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1956年Solow运用新古典成长模型预测了区域内与区域间各国或地区的经济成长在长期内会达到收敛(convergence)的效果。这是指区域内会有一个自动化生产的机制与经济政策使区域内的偏离减少。因此,开发中的区域经济成长会比已开发区域经济成长的要快,直到两个区域达到相同的成长状况为止。更甚者Solow预测了长期的区域金融将造成区域内的国家金融体系会归于一体化。1988年Lucas也提出区域金融会增进区域内国民福祉的成长。Lucus(1988)认为区域性政策对国民福祉有深远的影响,区域性政策的不同会造成经济成长的差异,因此,每人人均所得就会不同。2002年Sapienza&Luigi Zingales提出了区域金融理论中有关区域性合作达到区域内的国家经济成长的可能性。综规上述研究可以看出区域性的经济与金融的合作可以达到区域内国家经济成长与国民福祉的上升,区域间的国家的经济与金融的合作也可到达国家间的和谐发展。然而,区域经济与金融的合作也可能有负面的效果的存在,例如欧元区近年来的崩解不只带来区域内国家的伤害也带给区域外国家的困窘,欧元国家的问题主要来自欧元区没有统一的财政部对欧元区内的国家在政策分配上达到均衡的发展,图利少数国家的结果造成非重点国家的发展产生畸形的成长,所谓畸形是在于欧元区经济发展较慢、财政问题较大的国家如希腊、爱尔兰、西班牙等国,因为成为欧元区的一员而享受到欧元区同样的待遇既低利率与无汇率调动自主权,低利率与无汇率调动自主权这两个因素造成希腊、爱尔兰、西班牙等这些国家可以较低的资金成本运用财务杠杆以国家主权对欧元区经济发展较好的国家如德国、法国或欧元区以外的国家融资,低利率也造成了希腊、爱尔兰、西班牙等国家在进入欧元区的初期区域内、外投资人对区域内的高度经济成长的预期而造成的高度通货膨胀的同时,无法借由利率的调整降低高度通货膨胀。最明显的例子就是这些国家因为持续低利率所造成的房地产泡沫化。因此,区域内的经济与金融合作不只有正面的经济成长的功能也是区域内产业泡沫化的根源。刘斌(2011)认为区域内的金融资源各国有差异,因此,在区域内进行金融与经济合作的同时要对各国金融资源的差异有所了解,他认为金融资源的差异造成金融资本的差异,而金融资本又是推动经济成长的主要因子,因此,当我们研究区域金融合作时就必须考虑区域内各国或地区在金融资源的差异。否则,就会造成区域内的不均衡发展,进而造成区域内合作的崩解。
     过去的国际文献多有提及区域金融合作,例如像是提及欧元区与东盟10+3的区域金融合作的成与败的文献,但很少有文献提及海峡两岸的经贸合作的文献,少数文献有提及两岸的经贸合作,例如Lee and Wu(2011),但他们只论及ECFA对海运与港口产业的冲击。
     在区域金融合作的过程中投资环境与区域内的绩效也有直接的关联性,Wang and Yung(2011)提出了中国大陆国有事业私有化后的二十年间国有事业的绩效与盈余质量依然没有提升主要就在于大陆的国有企业或私有化的半国有企业仍然绩效不张,而其源由来自于大陆的投资环境中对于投资人保护的主张不多也就是说大陆的投资环境与企业一半以上还是政策导向而非市场导向,这对区域内的金融合作机会与成长机会是一大阻碍。当投资国的环境对投资人有利时会造成投资绩效的提升,La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer andVishny(2000)暗示国家改变法规与加强的机制以保障投资人朝向成功的标准,这个过程称为法律的收敛(Legal Convergence)。La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes,Shleifer and Vishny(2002)也证实了投资人保护的环境越好,在此环境下的公司价值会越大。有鉴于此,我们在谈及区域内的金融与经济的合作时就不能不对区域性金融机构合作的环境做规划。再者,我们也要对区域内因为金融机构合作所产生的盈余质量做监管的动作,因为大陆企业特别是国有或私有化的国有企业盈余表现虽好,但其好的表现多来自于旗下的子公司或孙公司对其所做的补贴,因此盈余质量往往不佳。公司的盈余质量与长期绩效成绝对正相关,而区域金融机构能有长期合作的契机也是来自于区域内各国或地区所属的公司能有较佳的盈余质量。Chen,Chen, Lobo and Wang(2011)认为国际上一般对于盈余质量的衡量采用自由裁决的应计项目对于中国大陆是不够的,因为大陆的信息透明度太低,因此公司与投资人的信息不对称情况严重。有鉴于此,对大陆金融机构在衡量盈余质量时还要加入关系人交易这个项目。我们对此深感认同,要规划区域性的金融合作就应该跨越国度,在合作的区域内各国公司经营都必须聘请国际四大会计师事务进驻,以便对区域内合作的公司做统一与公平的稽核。并且,有鉴于欧元区整合的失败我们认为区域内金融合作应该定订成长率的标准并对此标准进行监管。
