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Under the background of globalization, information technology, and the rapid development and widespread of knowledge, traditional closed innovation model is facing many challenges:first, the development of higher education and scientific research system made knowledge and innovations widely distributed in various nodes of the whole society, the monopoly of knowledge was broken, the innovative source pattern has undergone profound changes. Second, faster technology spillover made it difficult for enterprises to effectively control the flow of R&D personnel and internal achievements. Because the liquidity of employees continue to increase, in particular, experienced, skilled employees' outflow let the control of patents and other intellectual property rights is increasingly difficult for companies. Third, as the acceleration of commercialization promotion of products and services, specific technology life cycle is shorter and increased risk of corporate R&D alone, reduced enterprise'profit from expertise barriers. Fourth, the improvement of risk investment mechanism made small and medium-sized enterprises and private innovations greatly increased the possibility of commercialization, and innovation break through the technology monopoly of large enterprise in the market.
     The new pattern and new orientation of technological innovation, knowledge diffusion, and achievements transformation let the enterprises facing increasing innovation pressure, relying solely on internal resources to innovate is becoming more difficult. Even if it is a large enterprise with strong technical force and capital adequacy cannot have all the technology and resources needed for innovation, not to mention synchronize on all fronts. This requires enterprises to seek and mobilize external resources actively to supplement the lack of internal R&D, and to explore new innovative model.
     Open innovation model emerged in the above context. Open innovation is that the enterprise should combine internal and external creative to develop new technologies, and at the same time use internal and external, two market channels to promote the commercialization. This innovative model is the intentional use of knowledge inflow and outflow to accelerate internal innovation and the gain of innovation value through internal and external market.
     This paper chose open innovation model as the research topic, adopting comparative analysis method, game theory, index system and case studies etc. to combine open innovation theory comprehensively and systematically. It is of great practical significance to improve the innovation capacity of enterprises and the whole society, to build innovative-oriented enterprises and society. It is also of great significance for deepening the theoretical study of the open innovation model.
     The paper explores open innovation from multi-angle, such as the innovative theoretical literature review, the comparison of open innovation and closed innovation model, the welfare of open innovation participants, risk prevention and open innovation cases. This paper is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is a general overview of the paper, introducing the theoretical and realistic background of the thesis, the significance of the topic, research contents and methods, ideas, the overall framework as well as the innovation and inadequacies of this paper. Chapter II is a literature review and comment on innovation theory, mainly reviewed the source of innovation theory, and summarized the concept, classification and factions of technological innovation theory; then reviewed the literature of cooperative innovation and open innovation from various perspectives. Chapter III:innovation paradigm shift-from a closed innovation to open innovation, this chapter first pointed out the background, the basic characteristics and types of open innovation; then compared open innovation and closed innovation model comprehensively, put forward open innovation have the advantages that closed innovation cannot to compare in today's society with acceleration of globalization and technology updates; then come to the urgency of the implementation of open innovation model and some industry development initiatives. Chapter IV is the analysis of each participant's benefits under open innovation models. This chapter first defines open innovation resources and analyzes the characteristics and specific categories, and then conducts a detailed analysis of participants' welfare under open innovation models. The fifth chapter is the risk assessment and prevention of open innovation, this section first describes the basic risks and specific risks of open innovation, and then based on this, a risk evaluation index system is constructed, and finally explores the early warning and prevention of open innovation risk. Chapter VI is open innovation practice-case studies, this chapter analyzes the practice of open innovation of IBM and TIJA (Tianjin International Joint Academy of Biotechnology&Medicine) and tries to provide a reference for other business or organization to implement open innovation. Chapter VII is the conclusion and outlook, this chapter gives a brief summary of the full text, and put forward the prospect of future research direction.
     The main innovations of this paper include:First, by combing the evolution of innovative theory and open innovation from multi-angle, points out that open innovation theory came from innovative practice and has great practical significance and operability. Thus deepens the study of open innovation, enriches the existing innovation theory. Secondly, this paper compares the basic principles of open innovation with traditional closed innovation model comprehensively, drawn that open innovation makes innovation more efficient and better performance, for it breaks through the traditional closed innovation model's confined to the shackles of internal R&D department, widely uses the internal and external resources, and a variety of commercial channels to innovate. Thus this also shows the direction of innovation activities for Chinese enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. Third, using game theory to compare the welfare of the main participants with different degree of openness under open innovation model, and pointed out that with the openness enhanced the welfare of the participants improved. It makes more firmly that we must take the political and research with a concerted innovative open road of independent innovation. Fourth, this article using in-depth analysis of the basic risks and specific risks that open innovation faced, builds an open innovation risk evaluation index system, provide a quantitative analysis basis of risk early warning and effective prevention for open innovation practice.
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