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Information system has became a necessity for modern organizations to gain competitive advantages, however, most organization’s process of implementing information system come to unsuccessful or complete fail, which decrease the profit or even driven to bankrupt. Hence, research on influential factors to information system implementation turns to the focus problem.
     There are two ways to do research on every organization’s implementing phrases according to the employee’s satisfaction as judging rules, namely individual and organizational. By analyzing the whole process of implementation, researchers suggest four models: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Technology (UTAUT), Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT), Contingency Theory (CT) and Diffusion of Innovation (DOI), and based on these models, researches find out influence factors and their effects to employee’s satisfaction. But there are some shortcomings in these researches. For one thing, these models are short of operational guiding during implementation and unable to guide implementation. For the other thing, most research focus on adoption stage instead of preparing stage and continual using stage. However, most organizations nowadays locate in continual using stages, hence further research in this stage is severely required. The third one is most research don't view informationalization as a whole but a specific step. By analyzing, improving and redesigning, this paper aims at solving these problems:
     Firstly, started from individual, the influence of individual to information system implantation in organization includes individual’s acceptance and cognition. UTAUT is the main model for researching individual’s acceptance. The model concludes previously researches and analyzes individual’s satisfaction through many angles. However, lack of definition for model variables makes using of research result in real life confront with difficulties. Furthermore, foundation theories of UTAUT contain theory that aimed at organization’s acceptance, which lead doubt to the theoretical value of UTATU. The paper reconstructs the model by conceptualizing variables in UTAUT and eliminating inappropriate theory. By empirical study, the new model is analyzed and testified.
     Secondly, individual’s cognition reflects the difference of cognition after using information system. ECT is the major tool for doing individual’s cognition research and its disadvantages are exposed as it’s used. On one hand, ECT views individual’s cognition as static, which falls short of the fact that individual constantly adjusts their cognition. On the other hand, mixing the cognition type leads to some logical contradictions. The paper imports time variable to reflect the adjusting process of individual cognition, and by distinguish individual’s expectation and desire to information system, logical contradictions are avoided as well as a much more specific analysis to influence factors are made.
     Thirdly, from the organization’s point of view, the obstacles to information system implementation also come from organization’s cognition and acceptance. CT discusses influential factors from kinds of angles, and different researches bring forward different influence factors, which confused implementation on the contrary. Besides, a unified research to those different factors is in short. The paper classifies existed influence factors and reconsiders their influence based on Analytic Network Process (ANP), which supplies new thinking for organization during preparation.
     Finally, DOI is the most used ways for researching information system’s acceptance. Different researches with each background bring forward abundant results based on DOI. Like the analysis above, too many affective factors confuse organization’s management, and make the management set down some measures attend for one thing while lose another. The paper stands on Complex System view, by discussing the mutual relationship among influential factors and multi-circle analysis, the paper set up a new model and testified it through empirical study.
     The paper starts from organization and individual’s angles, analyzes influence factors to information system implementation, brings forward operational suggestion and theoretical basement.
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