     目前台币有强化的情况因此,随之而来的就是国际上的炒汇的现象,台湾当局央行总裁彭怀南就提出了以清迈多边换汇机制(Chiang Mai InitiativeMultilateralization, CMIM)与东盟十加三的总体经济监控办公室(ASEAN PlusThree Macroeconomic Research Office, AMRO)的机制成立亚洲货币基金,因此,区域内的货币价值稳定也是需要我们加以规划设计的机制。
     再者,我们就过去几章提出的纲要列出了扩大金融合作的国家与范围成立中华经济圈自由贸易区的理想,此贸易区的地点为台湾,原因在于台湾有相较于大陆或东亚有较好的财富管理能力,而台湾对投资人保护的环境也较大陆要好。我们在这个自由贸易区内准许陆资上市,根据Berkman, Cole and Fu(2010)的说法跨境上市的公司如果到另一个投资人保护较好的地区,则市场对其股票的评价也会上升,对于2012年到目前为止比起全球表现不佳的大陆股市来说也是一个提升内需的方式。希望借由我们的规划与催促能让台海两岸甚至于中华经济圈自由贸易区内的国民福祉都能提升,给我们稳定成长的生活与稳定成长的亚洲。
The neo-classical growth model initiated by Solow (1956) predicts that in thelong run convergence will occur among regions. This convergence is a product ofautomatic mechanisms and specific economic policies aimed to reduce disparitiesamong regions. Therefore, developing regions will tend grow faster than developedregions until the growth rates in both cases tend to converge to the same state ofgrowth. Lucas (1988) suggests that human welfare is subject to the regional policiesadopted which explain a significant proportion of the differences in growth and henceper capitain comes. In many countries, governments have tried to establish policiesable to reduce regional economic discrepancies. Georgiou (1992) and Karkazis andThanassoulis(1998) assess the effectiveness of regional development policies of theGreek Governments. In2002Sapienza&Luigi Zingales point out that regional finacecan make the economic growth for all of the countries across the region. It isgenerally accepted that the level of economic development is not uniform acrossregions.
     The collapase of Euro zone in2011suggest us that the country like Greece,Spain and Ireland entered the Union of Euro zone using the same standard lowinterest rate as German and France will cause the high inflation rate also cause theReal Easte bubble in the Euro zone. Liu(2011)suggest that in the financial union areaeach country has different financial resourse. Therefore, when we talk to the financialinstitution corporation cross Taiwan Strait we need to know and calculate thedifferent financial resourse in either Mainland or Taiwan and make the resoursearrangement optimalization.
