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Antarctic which year-round snow-covered, is at the southernmost tipof the Earth and composes of two parts of the terrestrial and marine. Tosome extent, the unique geographical configuration and the extremeclimate and environment of Antarctic limit the survival and reproductionof Antarctic Fauna and Flora, microorganisms and other biologicalresources. Although the rich type and unique characteristics of theAntarctic biological resources are different from those of other regions ofthe world. They have unique resistance darkness, low temperatureresistance, high-salt-resistant, anti-radiation adaptability. The materialswhich contain functional units of heredity and potential or actual value,which extract from the Antarctic biological resources with this ability, arethe Antarctic biological genetic resources. They have the same ability toadapt to the environment and the unique survival characteristics as thebiological resources which is a carrier. Their huge economic benefits,commercial and medical value, and great strategic significance play animportant role in the global economy and the sustainable development of human society. Moreover, the Antarctic Treaty frozen the territorialsovereignty of the Antarctic. The pendency of Antarctic legal status leadthat Antarctic resources of ownership is unknown. Based on the greatvalue and major interests hidden behind of Antarctic biological geneticresources, countries not only began to widely carry out the Antarcticbiological genetic resources exploration and development activities andscientific research; but also used the genetic resources and their derivativeproducts, technologies widely and gradually in human society;Meanwhile triggered a competition for the international community to thesovereignty of the Antarctic, and reopen the controversy over thelegitimacy of the claim to sovereignty over the Antarctic territory,especially Antarctic waters, and caused coveted and competition for theworld of Antarctic organisms and their genetic resources. When theinternational disputes of the Antarctic and its biological genetic resourcesrise to the legal level, they also triggered a series reality and legal issuesabout genetic resources exploration and development, commercialapplications, access and benefit-sharing, the protection of resources andecological environment.
     In the the international context of the Antarctic territorial sovereignty freeze and fierce resources disputes, from "use" and "protect"which is the same process at two levels of the Antarctic biological geneticresources, the article will guide and regulate the behaviour of resourceutilization and protect resources, environment and related interests inorder to achieve the ultimate goal of "take advantage on the basis of theprotection, protect on the basis of use" and seek a certain balance betweenthe utilization and protection. So to build or improve the regulatorysystem of laws to regulate the use and protection of the the Antarcticbiological genetic resources of human activities are the core of this study.However, the establishing of the legal regulatory system should clear theconnotations and nature of the Antarctic biological genetic resources andtheir utilization behaviour, divide the stage of utilization behaviour andclear the differences and relations of it and bioprospecting, define thelegal status of Antarctic and biological genetic resources as a precondition.Later, for the utilization and protection of the core issues, the article firstanalyse the limitations and applicable of the existing international lawand the Antarctic Treaty System, then refine and comply with the relevantinternational legal principles, determine the appropriate authorities andthe regulatory body, at last build a special legal regulation system.
     Firstly, overview the reality and legal background of the utilizationand protection of Antarctic bioprospecting and genetic resources, anddefine the meaning and nature of related concepts. The Antarctic as arange of background research is at south of60degrees latitude, consistsof land and islands, and has a unique geographical configuration, extremeclimate and rich biological resources. The materials which containfunctional units of heredity and potential or actual value, which extractfrom the Antarctic biological resources with this ability, are the Antarcticbiological genetic resources. So biological resources is the carrier of thegenetic resources, the rich biodiversity of Antarctic also reflects thediversity of genetic resources, and the Antarctic and its rich and uniquebiodiversity are the value premise of the genetic resources. Owning totheir huge economic benefits, commercial and medical value, and greatstrategic significance, the activities of Antarctic bioprospecting are in theascendant, also widely used in the process of promoting global economicdevelopment and the survival of the human society and sustainabledevelopment. Not only restart the Antarctic sovereignty dispute andintense resource disputes and also led to a series of legal issues. Thearticle analyses and refers to the discussion of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting on the concept of bioprospecting and the provisionof the mineral Convention on the division of the stage of Antarcticmineral resource activities, divides the stage of Antarctic biologicalgenetic resources activities at the two levels of its utilization andprotection, defines "Bioprospecting" as broad and narrow sense. Thereforthe "Prospecting","Exploration","Development" of Antarctic biologicalgenetic resources is narrow bioprospecting, and other utilization ofgenetic resources which include commercial applications andbenefit-sharing is generalized bioprospecting. On the one hand, differentstages means different nature of the acts, the define of bioprospectingnature is based on the goals in pursuit of activities directly and intent ofhuman. So "Prospecting","Exploration","Development" belongs toscientific research. On the other hand, different stages means differentbehaviour apply to different protection systems, that is the explorationand development should conserve resource and protect environment,commercial application should strengthen the protection of the patentsystem, benefit-sharing should take into account the protection of thecommon interests of all mankind.
