奶牛体细胞的纯化与人COL1α1 cDNA转染及核移植胚胎发育研究
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乳腺生物反应器(mammary gland bioreactor),或称动物个体乳腺表达系统,是指利用乳腺特异表达的乳蛋白基因调控序列构建表达载体,制作转基因动物,指导特定外源基因在动物乳腺中特异、高效率地表达,以期从分泌乳汁中获得外源活性蛋白。它具有产量高、生产成本低、易于纯化和产品活性高等优势。目前利用转基因乳腺生物反应器生产的药物蛋白有不少已经成功应用于临床治疗等多种相关领域。利用转基因克隆技术可以把对基因筛选的过程提前到细胞水平,保证出生的克隆个体是转基因动物。
     为了获得携带有目的基因的乳腺表达载体,并考虑到表达出来的融合蛋白能进行有效提纯及对阳性细胞能进行有效的筛选,实验首先从人的包皮组织中提取mRNA,反转录获得人胶原蛋白cDNA片段,在cDNA的3’端连接上了6×His蛋白分离标签。然后以pBC1质粒为基础质粒,以β-casein启动子为调控元件,通过表达质粒的改造,构建了人Ⅰ型α1胶原cDNA基因乳腺特异性表达载体。最后,再分别将绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)和新霉素抗性基因(Neor)作为双标记基因引入表达载体,完成了乳腺特异表达载体的改造和构建。合成的cDNA片段经过测序,Blast结果表明,获得的中国人的Ⅰ型α1胶原cDNA基因与Gene Bank中公布的相应基因序列一致。对构建的载体进行了PCR片段扩增分析,结果显示,构建的载体结构完整、无缺失。
     为了获得有效转染的单细胞克隆系,实验首先建立了成纤维细胞、卵丘颗粒细胞和输卵管上皮细胞系,并对这些靶细胞进行了脂质体转染和电穿孔转染实验,对转染的阳性细胞进行G418筛选并结合绿色荧光的表达对阳性细胞进行单细胞克隆的扩增培养。结果,用脂质体转染法对三种靶细胞进行转染后,成纤维细胞与卵丘颗粒细胞获得了成功转染,输卵管上皮细胞未能获得成功。之后对输卵管上皮细胞进行了电穿孔转染,通过一系列实验条件优化组合后,最后在90 mOsmo/kg低渗缓冲液、800V电压(2mm电穿孔管)下获得了20.8%的转染效率。通过对三种细胞进行G418耐受检测,得出了一致的检测结果,即三种细胞在G418浓度为800μg/mL左右时,能有效筛选出阳性细胞。获得初步筛选的细胞采用在绿色荧光下定位提取的方法将来自单细胞的阳性克隆细胞群进行了扩大,最后三种靶细胞都得到了遗传背景一致的单细胞克隆系。在实验中还发现,卵丘颗粒细胞在进行小分子量载体转染时能获得比大分子载体好的转染效果,成纤维细胞转基因细胞系的生长速度较非转基因的要慢3d左右。
Animal mammary gland bioreactor, also called individual animal mammary gland expression system, is the use of regulatory sequences of milk protein gene to construct expression vectors, produce transgenic animals and guide specific foreign genes expression.It has the advantages of high output, low cost, easy purification and high biological activity et al. Currently transgenic mammary gland bioreactor have been successfully used in clinical treatment and many other related fields. Transgenic cloning technology can screen genetic modified gene at cellular level, ensure that individuals are genetically modified cloned animals.
     In higher animals, collagen is widely distributed in connective tissue, such as skin, bones, organs mesenchymal cells, muscle cavity, ligaments and sclera et al. Cornea is entirely made of collagen. Collagen is an important structural proteins, play the function of supportive organ and protect the organism. Because of its high biological activity and low immunogenicity, in the areas of pharmaceutical, medical, beauty product, food industry, collagen have been widely used. Human collagen, in particular procollagen is more important for human to use, but because of ethical and moral constraints, it can not directly access. So, produce human collagen using mammary gland bioreactor approach is necessary, feasible and safe.
