socialist countryside and especially to finish the development of modern agriculture in China.
     This paper may make two innovations. First, in the research perspective, it has certain degree breakthrough in the talents'equilibrium between supply and demand of agricultural scientific and technological extension in the perspective of modern agriculture. Second, in the research contents, it analyzes the characteristic of personnel and forecasts reasonably the scale and structure of talents at agricultural scientific and technological extension in the perspective of modern agriculture, by building the model of competence and recruitment forecast. And the last, this paper deems that it needs research sequentially in the future on the construction of modern agricultural scientific and technological extension system, the framework of thereotical system for talent's demand, the demonstration of talent's demand at agricultural scientific and technological extension, and so on.
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