     Secondly, according to development path mode and academic theories of the international community and theorists existing about legalstatus of the Antarctic and its genetic resources, the paper induce, analyseand argument applicable limitations of theory, and define its legal status.The definition is the foundation to solve its utilization and protection ofthe relevant legal issues and building a system of legal regulation. Thelegal status of Antarctic determines the legal property of the geneticresources. Therefore, we should refine, learn from, and integrate theapplicable meaning of the existing international theories in the validity ofthe Antarctic Treaty, such as "for all mankind the common interests","toexclude claim of sovereignty and any form of possession","peace,scientific research,demilitarization activities,and internationalcooperation","protect and sustainable develop resources, environmentaland ecological","the management and control of international institutionswith the universal representation". These special meaning apply to notonly Antarctic and genetic resources itself, but also its behaviour andenvironmental impact. In view of the special meaning of the legal statusof the Antarctic biological genetic resources is established on the conceptof "Common Heritage of Mankind", and the limitations indicate Antarcticbiological genetic resources as the principle object has its uniqueness. Hence, can not be completely abandoned and can not be directly applied,extending the principle of "Common Heritage of Mankind " is reasonablestage measures. This view has a theoretical basis, practical foundationand practical significance.
     Thirdly, from "use" and "protect" which is the same process at twolevels of the Antarctic biological genetic resources, in order to achieve theultimate goal of "take advantage on the basis of the protection, protect onthe basis of use", this part will build a perfect legal regulatory system toregulate the use and protection of the the Antarctic biological geneticresources of human activities. The establishment premises on limitationsand application of existing international law and the Antarctic TreatySystem, we should refine and comply with the relevant international legalprinciples, determine the appropriate authorities and the regulatory body,at last build a special legal regulation system. Specifically, above all, theactivities about utilization and protection of Antarctic biological geneticresources should comply with the basic principles of law, such as"safeguarding the peace and stability of the Antarctic region","for thecommon interests of mankind","equitable distribution of its productsderived technology interests ","can not be claim for sovereignty and appropriate","conservation of resources and protection of theenvironment" and so on. Then, the activities about utilization andprotection of Antarctic biological genetic resources should be commonlysubject to the general international law and the Antarctic Treaty System.This paper will analyse the applications and limitations of the system onthe high seas, the continental shelf,"regional" of UNCLOS in Antarctic,learn from the provisions about access and benefit-sharing to geneticresources in CBD and Bonn Guidelines, apply to the terms of thepurposes and resources and environmental protection in the AntarcticTreaty System. All these steps provide the legal basis for the regulatorysystem the Antarctic biological genetic resources utilization andprotection of specific system settings. Once more, we should define theregulated subjects which contribute to the observance of the principles oflaw, international law applies, the implementation of the system ofregulation and supervision of the behavioral effects. So regarding to theactivities about utilization and protection of Antarctic biological geneticresources, ATCM should directly guide and participate in the actualimplementation, the UN should play the role of macro guidance andsupervision of security, SCAR,CEP and other organizations should assisted with ATCM and UN and participate broadly. At last, under theguidance of the principles of international law and environmental law, thepaper will set the specific legal systems which are applicable to eachspecific stage of activities. For example, the permission access systemunder the precautionary principle, the exploration and developmentsystem under the principles of conservation of resources, thebenefit-sharing regime under the principle of common interests, thepatent protection system under the principle of benefit-sharing, theAntarctic environmental protection regime under the principle ofsustainable development, including environmental impact assessmentsystem, Antarctic protected area system and fund system. On this basis,the paper's purpose is to seek the possibilities of transforming into matureinternational practice system, is to regulate and guide behaviors, andprotect natural resources and the environment of Antarctic.
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    1Deborah E. Mason, Note, Kiss and Make-up: A Need For Consolidation of FDA and Cosmetic Industry RegulationPrograms,18Health Matrix2008, at181,183(quoting Melissa C. Lazarus&Leslie S. Baumann, The Use ofCosmeceutical Moisturizers,14Dermatologic Therapy2001, at200,200).
    2David Leary, Bi-Polar Disorder? Is Bioprospecting an Emerging Issue for the Arctic as Well as for Antarctica?
    317RECIEL2008, at41.D. Lohan and S. Johnston, Bioprospecting in Antarctica, United Nations University–Institute of AdvancedStudies,2005, at7.
    4Ian Sample, Scientists Warn that the World's Least Damaged Environment Could be Changed Forever by the Huntfor Potentially Lucrative Organisms: Cold Rush Threatens Pristine Antarctic, The Guardian (London), Feb.2,2004,at9.
    1Lyle Glowka, Bioprospecting, Alien Invasive Species, and Hydrothermal Vents: Three Emerging Legal Issues inthe Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity,13Tul. Envtl. L.J.2000, at349.
    2The Secretary-General, Report of the Secretary-General on Oceans and the Law of the Sea, at168, delivered tothe General Assembly, U.N. Doc. A/62/66(Mar.12,2007).
    3David Leary, United Nations Univ.-Inst. Advanced Studies, Bioprospecting in the Arctic,2008, at13-14.
