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Joint and several liability is a kind of special liability system in civil and commercial law, whose tendency of value lies that it can safeguard the full and timely realization of creditors’claim in maximum, and it exerts important function to maintain safety of transaction and stabilize social economic order. It has been paid worldwide attention in the legislation of civil and commercial law in most countries and been widely applied in judicature, however the related current situation of our country is the dispersed legislation and confused judicature, therefore it’s greatly necessary to study the question thoroughly and systematically.
     This essay is totally divided into four parts:
     In chapter one, I mainly introduce the conception of Joint and several liability. The process is devided into two parts:the“relation”and the“liability”. There is a sort of implicative relation within all the debtors. So I introduced the evolution and conception of this relation firstly. Accordingly I posted the internal relation between Joint and several liability and implicative relation. It is the jural causation for all the debtors to toe the scratch that there is some relation within them. In the abstract and in justice, we always confuse Joint and several obligiation with Joint and several liability. If we want to study on Joint and several liability, it is necessary to refer Joint and several obligiation. This essay discusses the evolution of obligiation and liability. Based on this discussion, I clarify the relation between Joint and several obligiation and Joint and several liability. It is posted that there are some essential differences between them, such as the character. At the same time, jointly and several obligiation with the associated debt also exist in a mutually reinforcing relationship, but also the responsibility for the debt associated with the progressive functional relationship between the two common protection of creditor rights achieved. Joint and several obligation is one of the causations of Joint and several liability. Finally, the essay points out that Joint and several liability refers to the liability which is beared by anyone of several bodies with certain relation within the framework of law or body’s engagement. This concept discloses the main characteristics of joint andseveral liability.
     In this chapter I also introduce the system value of joint and several liability. Since joint and several liability come into being, it is already two thousand years. However , it is still an very important system in civil law. This means that the system have very important value. As to the system function, the system value of joint and several liability include two things. It is dual-purpose. The first function is to pursue effectiveness, maintain tradesecurity and sufficiently and duly protect the debtee's right. The second is to give the debtor who paid the right to claim against other debtors to keep justice, and thus to keep balance between debtors. Accordingly, the essay concludes five aspacts of the system value. It can ensure the interests of the creditors. It is demanded to maintai the order of market economy. It can help to save the cost of surveillance. It requires joint and several liability to achieve justice. It is the means of sharing in risks and damages.
     In chapter two ,I mainly introduce the contituting requisites of joint and several liability. At the same tine, the dissertation makes a comparison and analysis among joint and several liabilities and other ways to take the civil liabilities to differentiate them when applying them. Because joint and several liability is a kind of aggravative liability, it must be stipulated by the law or established by agents. In view of this reason, it is necessary to discuss the constitution requisites. In this essay, the merit and demerit of several theory is discovered, and then it points out there are three important documents. Firstly, the main body of joint and several liability have complete independence in responding civil liability. Secondly, each debtor should fulfill all obligation. Several debts that compose joint and several liability have joint relations coming from joint interests or negligence etc, aiming at protecting the interests of creditor.
     There are several other ways to take the civil liabilities except joint and several liability, such as complemental liability,vicarious liability and unreal joint liability. The essay compares joint and several liability with unreal joint liability and complemental liability aiming to grasp the particular characteristics of joint and several liability. I enumerate several cases to introduce unreal joint liability. Then we can see there are many differences such as the formation and the purpose. Complemental liability is also a way to taking civil liability. I listed all the complemental liability in our country’s law in this essay. Although its essential spirit is the same with joint and several liability, there still many differences in system design. For example, the reason of the liability coming into being the order and limits to take the liability, the jural relation for compensation.
     The third part discusses the reason of the joint and several liability coming into being. Joint and several liability is divided into conventional joint and several liability and legal joint and several liability. Conventional joint and several liability accords with principle of private law. Debtor abandon the restrict of liability, take on more liability in wide area. Legal joint and several liability belongs to forcible regulation, so the base of its happen and the area applied are the difficulties. As for the former, there are several causations, Namely, joint and several obligation, indivisible obligation, joint and several guarantee and co-surelyship. As for the latter, there are mainly two causations, that is to say conjunct- tortious and conjunct- fatalness.
     The fourth part discusses the perfection to the system of the joint and several liability in China. Firstly, the essay summarizes the regulation about joint and several liability. There is no general stipulation, but some simple stipulation about joint and several in our General Principles of Civil Law, Company Law, Partnership Enterprise Law, Warranty Law, Contract Law, Law of Bills, Maritime Law, Trust Law. The specific stipulation is not systemitically. The main problems contain that, among them, the provisions about the joint and several liability are disorderly and haven’t constitute a system. Some stipulation fall afoul of rationale.
     As to the questions above, I have some recommendations made for the future law making of China in the end of my thesis. First, our legislation should combine collective stipulation with separate stipulation, that is, to stipulate principles in general provisions in debt law and to stipulate specific joint and several debt in separate regulations. Second, perfect the litigant stipulation in the proceeding law. Third , establish the legal principle of joint and several liability.
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