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With the performance improvement and theoretical innovation in constructionproject, the importance of Construction Project Management Standardization (CPMS)research is increasingly prominent. However, little substantive study of the CPMS hasbeen done. Such fundamental problem of CPMS research has not been answered as:Does the CPMS affect project performance? How does the CPMS affect theperformance of the projects? How to improve the level of CPMS in enterprises? Thispaper has focused on these three issues and tried to answer the questions by carryingout an empirical research through a questionnaire survey, in order to provide animportant theory basis for further study on the CPMS. The main content of this paperincludes:
     Firstly, a conceptualization research has been conducted. The key factors andinfluencing factors of CPMS were identified by means of Depth Interviews andExperts’ Marking Methods. Based on the analysis of literature, some variables weredesigned to present the key factors and influencing factors. Thus, a hypothesizedresearch model was given and some questionnaires tables were further developed.
     Secondly, based on the data of convey, tests on the reliability and validity of thequestionnaire were conducted. After that, stepwise regression analysis was adopted tostudy the mechanism of action between the key factors of CPMS and processperformance, cooperation performance, accumulation of knowledge and projectperformance, in order to verify the hypothesis model.
     Thirdly, Based on survey results of the questionnaire and the test of its reliabilityand validity, Structural Equation Model was used to study the affect between theinfluencing factors and the CPMS as well as their interactive relation. Basing on theinfluencing factors, the CPMS maturity model was further constructed.
     After the questionnaire survey and statistical analysis, the main results of thepaper were developed, including:
     Firstly, eight critical factors of CPMS were identified such as ManagementTerminology Standardization. CPMS and the performance of project have a positivecorrelation which was not influenced by the type of construction projects.
     Secondly, the key factors of CPMS have positive effects on project performanceby such intermediate variable as: process performance, cooperation and knowledgeaccumulation. This kind of mechanism of action is affected by the type of construction projects. Whether the project type is consistent or not has a great impacton the mode of action of the key factors in the CPMS.
     Thirdly, the influencing factors of CPMS were classified into five types:Leadership, People, Strategy&Policy, Partnership&Resources and Process. Theirmode of action and the relationship between them were proved to meet the EFQMModel.
     Fourth, a five-level maturity mode of CPMS was put forward. Based on theidentified influencing factors, AHP method was used to determine the importance ofaffecting factors in CPMS, and the maturity evaluation system was finally formed.Then, the upgrading method in quantitative and qualitative ways of CPMS maturitywas put forward. This conclusion provided important guidance for enterprises topromote the level of CPMS.
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