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According to the political philosophy and political thought system of "Guanzi" as the research object, adhere to the doctrine of Marx historical materialism as a guide, use of dialectical materialism and historical materialism and the logical method, historical method, comparative research method, literature research method, the research method and the problems of philosophy, political science, social of special subject research method of combining work with study as the basic method of analysis of the "Guanzi" political philosophy, political and ideological system of the basic content, theoretical characteristics and ideological history status.
     The author thinks,"Guanzi" Jixia school as a comprehensive theoretical works, the purpose of writing is to stand on the basic position of the emerging landlord class theory of the Warring States period and the Warring States, spokesman for the previous theory of all classes of authors summarize and inherit critically, to build their new theory system, for the newly unified feudal countries provide the country strategy."Guanzi" author group, persistence and evolution of social history concept as a guide to the simple materialism view of the universe, the transformation of the legalist theory as the basic framework, to the Confucian ritual thought as flesh and blood, yin and Yang, military strategists, home farm, degree, masters, the theory of the essence of a coat of farm, carry out "the eagle" and "people-oriented" theory together with the conciliatory policy, constructing a advocating subjective consciousness, and the role of certain public subject status, and adhere to the "action of profiting from one", realize the maximum power system of political theory, demonstrates the legitimacy of the feudal autocratic monarchy system to bang the drum for sb. His political philosophy was largely abandoned the spirit of Taoism, the Taoist to the limit of rationalism. Abandoned the ruthless face legalism naked, inherited "the only proper course to take the good of humanity," the analysis of politics, decorated with Confucian warmth, his "Populism" both from the breadth and depth of standing on the Chinese ancient political theories peak, his legal thought and military diplomacy, especially commercial law "severity" theory reflects the strong historical progress, this is the Jixia school can provide a set of the most systematic and complete political theory system of Chinese feudal society, is the essential law, made great contributions to the rich history of Chinese political thought.
     In the introduction, the author expounds the academic circles for a different path method of political philosophy and political thought research and the basic research methods of "Guanzi" political thought the. This paper introduces the "Guanzi" the author and the times, as well as the "Guanzi" version and the spread and the current situation of "Guanzi"; this paper discusses "Guanzi" philosophical foundation of political thought, in general there is political philosophy will be what kind of corresponding political thought, so before study on the "Guanzi" political thought first of all to this foundation "metaphysical" political doctrine advocated the "Guanzi";"Guanzi" is introduced in this paper."Guanzi" monarch doctrine, including the monarch, monarch inaction of self-cultivation, Liege, talent concept, it is traditional Chinese various eagle of the political theory of the core content,"Guanzi" also admit of no exception whatsoever. This paper studied the "Guanzi""Pastoral" theory, including the thought of the people, folk theory, education thoughts. In the various policy measures, the "people-oriented" ideology is the flash point. This paper interprets the legal thought of "Guanzi","law" exert the most incisive, from which to see the imprint of Legalism in "Guanzi" text lay. This paper studies the "Guanzi" military diplomacy thought, after all, the pursuit of King hegemony of the patients is main purpose of the " Guanzi "."Guanzi" from the "battle" and "diplomatic war" cooperation comprehensively explained his military theory ", and advocated by the Guanzi" school Guan Zhong in the pursuit of clear political and military practice is also something. This paper has focused on the interpretation of the "Guanzi""trade war" theory, the use of economic means to achieve the political and military purpose, without war, is the "genius" in the political thought of Guanzi parts, but also its and other various theories compared to the greatest characteristic; finally this paper research the similarities and differences of "Huainan Zi" and Machiavelli "the Prince" political thought."Guanzi" and "Huainan Zi" is the same with integrated color "miscellaneous" theory masterpiece, their writing purpose, the writing background and writing style is similar."Guanzi" and "The Prince" contains a number of monarchy skill content, each of them reflects faced with different historical and cultural tradition and civilization, different ideas and wisdom of eastern and Western political civilization.
