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It is stated in the paper that the urbanization course is the course that factors of production are allocated, and allocation efficiency of the factors determines the urbanization process. By analyses on games between subjects of factors allocation, this paper has the inevitable results under the existing system frame, then probes into direction to improve efficiency of factors allocation in towns by comparing equilibrium results with the theoretic anticipation and studying on the causes of poor efficiency in factors allocation.The logic of this paper embodies in game course and results of production factors allocation. The game equilibrium of labor force factor alloction shows there is no obvious obstacle caused by behavior of game players; the game of land factor allocation shows an inevitable result :waste of land and general urbanization laws are violated; the game of capital factor allocation shows it is a zero-sum game that capital competition occurred among towns by land supply and public interests remised. Base on these judgements, the paper sum up that cause of urbanization lag and the main obstacle for allocation efficiency of production factors.Public characters and complexity of the urbanization, determines the leadership of government during the urbanization process of our country. It also determines the importance of labor force transfer goal in urbanization.The paper has improved Ravenstein's immigrant laws by mixing subsistence rationality factors of rural labor force flows, takes out law of population migrates by steps which accords with the actuality in our country. The paper implies that the urbanization is a process begins with towns,and form bottom to top, towns are the emphases of urbanization, and alloction of land factor determines behavior of immigrant to settle down and surplus of thire assets appreciation. It is possible to happen that population migrates over steps between rural area, towns and cities when habitation cost is lower enough and surplus of thire assets appreciation is more. And then the mechanism of transfer for labor force will be formed.The paper has also proposed the following several view: the function of law of population migrates by steps is very difficult to make present flowing rural residents to settle down in big city; Accumulation of production factors result assets appreciation of urban residents, but also form the obstacle for further accumulation; The initial accumulation way which immigrant enters the city earring capital, and dwelling compounds the function of productive assets, not merely accelerates urbanization of population,and changes the power distribution in allocation game of production factors.Innovation of thesis is represented in: Improvement in immigrant laws by mixing subsistence rationality factors; Application of multi-subjects and multi-tactics conflict analysis model in research of urbanization;and proposal in urbanization research approach by studying city histroy which consulting the research approach of western urbanization,and applied to discourse of the paper.At the end of thesis, several policy recommendations are put forward,which are how to accelerate the urbanization in towns of our country and improve efficiency of production factors allocation.
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