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     首先,论文运用车辆动力学理论建立了1/4车辆两自由度半主动悬架系统的动力学模型。同时,考虑到路面扰动输入对悬架控制的重要影响,建立出积分白噪声形式的路面不平度数学模型。依据控制原理分别设计了半主动悬架“天棚”阻尼控制算法和模糊PID控制算法,并通过软件Matlab 7.0构建了实现这些控制策略的半主动悬架控制仿真模型,取得了比较好的效果;
     其次,介绍了如何利用Matlab/Simulink的RTW代码生成工具将Simulink模型自动转换成C/C++代码的方法,并下载到含DSP芯片的TMS320 C6713评估板中。通过这种方式可以利用Simulink方便地建立系统模型,同时也解决了Simulink模型在Matlab/Simulink环境下速度较慢的问题,大大减少了软件工程师的编程工作量。转换后的C代码能脱离Matlab环境独立运行,这进一步扩大用该方法生成的C代码的适用范围;
With the rapid development of national economy, the overall construction of expressway network and the great improvement of people's living standard, automobiles have gradually come into people's life and work, and become an indispensable means of transportation. Meanwhile, people have made greater demands on the comfort and security of automobiles. The Suspension System is the very important components to ensure vehicles travelling comfort and safety. In this paper, the writer has done the simulated and experimented research on the quarter-car suspension system which equipped the magneto-reological damper.
     Firstly, a vehicle vibration model of 1/4 body with 2 degree-of-freedom is created, which is based on the vehicle dynamics theory. Considering the influence of the input disturbance, a mathematical description of road surface irregularity is established, which is the model of integral white noise. After the modeling of input, the semi-active suspension sky control strategy and Self-adapt Fuzzy PID controller are designed respectively and the computer simulations are built with Matlab7.0 individually, we simulated the quarter-car semi-active suspension system, and achieved the better results.
     Second, this paper proposes a method of using the RTWcode generation tool to convert Matlab/ Simulink to the C/ C++ code,and loaded into the TMS320 C6713evm board.Accordingly the system' s model is constructed conveniently by using simulink. This can not only avoid the problem of low simulation speed of the model in Matlab/Simulink circumstance, but also deduce the workload of the programming engineer. In addition, the converted C code can run independently out of Matlab circumstance, which expands the use domain of the converted C code by this method.
     Finally, we present an experiment on a test rig of quarter car model equipped MR damper, and use the LabVIEW software to do a research on the fuzzy PID controller of the semi-active suspension system. Through the experiment we gain the acceleration and the suspension deflection of the sine excitation. The results proved that the fuzzy PID strategy is efficient for the semi-active suspension system, it improved the performance of suspension.
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