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Conference interpreting research (CIR) has enjoyed an increasing attention since its debut after the Second World War, including particular inquiries in the two major modes, namely consecutive interpreting (CI) and simultaneous interpreting (SI). One of the most influential theories on interpreting in the academia was wrought out by Danica Seleskovitch and Marianne Lederer, the most outstanding scholars of the Paris School, which is well-known for the interpretative theory featuring the triangle model of "comprehension-deverbalization-expression". This model emphasizes sense equivalence as a clear-cut distinction from the long prevailing model of word-for-word transcoding (linguistic translation), based on the formal equivalence.
     So far there has remained the question of the relation between "interpretation" and "transcoding", and not much directly related exploration has focused on the issue of "interpretation vs. transcoding". The interpretative theory was initially against transcoding which is regarded as mechanically "bad", yet the term "deverbalization" neglects the SL effect and the importance of study on SL forms. This thesis argues that it is more meaningful to find out some shortcomings or blemishes of the interpretative theory and develop it further, rather than to blindly follow or magnify it as many scholars have done before. This thesis holds that the interpretative theory seems to be so idealized that it excludes a common evidence of transcoding in the conference interpreting. To some extent, interpretation depends on transcoding and transcoding also expresses meanings. Due to limited time and severe pressure, the interpreter will resort to the dictionary to transcode words, phrases, or sentence patterns. He can transcode without explanation for terminologies, idioms, proverbs and formulas so long as those things are established, frequently encountered and he has already memorized them to such a degree as to carry out automatic rendition.
     This thesis endeavors to set forth a theoretical hypothesis of an integrated model of "interpretation + transcoding" on the ground of data collection and an in-depth discussion, so as to shed light on the viewpoint that interpretation should not be entirely contradictory to transcoding. By tracing these two theoretical backings, it first examines the origin and nature of the contradiction between the two theoretical models. In order to look into the feasibility and phenomena of both models, data with regard to both of them are analyzed and a detailed sample of an official press conference is investigated to prove the fact that interpretation and transcoding do exist simultaneously. Based on the analysis, it further explores some problems of the contradiction in order to improve the interpretative theory. Interpretation is not supposed to be total; while transcoding (especially in SI) is of vital importance, which can save time and reduce the interpreter's pressure. In conclusion, the thesis suggests that both modes could be reconciled in an integrated perspective for direct, prompt and flexible interpreting, and it will offer some insights for future studies. It highlights that any one-sided theory may tend to go to extreme. Therefore, a merger of the two seemingly conflicting poles is believed to breathe new vigor into the future CIR.
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