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     Marching Cubes技术是科学可视化中用于从三维规则数据场中抽取等值面的技术,本次论文对其进行了改造,将其用于三维光栅数据的多面体化,从而实现了从多面体到光栅,再从光栅到多面体的循环,为解决多面体模型的重叠问题提供了算法基础。
     本次论文的成果是以本次论文提出的算法为基础,完成了一个人机交互三维地质建模系统。这个系统使用Visual C++从底层开发,具有良好的用户界面,用户可以从多个窗门中从不同角度同时对模型进行编辑。利用这个系统用户可以借助不同种类的数据,在所定义的三维空间中,交互地对各种复杂的地质对象进行模拟,包括模型的相邻、交叉、层状地质模型及断层。事实上在所定义的网格分辨率的精度下,理论上用户可以构造出任意复
    分技术;离散光滑插值 n引)技术;非均匀有理Bfy条(***BS)技术等进行了较详细
The study of the theory of three-dimensional geological modeling is one of the fundamental works in
    3DGIS. for 3D geological modeling is a very important component of 3DG1S. It is the foundation and
    kernel of 3D geosciences visualization software and 3D geosciences information system.
    Due to the complexity of geological conditions, the theory and techniques of 3D geological simulation
    are still in the phase of research, many problems are still unresolved. These days, in the field of mining
    and geophysics, 3D geological simulation has entered the practical stage in the west, having some
    experienced software. But in our country there is no such software of our own.
    Different methods of modeling decide different data structure and the operations that can be carried out,
    this dissertation classifies the existed geological models into two general types: the volume-filling model
    and the boundary model. The volume-filling model is used for the heterogeneous geological bodies and
    the boundary model used for the homogeneous geological bodies.
    In fact, all of the geological bodies are complicated and heterogeneous. While simulating geological
    objects, simplification must be done. At present, using some homogeneous geological bodies to
    represent the heterogeneous geological bodies is a practical and efficient method.
    This dissertation use the boundary model representing homogeneous geological body, since the software
    finished this time is focused on the editing of model and the volume-filling model representing
    heterogeneous geological bodies is completely not suitable for this situation.
    In the period of 8n 5-year-plan, we finished a software of computer aided exploration system named
    PandaCAEX. This system used the boundary model represented by polyhedron, and successfully
    achieved the interactive modeling of 3D geological model and the inversion of gravity and magnetic
    anomalies. This system reached the advanced international standard in some aspects and acquired the 2nd
    level award of science and technology from the ministry of geology. The main contribution of the
    system to the 3D geological modeling is the original creation of the technique so called "rubber
    membrane" aimed to overcome the difficulty of interactive modeling of 3D geological model. Using this
    technique, users can easily make arbitrary shaped 3D geological model interactively.
    The design target of PandaCAEX is to carry out the inversion of 3D gravity and magnetism of metal
    mine model, so the modeling algorithm is aimed to animate the isolated complex geological body, at that
    time, that is thought to be OK. Therefore this modeling algorithm has no the ability to deal with adjoined
    models, the adjoined models will has unwilling overlap.
    But not all of the geological models are isolated, the metal mine model has adjoining situation, and the
    more important situation is the existence of layer geological body. PandaCAEX system has no any
    ability to deal with such situation, for the layer geological body is some adjoined geological body
    The purpose of this dissertation is solving the overlapping problem in PandaCAEX when models
    adjoined, it creates a new modeling technique that can represent both the metal mine model and the layer
    model, the most important is that it completely solve the overlapping problem.
    The key of the algorithm is the setup of an accessory 3D grid in the defined 3D space. Models can have
    some relationship depending on the grid, resulting that the overlap problem be solved. The core
    techniques are the rasterization of polyhedron and the polyhedronization of the 3D raster. Among these techniques, the rasterization of polyhedron is the direct extension of the rasterization of polygon in 2D space, the major creation of this dissertation is the solution of the polyhedronization of the 3D raster. Marching Cubes is the technique that extracts isosurface from 3D raster in scientific visualization. This dissertation modifies it, and then uses the modification to ma
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