    4Antarticine-NF3for the Treatment and Re-Epithelialisation of Wounds, Patent ES2181592(published Feb.2003,at16), available at http://v3.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio? DB=EPODOC&adjacent=True&locale=EN_EP&FT=D&date=20030216&CC=ES&NR=2181592A1&KC=A1,最后访问2012-5-24。
    1Dagmar Lohan and Sam Johnston, United Nations Univ-Inst. Advanced Studies, The International Regime forBioprospecting: Existing Policies and Emerging Issues for Antarctica,2003, at10,available at http://www.ias.unu.edu/binaries/UNUIAS_AntarcticaReport.pdf,最后访问2012-5-24。
    2The Secretary-General, Report of the Secretary-General on Oceans and the Law of the Sea, at164, delivered tothe General Assembly, U.N. Doc. A/62/66(Mar.12,2007).
    1On the absence of this data see D.Leary, M.Vierros, G. Hamon, S. Arico and C. Monagle,'A Review of Scientificand Commercial Interest', Marine Policy,33(2009)183-194and B. Pisupati, D. Leary and S. Arico,'Access andBenefit Sharing: Issues Related to Marine Genetic Resources' Asian Biotechnology and Development Review,10(3),2008, at49-68.
    1Belgium, ATCM XVI-WP11-'An update on biological prospecting in Antarctica, including the development ofthe Antarctic Biological Prospecting Database', available athttp://www.bioprospector.org/bioprospector/Resources/actm/Atcm31_wp011_e.pdf,最后访问2012-6-7。
    2USA National Research Council, Frontiers in Polar Biology in the Genomic Era (National Academies Press,2001, at1.
    3Belgium, ATCM XVI-WP11-'An update on biological prospecting in Antarctica, including the development ofthe Antarctic Biological Prospecting Database', available athttp://www.bioprospector.org/bioprospector/Resources/actm/Atcm31_wp011_e.pdf,最后访问2012-6-7。
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    1Julia Jabour Green and Dianne Nicol. Bioprospecting in areas outside national jurisdiction: Antarctica and theSouthern Ocean. Melbourne Journal of International Law, vol4,2003, at86-87.
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    1Salvatore Arico and Charlotte Salpin, United Nations Univ.-Inst. Advanced Studies, Bioprospecting of GeneticResources in the Deep Seabed: Scientific, Legal and Policy Aspects,2005, at8.
    2European Commission, Background Documents for the Green Paper Towards a Future Maritime Policy for theUnion: A European Vision for the Oceans and Seas. Background Paper No10on Marine Biotechnology (EuropeanCommission,2006, available at http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/suppdoc_en.html,最后访问2012-6-16。
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    3New Zealand Information Paper XXVI ATCM/IP047which was a report of an academic workshop onBioprospecting in Antarctica hosted by “Gateway Antarctica” at the University of Canterbury in2003.
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    1M. Rogan Finnemore,‘What Bioprospecting Means for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean’, in G. Leane and B.Von Tigerstrom (eds), International Law Issues in the South Pacific, Ashgate,2005, at199.
    1A. Hemmings and M. Rogan-Finnemore,‘The issues posed by bioprospecting in Antarctica’, in A. Hemmingsand M. Rogan-Finnemore (eds), at235.
    2A. Hemmings and M. Rogan-Finnemore,‘The issues posed by bioprospecting in Antarctica’, in A. Hemmingsand M. Rogan-Finnemore (eds), at239.
    3J. Jabour-Green and D. Nicol,‘Bioprospecting in areas outside national jurisdiction: Antarctica and the SouthernOcean’,76:4Melbourne Journal of International Law,2003, at76.
    1Harry, The Antarctic Regime and the Law of the Sea Convention: An Australian View,21VA. J. INT'L L.1981,at727,744.
    1G. Hackworth,1Digest of International Law56(1940).
    1Alexander, Legal Aspects: Exploitation of Antarctic Resources,33U. MIAMI L. REV.1978, at371,414-15.
    2Harry, The Antarctic Regime and the Law of the Sea Convention: An Australian View,21VA. J. INT'L L.1981,at727,743.
    1Tim Hillier: Principles of Public International Law(Second Edition), Cavendish Publishing Limited, at110.21958年《日内瓦公海公约》,第1、2条;1982年《联合国海洋法公约》,第87、89条;1967年《外空条约》,第2条、第10章。
    1Ellen S. Tenenbaum, A World Park in Antarctica: The Common Heritage of Mankind,10VA. ENVTL. L. J.1990, at109,114.
    2Garrett Hardin, The Tragedy of the Commons,162Science,1968, at1243,1244-45.
    3Michael A. Heller, The Tragedy of the Anticommons: Property in the Transition from Marx to Markets,111Harv.L. Rev.1998, at621,622.
    2Antarctic Resource Jurisdiction and the Law of the Sea: A Question of Compromise,11BROOKLYN J. INT'L L.1985, at65.
    1Lancaster, U.S.-Backed Antarctic Pact Criticized; Prospecting Could Pave Way to Ecological Disaster,Opponents Say, Wash. Post, Sept.30,1989, at17.
    2Ellen S. Tenenbaum, A World Park in Antarctica: The Common Heritage of Mankind,10VA. ENVTL. L. J.1990, at109,114.
    3Barbara Ellen Heim, Exploring the Last Frontiers for Mineral Resources: A Comparison of International LawRegarding the Deep Seabed, Outer Space, Antarctica,23V and J. Tranat'1L,1990, at819-827.