     Wang and Yung(2011) find out that there is lower levels of earningsmanagement among state-owned enterprises than that of privately-owned firms inChina even after controlling for the effect of tunneling. Futher their investigationsuggests that the protection of state enterprlise by the government might have playedan important role in mitigating the pressure on managers to manipulate firm-specificinformation. Moreover, they find that the divergence in earnings quality between state-owned and privately-owned firms become less evident as the economy bexomesmore and more market driven. Also in discussing needed government reforms, LaPorta, Lopez-de Silanes, Shileifer, and Vishny(2000) suggest that countries changethe “rules and enforancement mechanisms”for protecting investors”towards somesuccessful standard,” a process they refer to as “legal convergence.” La Porta,,Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny(2002) support this guidance by demonstratingthat firms in countries with better investor protection are more valuable than firms incountries with poorer investor protection. In2000, the Chinese Securities RegulatoryCommission (CSRC) introduced new regulations aimed at reducing expropriationfrom minority shareholders by controlling blockholders. The3regulations2were allintroduced in the second quarter of2000and were partly motived by China’ssuccessful attempt to gain entrance into the World Trade Orgtanization. Therefore,when we come to the question of Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA) we should take seriously consider about the earnings management and thetopic of investor protection. The two areas corss Taiwan Starit should discuss thesetopics if they want the outcome of economic growth in these areas when they talk tothe regional financial corporation.
     We valuate the earnings for Mainland and Taiwan on the corporation of financialinstitutions cross Taiwan strait not only on the accrual-based earnings managementbut also on the base of related-party transaction including transactions between thelisted company and either first large shareholders or entities controlled by thoseshareholders.
     Although there are many extant international papers dealing with the linksbetween different dimensions of development and economic efficiency of theprefectures,such as EURO region and East Asia region allienance(ASEAN10+3),few paper mention about the corporation cross Taiwan Strait such asLee and Wu(2011) which just talk to the impacts of the ECFA of seaborne trade volume and policy development for shipping and port industry in Taiwan. Also fewerpapers mention the regional financial corporation cross Taiwan Strait. The role offinancial systemic distribution as a main factor in the economic development processis largely ignored. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to mention thetheory of regional finance cross the Taiwan Strait between Mailnald China andTaiwan.Taiwan and Mainland now have regional financial corporation agreementunder the structure of Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA).
     We mention the regional financial corporation because the unofficialcorporation cross Taiwan Strait has over20years. The unofficial transaction isdifficult to calculate on the Balance of Payment (BOP).Howver, if the ratio ofunofficial transactions(suggest that the transaction cross strait) to the total officialtransaction (suggest that the transaction between Mainland and other countries, andtransaction between Taiwan and other countries) is havey we should discuss theregional financial corporation cross Taiwan Strait. For several years competition inthe region of Foreign Affairs Taiwan and Mainland now were ultimately settle theirdifference and set up the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). Ourapproach is designed to model asymmetric impacts of tariff removal andeconomy-wide interactions caused by the ECFA arriving at estimation in value cashflows.
     Basically, we should extend our model which is just the relationship cross Straitand to the Chinese economic circle including not only Mainland, Taiwan, also HongKong,Macao, Japan, Korea and Singapore where original had trading experiencewith Taiwan and Mainland.
     Under the sturcture Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). Weexpect the finance integration will be realied cross Taiwan Strait and the economywill grow step by step in these two regions. We divided our paper into seven parts,First of all we set up the introduction of our paper and descript the background of ourpaper which under the structure of Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA). We mention why we should sign in the he Economic CooperationFramework Agreement (ECFA). What impact will we meet when we talk to the top ofECFA and how to corporate with each other cross Taiwan Strait. Also we mention the innovation of our idea to set up new model of corporation in financial ststem.