     Through panoramic interpretation of the "Guanzi" political philosophy and political thought, the author attempts to explore the thinking of contemporary China from traditional society to modern society in the process of evolution, with the exchange and collision of civilization,"Guanzi" political thought which in part because of the social basis of the change to get rid of, what part of the flashing wisdom light, as we build the political civilization of today's thought resources. Indeed, all the dross and toxic traditional Chinese politics, can be in the "Guanzi""action of profiting from one" policy to find the shadow. However, the Chinese society of all problems and even national deep-rooted bad habits are attributed to Guan Zhong and "Guanzi" who, after all, is not a historical attitude, highlight the "Guanzi" pure in poor operation is completely ignored Guan Zhong's governing philosophy and rich "Tibet abounds civilian" concept, and "all force","phase and decline syndrome" proposition. A historical analysis, this in the slave system has not yet fully disintegrated under the circumstance is very beneficial to mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers, promote the development of productivity and prosperity, in fact Qi enriching also objectively confirmed this point. And specific to the "Guanzi" this book, it should be said that the pre-Qin era of master of law of thought, is a hundred schools of thought contend and the fusion results. The historical development of China to the late Warring States period, centralized autocratic system become the ultimate solution for common schools of thinkers who unified feudal monarch, after two thousand years development history of Chinese society has clear can seek. Can be said that the later dynasties, lucid rulers are miscellaneous, are "Guanzi" thinking of the observant and practitioners. In this sense,"Guan Zhong trap" is made of various factions together, to the account in Guan Zhong a person and "Guanzi" a book on the body, is clearly not enough good.
     Today we are at a time, and seclusion of the old China is greatly different, although we admit, the solidification of Chinese history of super stability and social structure, we left the "Guanzi" to describe the time not too long, anti-feudal and Enlightenment of the mind is still a long way to go, the official standard, a huge gap between rich and poor, monopoly industries antennal erosion of private capital, property law is also difficult to really protect the public property, and so on, all these can use the "Guanzi" find it historical, ideological, theoretical origin and its inevitability, rationality explanation. But, after all, is a reform era. The thinking characteristics of Chinese nation is fastidious about the contingency, Chinese nation has produced numerous revolutionaries and reformers in history, they do not blindly, not superstition, to adapt to the changes and people's time for that nation and country, we have not been eliminated and the Renaissance of today. Chinese say it will pass, long-general."Guanzi" one book is ascribed to his followers, however, since the object of its writers worship is a great reformer, behoove becomes change spirit throughout the "main line" on the tube, embodies the "Guanzi" general characteristics of political thought. Combined with the analysis of the "Guanzi" of political philosophy, it is not difficult to find, view of evolution, and point of view, harmonious view, following the viewpoint, comprehensive view five big ideas constitute the main content of this great revolution spirit."Guanzi" in the innovation consciousness and innovation spirit in the reform and opening up the great age of our biggest inspiration is probably, advancing with the times, in this changing world competition to survive, the only thing we have to look up to as the standard is change itself.
     In human history, the development of political ideological progress tends to lag behind the reality of social economy, political system reform must be receptive to today draw nourishment from the tradition of Western political civilization and political civilization, which is required for the construction of socialist political civilization, also is the maintenance of economic reform, the pursuit of long period of stability needs. Although the politician in past dynasties from the "Guanzi" from the thought and policy measures of governance, but because of the mainstream ideology and the long feudal society, Confucianism is different, in the feudal imperial examination system of intellectual academic interest for a long time, including "Guanzi" research, Zhuzi in addition, China will now be "contention of a hundred schools of thought, all flowers bloom together." feast of ideas, until the late Qing Dynasty faced with domestic trouble and foreign invasion, advanced characters start thinking of feudal society and the intrinsic defects and Confucianism absorb nutrition from various resources including foreign thought a hundred, the situation began to change, but because in recent years new Confucian philosophy of China continues to expand,"the theory of mind and nature" is increasingly Zhuzi pressed to the edge point of view, the study also admit of no exception whatsoever, until now scholars "Guanzi" especially "Guanzi" governance theory research and importance compared with its importance remains. This paper can be seen as a try to raise the status in the history of thought academic efforts. Because of the interdisciplinary professional background, so in writing in the conscious use of contemporary sociological analysis and some theoretical paradigm of political science to solve the problem, pay attention to the elaboration of "Guanzi" political philosophy, political thought can span class, across age, ideological legacy of contemporary values, in order to play the "Guanzi" political wisdom in our the reform of the political system, the construction of socialist political civilization, to build a harmonious society, to realize China's dream of great historical practice enlightenment and reference.
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