    4Deborah C. Waller, Abstract, Death of a Theory: The Decline and Fall of the Antarctic Minerals Convention,Vand Journal of Transnational Law, Volume22,1989, at660.
    2Deborah C. Waller, Abstract, Death of a Theory: The Decline and Fall of the Antarctic Minerals Convention,Vand Journal of Transnational Law, Volume22,1989, at660.
    3Jill Grob, Antarctica's Frozen Territorial Claims: A Meltdown Proposal, B.C. International and Comparative LawReview, Volume30,2007, at483.
    1Brian M. Hoffstadt, Moving the Heavens: Lunar Mining and the Common Heritage of Mankind in the MoonTreaty,(42) UCLA Law Review,1994, at575-621.
    2参见:Lyle Glowka, the Deepest of Ironies: Genetic Resources, Marine Scientific Research, and the Area,(12)Ocean Yearbook,1996, at154-178. Julia Jabour Green and Dianne Nicol, Bioprospecting in Areas outsideNational Jurisdiction: Antarctica and the Sourthern Ocean,(4) Melbourne Journal of International Law,2003, at76-111.
    1Alfred Crosby, Ecological Imperialism—The,Biological Expansion of Europe, Cambridge Press, Cambridge,1986, at900-1900.
    2例如:在《生物多样性公约》以及《粮食与农业遗传资源国际条约》的谈判中,各国代表没有一个公开赞成这种主张的。关于此问题的详述,参见:StephanicAulong and Sophie Thoyer: the Evolving Nature ofConflicts in International Environmental Negotiations: the Case of the International Treaty on Agricultural GeneticResources, Paper Presented at the4thPan-European International Relations Conference, Canterbury (UK),2001-9-8/9.
    3尽管各国对“人类”(Mankind)是否构成新的国际法主体还存在争论,但由世界上所有国家代表全人类来行使权利在法律和事实上都已经被接受。关于此问题的详述,参见Christopher C. Joyner, Legal Implicationsof the Concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind,(35) International Law and Comparative Law Quarterly,1986, at190.
    1Moore,1Int. Arb. Awards (1898),755, reprinted in1International Environmental Law Reports,1999, at43.
    3德国国际环境法学者弗兰克·比尔曼(Frank Biermann)在以大气保护为例进行分析时,认为人类共同关切事项的内涵包括各国对共同关切事项承担共同但有区别的责任和发达国家负有团结协助(solidarity)的义务两个重要方面。参见Frank Biermann,"Concern of Humankind": the Emergence of a New Concept ofInternational Environmental Law,(34) Srchiv des Volkerrechts,4,1996, at426-481.
    1Frank Biermann,"Concern of Humankind": the Emergence of a New Concept of International EnvironmentalLaw,(34) Srchiv des Volkerrechts,4,1996, at426-481.
    1Stephen B. Brush, the Demise of "Common Heritage" and Protection for Traditional Agricultural Knowledge,Paper Prepared for Conference on Biodiversity, Biotechnology and the Protection of Traditional Knowledge, St.Louis MO,2003-4-4/5.
    1Bryan A. Garner, Black's Law Dictionary,6th edition1990, at1304-1305.
    2Commission on Global Governance, Our Global Neighborhood,Report of the Commission on Global
    3Governance, New York: Clarendon Press, Oxford,1995, at251-253.James E. Mann, French Nuclear Testing and International Law,24RUT. L. R.1969, at157-159.
    4William James Holmes, a Comparison of the United Ststes and Russian Federation Regimes for Protection of theAntarctic by the Use of Use of Environmental Impact Assessments, Georgetown International Environmental LawReview Winter,1993, at73.
    5Executive Order No.12,114,3C.F.R.734(1980), reprinted in42U.S.C.§43211988, at978.
    1Scott C. Whitney, Should the National Environmental Policy Act Be Extended to Major Federal DecisionsSignificantly Affecting the Environment of Sovereign Foreign States and the Global Commons?,1VILL. ENVTL.L.J.1990, at431.
    6马耳他对联合国秘书长的永久使命,verbale,1967年8月17日,联合国文件A/6095,参见Ogley, WhoseCommon Heritage? Creating a Law for the Sea-bed (Guildford,1975), at17-25.
    1Gennady M. Danilenko,"the Concept of the 'Common Heritage of Mankind' in International Law", Annals ofAir and Space Law, Vol. XIII,1998, at252-253.
    3马耳他对联合国秘书长的永久使命,verbale,1967年8月17日,联合国文件A/6095,参见Ogley,WhoseCommon Heritage? Creating a Law for the Sea-bed (Guildford,1975), at17-25.
    1Deborah C. Waller, Abstract, Death of a Theory: The Decline and Fall of the Antarctic Minerals Convention,Vand Journal of Transnational Law, Volume22,1989, at660.
    2Jill Grob, Antarctica's Frozen Territorial Claims: A Meltdown Proposal, B.C. International and Comparative LawReview, Volume30,2007, at483.
    1UN Doc. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.9,22August1974.
    2UN Doc. A/CONF.62/C.3/L.26,3April1975.
    1Francesco Francioni and Tullio Scovazzi, Biotechnology and International Law. Hart Publishing,2006, at332-343.