     During the1990s, the Chinese government corporatized and partially privatizedalmost1,000state-owned enterprise (SOEs) through share-issuance privatizations ofthe2primary Chinese stock exchanges (the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SHSE) andthe Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE)). The corporatization and share-issuanceprivatization of large SOEs were central elements of the Chinese strategy towardcreation of a “modern-enterprise system. So the investor protection environment isvery import to the regional financial corporation. Using Taiwan as a median toconnect the union China trading with the countries in the region of Chinese economycircle we extant our model to the so call Chinese Economy Circle and try to make theeconomy grow cross Taiwan Strait.
     Second we descript the development of the regional financial theory. We displayunder what condition the two countries or many countries in the same region will tryto allienance with the financial system cross the country in the same region.Understhe theory of regional finance by corporation of the financial institution the nationalwelfare of the countries in the region will grow in the near future. However, when wetalk to the question of coporation of financial institution in the region suggest thesecountries have higher relationship in the financial system. Therefore, we try to test therelationship crosss Strait and prove that the Chines Renminbi internationalization willmigitate the decrese of the national welfare for Mainland and Taiwan.
     Third, we descript the history of economic development cross Taiwan Strait.Also we mention what the possible is when the two region want to expand thecorporation of regional finance. Taiwan have encountered many economic carshs inthe past and transfer for agricultural finance to the industry finance and now the pointis electronic industry. Taiwan now have to face the expand demend and have to findand other country they can try to corporate with. Mainland have more power ineconomy and political recently however, after a large number of state-ownedenterprises(SOEs) have been privatized, we see no significant improvements incorporate governance and firm performance have been observed in China afterdecades of privatization. The privatization of the state-owned enterprise causedecreasing in consuming among the Chinese people because the China governemt will not subsidy in education and in their salary. To conclude these questions the twoareas have to find another way to expand their demand and make their economy grow.That’s the reason why we mention the sturcture Economic Cooperation FrameworkAgreement (ECFA).
     Fouth, We descript the exchange cross strait before and after we sign in theEconomic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). We also mention theexistence problem when we mention financial corporation cross Taiwan Strait.Mainland now have higher (more than six times) capital in finance industry thanthose of Taiwan. However, Taiwan have more deepen expand in the securities andfutures than those of Mainland. That’s the reason why China want to corporate withTaiwan. So in our model we want corporate cross Strait in all the financial industryincluding securities and futures and base on the equilibrium we set up the model thatthe Chinses bank can set up branch company in Taiwan.
     Fifth, we compare the example of regional finance corporation with Euro zoneand the ASEAN10+3which including the part of the corporation about Mainland andSignpore. We want to get the experience of them. In the regional finance theory wefind that the cash flow and capital enter the region will cause the regional exchangerate unstable. In the case of recently we find that New Taiwan Dollar is stronger andthe arbitrage of NTD in the international financial market is popular and theChairman of Center Bank of Taiwan want to use the mechanism of Chiang MaiInitiative Multilateralization,(CMIM) and ASEAN Plus Three MacroeconomicResearch Office,(AMRO) to make the asian currency stable in the asian region. Sowe have to set up a stable mechanism of exchange rate in our model.
     Sixth, we descript how to valuate the effience of the Economic CooperationFramework Agreement (ECFA). That is, should we get more under the structure ofECFA. How to valuate the agreement is success. We valuate the earnings not only onthe accrual-based earnings management but also on the base of related-partytransaction include transactions between the listed company and either ist largeshareholders or entities controlled by those shareholders.
     Final we display our idea about the innovation of the regional financialcorporation cross strait. Which include the model of Taiwan financial institution especially bank get stock share from that of Mainland financial institution, how theMainland bank participant into the Taiwan’s financial institution, the reform of taxand tariff, the investment of real estate cross striat. Base on the theory Berkman, Coleand Fu(2010) corss-listing for a weaker investor protection country to the stonger onewill improve the performance of company. We expect Taiwan and Mainland havepeaceful corporation under the structure of ECFA and extend to the Chineseeconomic circle free trade area.In these we want the company in Mainland cancross-listing on Taiwan. Hopful under our structure we can see the economic grow inthe near future.
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