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通过在地理信息系统(GIS:Geographic Information System)中建立空间分析模型来研究城市街区形态的生成和演化发展是城市GIS分析的一项重要研究内容。多智能体整体建模仿真理论、方法的逐步发展和成熟,为此类研究提供了一种全新的手段和方式。借助于多智能体整体建模仿真的理论、方法,对城市复杂系统的结构和机制的研究,沿着从宏观到微观的发展过程,可以继续往前推进到一个更加精细的尺度之上——开展针对城市街区人群流动形态的研究:利用复杂自适应系统(CAS:Complex Autonomous System)的理论方法,通过建立基于多智能体的模拟模型来模拟城市人群在城市空间环境中的空间与时间动力学过程。
     2.在对多智能体系统(Multi-agent System)进行深入、系统的探讨基础上,结合城市空间内人群流动形态的特征,提出了一个基于多智能体系统的用于城市空间人群流动形态模拟模型框架。该模型可以对城市空间内人群流动这一复杂过程进行动态模拟,在深层次上揭示人群流动复杂过程的特征和规律,从而为此类复杂系统的动态模拟研究提供了一个初步的解决方案。然后在这个模型框架上,构造了一个用于模拟城市空间人群流动动态变化的动态演化模型。在空间数据库支持下,该模型可以进行实际城市空间内人群流动形态的动态模拟。该模型是一个自下而上的、层次性的、宏观与微观相结合、空间模型与社会统计模型相结合的空间动力学模型,具有很强的实用性。
It is an important field to simulate the evolution of cities and related systems with a dynamic model by GIS. The development of the theory and method of multi-agent system provide a new way to simulate the urban dynamics. By this, the research to the complex urban system and mechanism will be promoted so greatly that it can be simulated the urban pedestrian flow. Urban pedestrian flow simulation, that is what this dissertation focus on. By the Complex Autonomous System theory and method, a dynamic model based on the multi-agent system will be set up, and then it will be applied to simulate the spatial evolution and temporal process of pedestrian flow in the city.
    The central works in this dissertation are listed as follows:
    1. The scheme for urban pedestrian flow simulation was discussed after the systematic analysis of Modernistic System Science, Nonlinear Science and Science of Complexity and comprehensive exploration of complexity properties of pedestrian flow in urban, especial to the Multi-agent System theory from Artificial Intelligence.
    2. Considering the characteristic of urban pedestrian flow and Multi-agent System, a dynamic model framework is brought forward as a general framework of based simulation model for simulating and analyzing complex pedestrian flow system. It is a scheme for the study of pedestrian flow, through which profound principle can be explored. By that, a dynamic model is constructed especially for simulating urban pedestrian flow dynamic evolution. With the support of GIS spatial database, it can also simulate the real city pedestrian flow, while the hypothetical city environment can be used for simulation using this model. Bottom-Up modeling strategy are applied in this model. And it has hierarchical structure. It is composed of many layers. By dynamically integrating with socio-economical model, it enables macro and micro principles, statistical attributes and spatial distribution pattern to combine together concurrently. The simulating and predicting power of this model is strong.
    3. To achieve the intelligence of pedestrian agent, the design of the model in this dissertation should base on the vector data not on the grid data when it is applied in GIS. And the key technology is discussed to carry out the integration the model with GIS. Therefore the dynamic model could be support by the GIS spatial database to be applied in a real city environment.
    4. The model as kernel, a computer software is developed to simulate urban pedestrian flow dynamic evolution using Object-Oriented Design (OOD) and Object-Oriented techniques. The software platform makes it possible to calculate and visualize urban evolution in real-time. Thus, it can be regarded as the "Virtual Laboratory" for the exploration of dynamic evolution of complex urban pedestrian flow system.
    5. Dynamic evolution behaviors of the urban pedestrian flow are explored thoroughly using the software system. And through the experiments, some principles and characteristics for urban pedestrian flow are testified or educed. The experiment cases include pedestrian flow simulation Shanghai Stadium and Tongji University. And both result is satisfy.
    In a word, the main contribution in this dissertation include: 1.Inspired by the theories of complex system, a bottom-up mode model framework for complex urban pedestrian flow system simulation is put forward; 2.In the light of conceptual model, a delicate urban dynamic model is constructed; 3.And corresponding computer software system is developed; 4.Furthermore, the
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