    3Antarctic Resource Jurisdiction and the Law of the Sea: A Question of Compromise,11BROOKLYN J. INT'L L.
    1985, at65.
    1朱瑛、薛桂芳、李金蓉:《南极地区大陆架划界引发的法律制度碰撞》,《极地研究》2011年第4期,第322页。转引自Dodds K. Governing Antarctica: Contemporary Challenges and the Enduring Legacy of the1959Antarctic Treaty. Global Policy,2010(1), at108-115.
    1UN doc, A/41/722, November17,1986, at29.
    1Allan Young, Antarctic Resource Jurisdiction and the Law of the Sea: a Question of Compromise, BrooklynJournal of International Law,11Brook. J. Int'l L.,1985, at45.
    1朱瑛、薛桂芳、李金蓉:《南极地区大陆架划界引发的法律制度碰撞》,《极地研究》2011年第4期,第323页。转引自Dodds K. Governing Antarctica: Contemporary Challenges and the Enduring Legacy of the1959Antarctic Treaty. Global Policy,2010(1), at108-115.
    1Deborah C. Waller, Abstract, Death of a Theory: the Decline and Fall of the Antarctic Minerals Convention,Vand Journal of Transnational Law,Volume22,1989, at660.
    1UN doc, A/41/722, November17,1986, at29.
    1Reports of the Chairmen of the Legal and Technical Commission to the Council (ISBA/9/C/4and ISBA/10/C/4).
    2Para15-17, Report of the Chairman of the Legal and Technical Commission (ISBA/9/C/4).
    1UNEP/CBD/COP/10/5/Add.1,5May2009, at10.
    1UNEP/CBD/COP/10/5/Add.1,5May2009, at119.
    1Frank Pallone, Resource Exploitation: the Threat to the Legal Regime of Antarctica, International Lawyer,vol.12,1978, at547.
    2Bernard P. Herber, Bioprospecting in Antarctica: The Search for a Policy Regime,42Polar Rec.2006, at139,143.
    1David Leary, Bi-Polar Disorder? Is Bioprospecting an Emerging Issue for the Arctic as Well as for Antarctica? at42; see also John Vogler, The Global Commons: A Regime Analysis,1995, at8.(该学者则认为:成员国从未认为南极的海洋资源是人类共同遗产的一部分)。
    2Antarctic Resource Jurisdiction and the Law of the Sea: A Question of Compromise,11BROOKLYN J. INT'L L.1985, at65.
    1The Ad Hoc Open-Ended Informal Working Group was established pursuant to G.A. Res.59/24, at73, U.N. Doc.A/RES/59/24(Feb.4,2005).
    1Elaine F. Foreman, Protecting the Antarctic Environment: will a Protocol be Enough? American UniversityJournal of International Law and Policy Summer,1992, at843-879.
    2Ethel R. Theis, the United Nations and the Antarctic Treaty System, American Society of International LawProceedings April9-12,1986, at269-287.
    12002年第25届协商会议英国向南极环境保护委员会提交名为“南极生物勘探”的工作文件,Working Paperon Biological Prospecting in Antarctica, Submitted to the XXV ATCM by the United Kingdom,2002.
    12002年第25届协商会议英国向南极环境保护委员会提交名为“南极生物勘探”的工作文件,Working Paperon Biological Prospecting in Antarctica, Submitted to the XXV ATCM by the United Kingdom,2002.
    2Julia Jabour Green and Dianne Nicol. Bioprospecting in areas outside national jurisdiction: Antarctica and theSouthern Ocean. Melbourne Journal of International Law, vol4,2003, at86-87.
    的信息文件,Information Paper on Concepts, Terms and Definitions, including a ComparativeAnalysis, submitted
    to ATCM XXXII by Spain, Sweden and the six countries,2009.
    1Biological Prospecting in Antarctica, Resolution7in the report of ATCM XXVIII-CEP VIII, Stockholm,2005.available at http://www.ats.aq/devAS/ats_meetings_meeting_measure.aspx?lang=e,最后访问2012-11-8。
    22005年第28届协商会议新西兰、瑞典提交的名为“南极生物勘探”的工作文件,Working Paper on BiologicalProspecting in Antarctica, Submitted to the XXVIII ATCM by the New Zealand, Sweden,2005. New ZealandInformation Paper XXVI ATCM/IP047which was a report of an academic workshop on Bioprospecting inAntarctica hosted by “Gateway Antarctica” at the University of Canterbury in2003.
    12007年第30届协商会议荷兰、比利时、法国提交的名为“南极生物勘探管理框架范围的确定”的工作文件,Working Paper on Biological Prospecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area–Scoping for a Regulatory Framework,submitted to ATCM XXX by the Netherlands, Belgium and France,2007.
    12008年第31届协商会议荷兰提交的名为“ATCM联络组对南极条约区域生物勘探问题的调查报告”的工作文件,Working Paper on Report of the ATCM Intersessional Contact Group to examine the issue of BiologicalProspecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area, submitted to ATCM XXXI by the Netherlands,2008.保加利亚等八个国家提交的名为“南极条约体系管理生物勘探的缺陷分析”的工作文件,AGap Analysis of theAntarctic TreatySystem Regarding the Management of Biological Prospecting,2009.
