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     Physique Situation and effect factors, evaluation methods and standards, andinterventions methods will be the three major research topics in the field of physicalfitness. Reliable, efficacious, useful evaluation method for child and adolescent healthhas become a focus on physical evaluation. Currently, we need to develop appropriateindividualized evaluation of tools and reference standards.
     This study will attempt to bring LMS approach combined with the current sportscience research on physical fitness in order to developing a new evaluation methodsand standards for children and adolescents. Finally, we could provide a simpleevaluation method and scientific guidance of physical fitness for children andadolescents, in order to effectively improve the level of children and adolescentsphysical fitness and promoting overall healthy development of children andadolescents.
     This research based on the2010year research data of Shanghai7-18agestudents as subjects, using traditional sports statistics and LMS method, so as tofitting percentile curves and reference value of physical fitness for Shanghai7-18agestudents. And2012year Shanghai research data for back substitution test. Finally,using B/A/S three-tier J2EE architecture technology, developed physical health onlineevaluation system applies to the children and adolescents of Shanghai
     1、We have developed smoothed and good percentiles graph of morphologicalindexes (height, weight, BMI, waist circumference, waist circumferenceindex),function indexes (blood pressure, vital capacity indexes),and quality indexes(50meter race, sit and reach, standing long jump, grip, grip strength index, endurancerun). There are varying degrees of difference boys and girls for50meter race, sit andreach, standing long jump, endurance run of function indexes.
     2、On the basis of percentile curves,we have got the reference values database ofmorphological indexes,function indexes,quality indexes which suit for children andadolescents in Shanghai. Some reference significance to reference values of gripstrength index,50meter race, sit and reach which use common percentile to directlydevelop. A little significance to reference values of standing long jump which largerelation with skill.
     3、We establish a database based on the survey of students' physique andmonitoring database of online evaluation system to make every7-18years studentscan clearly understand the location of the crowd and the state through onlineevaluation method.
     1、The percentile curves and reference values of morphological indexes,functionindexes,quality indexes may be developed by LMS for children and adolescents.
     2、In the case of standard values are scientific and objectivity, using the currentreference values reversed tangential to established reference value is better. In thecase of standard values are not yet perfect, we need common percentiles to developreference values.
     3、Online evaluation system of physical fitness for school-age children andadolescents has good feasibility and practicability.
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