     Using mammary gland bioreactor to produce human collagen, first is to obtain collagen gene, then transfer this gene into the mammary gland expression vector. Second is to transfer the vector to target cells and obtain the positive target cells that is genetic stability and can be unlimited amplification. At last, using somatic nuclear transfer technology to obtain positive embryos.
     For the purpose of obtaining the mammary gland gene expression vector, experiments were firstly extracted mRNA from human foreskin, reverse transcription to obtain one of the collagen protein cDNA fragment. In the 3'end of the cDNA connect a 6×His protein separation tag. Then using pBCl plasmid as based vector, using (3-casein gene promoter as a regulatory element, reconstructed the expression vector that connect with human type I collagen al cDNA gene. Finally, with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and neomycin resistance gene (Neo') as a double marker genes into expression vector, completing the transformation of mammary specific expression vector. Synthesized cDNA fragments were sequenced. Blast results showed that the Chinese cloned type I al collagen cDNA gene are very similarity comparision with Gene Bank. The fragments of the vector were amplified by PCR analysis,the result showed that the constructed vector structure was complete and correct.
     In order to obtain efficient transfectant of monoclonal cell lines, experiments established fibroblasts, cumulus granulosa cells and oviduct epithelial cell lines. These target cells were carried out liposome transfection and electroporation transfection. The results showed that fibroblasts and cumulus granulosa cells have been successful transfected by the method of liposome transfection, while oviduct epithelial cells is failed. But for the oviduct epithelial cells, after carrid out electroporation transfection, obtained 20.8% of transfection efficiency on the condition of 90 mOsmo / kg hypotonic buffer and 800V voltage electric tension (2mm electroporation tube). The three types of cells use G418 that concentration at 800μg/mL can effectively screen out the positive cells. The primary screened cells use EGFP as marker can further screen out transgenic positive clones that comes from one single cell and the monoclonal cell lines have the same genetic background.
     In order to understand the apoptosis of fibroblasts, cumulus granulosa cells, oviductal epithelial cells and mammary epithelial cells that cultured in vitro, the methods of flow cytometry are performed. The results showed that at the same growth cycle, once the cells at the condition of contact inhibition or plateau phase, the process of apoptosis is significantly faster. Also with the increase of cell generations, the apoptosis rate increased. Overall, the rate of apoptosis in mammary cells is the fastest, followed by the oviduct epithelial cells. Cumulus granulosa cells' apoptosis rate was lower than fibroblast before 15 generations, but after 15 generations the other way around.
     Finally, using the genetically modified cells as donors conducted nuclear transfer (NT) and the reconstructed embryos were compared. The comparison found that:1) The reconstructed embryonic development was no significant difference (P>0.05) between the different transgenic cell lines of fibroblasts; 2):Transgenic and non-transgenic cells as NT donors, their fusion rate has shown a significant (P<0.05) decrease, but their cleavage rate and morula/blastocyst rate was not significant; 3) Three types of genetically modified cells as NT donors, the results showed that the fusion rate of fibroblasts and cumulus granulosa cells was significantly (P<0.05) higher than the oviduct epithelial cells. However, the morulae/blastocyst formation rate of fibroblasts was significantly lower than cumulus granulosa cells and oviduct epithelial cells after fused (P<0.05). These results indicate that:1) Different transgenic lines of the same type of cells probably have different insertion site and copy number, but the early embryonic development had no significant difference; 2) Transgenic process and the selection process can give rise the membrane structure change to a certain extent and resulting the fusion rate was poorer; 3) In the process of fusion, oviduct epithelial cells was relative difficulty compared with fibroblasts and cumulus cells, but in the process of reconstructed embryonic early development, cumulus cells and oviduct epithelial cells have higher viability than fibroblasts.
     This thesis had a series of systemic study that include vector construct, cells transfection, monoclonal cell lines amplification and the genetically modified embryonic development laws. The finally purpose is to provide useful reference for the development of mammary gland bioreactor.
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