    12007年第30届协商会议荷兰、比利时、法国提交的名为“南极生物勘探管理框架范围的确定”的工作文件,Working Paper on Biological Prospecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area–Scoping for a Regulatory Framework,submitted to ATCM XXX by the Netherlands, Belgium and France,2007.22008年第31届协商会议荷兰提交的名为“ATCM联络组对南极条约区域生物勘探问题的调查报告”的工作文件,Working Paper on Report of the ATCM Intersessional Contact Group to examine the issue of BiologicalProspecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area, submitted to ATCM XXXI by the Netherlands,2008.
    12009年第32届协商会议保加利亚等八个国家提交的名为“南极条约体系管理生物勘探的缺陷分析”的工作文件,Working Paper onAGap Analysis of the Antarctic Treaty System Regarding the Management ofBiological Prospecting, submitted to ATCM XXXII by Bulgaria,2009.22010年第33届协商会议荷兰提交的名为“南极条约地区生物资源获取和使用的原则”的工作文件,Working Paper on Principles for the Access to and Use of Biological Material in the Antarctic Treaty Area,submitted to ATCM XXXIII by Netherlands,2010.2010年第33届协商会议荷兰提交的名为“ATCM联络组就南极条约区域生物勘探问题的调查报告”的工作文件,Working Paper on Report of theATCM IntersessionalContact Group to Examine the Issue of Biological Prospecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area, submitted to ATCMXXXIII by Netherlands,2010.
    1南极条约第3条第1款有关“基于科学研究的目的而进行的科学信息的交流与合作”的规定。22005年第28届协商会议新西兰、瑞典提交的名为“南极生物勘探”的工作文件,Working Paper on BiologicalProspecting in Antarctica, Submitted to the XXVIII ATCM by the New Zealand, Sweden,2005.32008年第31届协商会议荷兰提交的名为“ATCM联络组对南极条约区域生物勘探问题的调查报告”的工作文件,Working Paper on Report of the ATCM Intersessional Contact Group to examine the issue of BiologicalProspecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area, submitted to ATCM XXXI by the Netherlands,2008.
    12009年第32届协商会议保加利亚等八个国家提交的名为“南极条约体系管理生物勘探的缺陷分析”的工作文件,Working Paper onAGap Analysis of the Antarctic Treaty System Regarding the Management ofBiological Prospecting, submitted to ATCM XXXII by Bulgaria,2009.
    12008年第31届协商会议荷兰提交的名为“ATCM联络组对南极条约区域生物勘探问题的调查报告”的工作文件,Working Paper on Report of the ATCM Intersessional Contact Group to examine the issue of BiologicalProspecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area, submitted to ATCM XXXI by the Netherlands,2008.
    12009年第32届协商会议保加利亚等八个国家提交的名为“南极条约体系管理生物勘探的缺陷分析”的工作文件,Working Paper onAGap Analysis of the Antarctic Treaty System Regarding the Management ofBiological Prospecting, submitted to ATCM XXXII by Bulgaria,2009.
    12010年第33届协商会议荷兰提交的名为“ATCM联络组就南极条约区域生物勘探问题的调查报告”的工作文件,Working Paper on Report of the ATCM Intersessional Contact Group to Examine the Issue of BiologicalProspecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area, submitted to ATCM XXXIII by Netherlands,2010.
    12002年第25届协商会议英国向南极环境保护委员会提交名为“南极生物勘探”的工作文件,Working Paperon Biological Prospecting in Antarctica, Submitted to the XXV ATCM by the United Kingdom,2002.
    22003年第26届协商会议新西兰提交的名为“海洋药物生物勘探的规模和可持续性”的工作文件,WorkingPaper on Scale and Sustainability of Marine Bioprospecting for Pharmaceuticals, Submitted to ATCM XXVI bythe New Zealand,2003.
    32004年第27届协商会议最终报告,Final Report of the Twenty-Seventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting,Cape Town, South Africa,24May-4June2004, at294.
    42005年第28届协商会议西班牙、新西兰、瑞典提交的名为“南极生物勘探”的工作文件,Working Paperson Biological Prospecting in Antarctica, Submitted to the XXVIII ATCM by Spain, New Zealand, Sweden,2005.
    52006年第29届协商会议最终报告,Final Report of the Twenty-ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting,Edinburgh, United Kingdom,12-23June2006.
    12007年第30届协商会议荷兰、比利时、法国提交的名为“南极生物勘探管理框架范围的确定”的工作文件,Working Paper on Biological Prospecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area–Scoping for a Regulatory Framework,submitted to ATCM XXX by the Netherlands, Belgium and France,2007.
    22008年第31届协商会议荷兰提交的名为“ATCM联络组对南极条约区域生物勘探问题的调查报告”的工作文件,Working Paper on Report of the ATCM Intersessional Contact Group to examine the issue of BiologicalProspecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area, submitted to ATCM XXXI by the Netherlands,2008.
