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There are three parts in the paper.
     The first part mainly discusses the emotional changes of Beidao’s poetry due to the different environments when abroad. He left his motherland for some special reasons, afterward, his life abroad began. The new emotional presentation in his poetry reflects his real“exile”condition. He began his writing from a new course by using his mother tongue. He started to reconsider life and himself, including many real perceptions about agony, happiness and survival. He conveyed the aesthetic abstract and conciseness by means of imagery of“ego”; he pursued the ultimate meaning of life in the art distinction between true and false.
     We always summarize experience in racalling, however, poets do it by way of production. He trys to find a new imagism to reflect the past time and space, in many provinces, to create an art effect of poetry, to ask in his heart of hearts with many complex emotions and thoughts. Many domestic writers believes that his production abroad became declining compared with his former ones, some even regarded it as“old-aged writing”. But his production itself is a negation and counterattack against those slack poetry at home which depends on description and graceful tones.
     The writing experiences abroad caused Beidao to think the relationship between mother tongue and the poetry language. “Motherland is a local accent”, and the poet is far away from his motherland, which makes him feel frightened because of the separation. He works out an unexpected aesthetic effect of poet’s discourse, by summarizing his experience, taking action and using all kinds of rhetorical devices. It also shows the difficulties of the existence of poetry language as individual discourse, provoking people’s doubt about the origin descended from history.
     Motherland, nostalgia and home-going are the common theme and imagery of Beidao’s production abroad, which is of great importance for the sake of distance. The attribution of motherland is actually his resistance agaisnt outside of the world, is the origin of human nature.“The sun of mother tongue rising on the sea”makes the poet recall his motherland emotionally. All of his poems can be seen as cold landscape. As far as the persistant poet is concerned, writing is the mission of his life, is the main form of his existence; from the broader sense of social meaning, it also reflects some crises on human’s survival, including the side of making no secret of his failure about writing, that is the resistance and persistence against the fierce pain of his heart.
     The second part is about the presentation of his poery art abroad. Beidao’s poetry art is coherent all the time, but the special experiences abroad have brought a new presentation. The increasing of post-modernism abroad shows the consideration and compromise of human contradiction. In his poems, there are games, jokes, irony, laughing at oneself, daily life and random which convey that he has no choice about the world and the human nature. The poet attempts to find a solution by acute observation and consideration in contradiction, but fails, which shows the vanishment of his dream and the loneliness.
     During abroad, Beidao conducts limitless spiritual experience, he selects many unique imagery combination to present his complex moods. The identity of exile makes his production awkward, fierce, painful, despaired, lonely , down and out, together with his clear consciouseness, all that are showed in his spiritual world. Taking Grinding Knife and Right Here for instance, his poems are between simple and profound, incomplete and perfect, from which we can see the real trace of his art exploration; in language, he emphasizes interval and jumping, brief and implicit, using pause, jumping ,omitting ,blank space etc. to expand the capacity, in order to produce an association for readers and pursue the conciseness of the form.
     The last part analyzes the poetic imperfection. It always leads to the confusion about the comprehension and direction for readers, which may be caused either by the self-closing of modern Chinese, status and the feverish foreign language learning of all the people or by poets’rigid acceptance of artistic devices of western modernist school. All of the fectors influence the current circle of Chinese poets, therefore, the poems have many shortcomings unavoidably at the stage when Chinese is changing, exploring and experimenting.
     The poetry is obscure and hard to understand, which becomes an object of public denunciation. Finally, the paper analyzes the separation and barrier between writer and reader from the production itself. The writing of a poem is not only an expression, but also an experience of words. It's hard for readers to find the concrete understanding of the complete implication entailed in the poets’context, therefore, there are tense and misunderstanding between the two sides, also the difficulties of interpretation comes into being. Although it has achievements as well as shortcomings, Beidao’s poetry abroad is the whole landscape of his life writing, which is the pride of Beidao himself and the wealth he left to the circle of Chinese poets, there is much in it that we can make use of.
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