    32009年第32届协商会议澳大利亚、新西兰提交的名为“南极条约体系下生物勘探的规制”的工作文件,Working Paper on Regulation of biological prospecting under the Antarctic Treaty system, submitted to ATCMXXXII by Australia and New Zealand,2009.2009年第32届协商会议保加利亚等八个国家提交的名为“南极条约体系管理生物勘探的缺陷分析”的工作文件,Working Paper onAGap Analysis of the Antarctic TreatySystem Regarding the Management of Biological Prospecting, submitted to ATCM XXXII by Bulgaria,2009.
    12010年第33届协商会议联合国环境规划署提交的名为“异地保育在南极生物勘探中的作用”的工作文件,Working Paper on the Role of Ex-Situ Collections in Antarctic Bioprospecting, prepared by UNU-IAS, submittedto ATCM XXXIII by UNEP,2010.
    12009年第32届协商会议澳大利亚、新西兰提交的名为“南极条约体系下生物勘探的规制”的工作文件,Working Paper on Regulation of biological prospecting under the Antarctic Treaty system, submitted to ATCMXXXII by Australia and New Zealand,2009.2009年第32届协商会议保加利亚等八个国家提交的名为“南极条约体系管理生物勘探的缺陷分析”的工作文件,Working Paper onAGapAnalysis of theAntarctic TreatySystem Regarding the Management of Biological Prospecting, submitted to ATCM XXXII by Bulgaria,2009.
    12010年第33届协商会议荷兰提交的名为“南极条约地区生物资源获取和使用的原则”的工作文件,Working Paper on Principles for the Access to and Use of Biological Material in the Antarctic Treaty Area,submitted to ATCM XXXIII by Netherlands,2010.
    22009年第32届协商会议保加利亚等八个国家提交的名为“南极条约体系管理生物勘探的缺陷分析”的工作文件,Working Paper onAGap Analysis of the Antarctic Treaty System Regarding the Management ofBiological Prospecting, submitted to ATCM XXXII by Bulgaria,2009.
    1It is important to note that there are divergent views among States Parties with regard to the role of the Meetingof States Parties in relation to the discussion of substantive matters. See document SPLOS/148, paragraphs92-95.
    2Document SPLOS/148,第87段。
    12008年第31届协商会议荷兰提交的名为“ATCM联络组对南极条约区域生物勘探问题的调查报告”的工作文件,Working Paper on Report of the ATCM Intersessional Contact Group to examine the issue of BiologicalProspecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area, submitted to ATCM XXXI by the Netherlands,2008.22009年第32届协商会议保加利亚等八个国家提交的名为“南极条约体系管理生物勘探的缺陷分析”的工作文件,Working Paper onAGap Analysis of the Antarctic Treaty System Regarding the Management ofBiological Prospecting, submitted to ATCM XXXII by Bulgaria,2009.
    12010年第33届协商会议荷兰提交的名为“ATCM联络组就南极条约区域生物勘探问题的调查报告”的工作文件,Working Paper on Report of the ATCM Intersessional Contact Group to Examine the Issue of BiologicalProspecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area, submitted to ATCM XXXIII by Netherlands,2010.
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    [1]2002年第25届协商会议英国向南极环境保护委员会提交名为“南极生物勘探”的工作文件,Working Paper on Biological Prospecting inAntarctica, Submitted to the XXV ATCM by the United Kingdom,2002.
    [2]2002年第25届协商会议英国提交的名为“南极生物勘探”的工作文件,Working Paper on Biological Prospecting in Antarctica,Submitted to ATCM XXV by the United Kingdom,2002.
    [3]2003年第26届协商会议新西兰提交的名为“海洋药物生物勘探的规模和可持续性”的工作文件,Working Paper on Scale andSustainability of Marine Bioprospecting for Pharmaceuticals, Submittedto ATCM XXVI by the New Zealand,2003.
    [4]2004年第27届协商会议最终报告, Final Report of theTwenty-Seventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Cape Town,South Africa,24May-4June2004.
    [5]2005年第28届协商会议西班牙、新西兰、瑞典提交的名为“南极生物勘探”的工作文件,Working Papers on Biological Prospecting inAntarctica, Submitted to the XXVIII ATCM by Spain, New Zealand,Sweden,2005.
    [6]2005年第28届协商会议新西兰、瑞典提交的名为“南极生物勘探”的工作文件,Working Paper on Biological Prospecting inAntarctica,Submitted to the XXVIII ATCM by the New Zealand, Sweden,2005.
    [7]2005年28届协商会议联合国大学高级研究所提交的名为“南极生物勘探的最新发展”的工作文件,Working Paper on RecentDevelopments in Biological Prospecting Relevant to Antarctica,Submitted to the XXVIII ATCM by United Nations University Institute ofAdvanced Studies,2005.
    [8]2006年第29届协商会议最终报告,Final Report of the Twenty-ninthAntarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Edinburgh, United Kingdom,12-23June2006.
    [9]2006年29届协商会议阿根廷提交的名为“阿根廷在南极的生物勘探和修复的活动”的工作文件,Working Paper onArgentine activitiesof bioprospecting and bioremediation in Antarctica, Submitted to theXXIX ATCM by Argentina,2006.
    [10]2006年29届协商会议白俄罗斯和联合国环境规划署提交的名为“生物勘探的最新趋势”的工作文件,Working Paper on Recent Trendsin the Biological Prospecting, Submitted to the XXIX ATCM by Belarusand UNEP,2006.
    [11]2006年29届协商会议联合国环境规划署提交的名为“南极生物勘探的最新趋势”的工作文件,Working Paper on Recent Trends in theBiological Prospecting, Submitted to the XXIX ATCM by UNEP,2006.
    [12]2006年第29届协商会议联合国环境计划署提交的名为“探索南极生物勘探法律机制”的工作文件,Working Paper on Exploring theAntarctic bioprospecting legal mechanisms, submitted to ATCM XXIXby UNEP,2006.
    [13]2007年第30届协商会议荷兰、比利时、法国提交的名为“南极生物勘探管理框架范围的确定”的工作文件,Working Paper onBiological Prospecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area–Scoping for aRegulatory Framework, submitted to ATCM XXX by the Netherlands,Belgium and France,2007.
    [14]2007年第30届协商会议联合国环境规划署提交的名为“南极生物勘探的回顾与发展”的工作文件,Working Paper on BiologicalProspecting in Antarctica: Review, Update and Proposed Tool to Supporta Way Forward, submitted to ATCM XXX by UNU-IAS with supportfrom the Belgian Federal Ministry of Environment and UNEP,2007.
    [15]2008年第31届协商会议荷兰提交的名为“ATCM联络组对南极条约区域生物勘探问题的调查报告”的工作文件,Working Paper onReport of the ATCM Intersessional Contact Group to examine the issue ofBiological Prospecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area, submitted to ATCMXXXI by the Netherlands,2008.
    [16]2008年第31届协商会议比利时提交的名为“南极生物勘探数据库的发展更新”的工作文件,Working Paper onAn update on biologicalprospecting in Antarctica, including the development of the AntarcticBiological Prospecting Database, submitted to ATCM XXXI by Belgium,2008.
    [17]2008年第31届协商会议最终报告,Final Report of the Thirty-firstAntarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting,2008.
    [18]2009年第32届协商会议保加利亚等八个国家提交的名为“南极条约体系管理生物勘探的缺陷分析”的工作文件,Working Paper onAGap Analysis of the Antarctic Treaty System Regarding the Managementof Biological Prospecting, submitted to ATCM XXXII by Bulgaria,2009.
    [19]2009年第32届协商会议澳大利亚、新西兰提交的名为“南极条约体系下生物勘探的规制”的工作文件,Working Paper on Regulationof biological prospecting under the Antarctic Treaty system, submitted toATCM XXXII by Australia and New Zealand,2009.
    [20]2009年第32届协商会议西班牙、瑞典等六个国家提交的名为“生物勘探的概念、术语、定义和比较研究”的信息文件,Information Paperon Concepts, Terms and Definitions, including a Comparative Analysis,submitted to ATCM XXXII by Spain, Sweden and the six countries,2009.
    [21]2009年第32届协商会议比利时等八个国家提交的名为“南极生物勘探数据库”的工作文件,Working Paper on TheAntarctic BiologicalProspecting Database, submitted to ATCM XXXII by Belgium and theeight countries,2009.
    [22]2009年第32届协商会议联合国环境规划署提交的名为“生物勘探:在国际层面上最近的政策发展更新”的工作文件,Working Paperon Biological Prospecting: An update on recent policy developments atthe international level, submitted to ATCM XXXII by UNEP,2009.
    [23]2009年第32届协商会议南极研究科学委员会提交的名为“南极生物勘探:南极研究科学委员会的更新评论”的工作文件,WorkingPaper on Biological prospecting in the Antarctic: An update on the reviewby SCAR, submitted to ATCM XXXII by SCAR,2009.
    [24]2010年第33届协商会议荷兰提交的名为“南极条约地区生物资源获取和使用的原则”的工作文件,Working Paper on Principles for theAccess to and Use of Biological Material in the Antarctic Treaty Area,submitted to ATCM XXXIII by Netherlands,2010.
    [25]2010年第33届协商会议荷兰提交的名为“ATCM联络组就南极条约区域生物勘探问题的调查报告”的工作文件,Working Paper onReport of the ATCM Intersessional Contact Group to Examine the Issueof Biological Prospecting in the Antarctic Treaty Area, submitted toATCM XXXIII by Netherlands,2010.
    [26]2010年第33届协商会议联合国环境规划署提交的名为“异地保育在南极生物勘探中的作用”的工作文件,Working Paper on the Roleof Ex-Situ Collections in Antarctic Bioprospecting, prepared byUNU-IAS, submitted to ATCM XXXIII by UNEP,2010.
    [27]2010年第33届协商会议南极研究科学委员会提交的名为“南极地区生物勘探:最新研究的保守概况”的工作文件,Working Paper onBiological prospecting in the Antarctic region: a conservative overview ofcurrent research, submitted to ATCM XXXII by SCAR,2010.
    [28]2011年第32届协商会议最终报告, Final Report of theThirty-second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting,2011.
    [29]2012年第33届协商会议最终报告,Final Report of the Thirty-thirdAntarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting,2012.
    [57]郭培清:《南极的资源与资源政治》, OCEAN WORLD2007—2008国际极地年。

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