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企业的品牌价值体现了企业现有经营活动的有效性,企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility,简称“CsR”)描述了企业发展中企业的经济责任、法律责任、伦理责任、自愿性责任与社会发展、环境发展、员工发展及人民生活质量之间的矛盾。近年来越来越凸显的环境污染问题、能源匮乏问题、消费者忠诚度问题、员工满意度问题、贫富分化问题等使得社会越来越关注企业的产品质量、员工福利待遇、低碳节能、社会公益等与企业社会责任相关的问题。因此,社会责任在一定程度上反映了企业的品牌价值,企业履行社会责任帮助企业塑造了企业形象,提升了品牌价值,推动企业文化在员工中的认同程度。但是,如何将社会责任中能够促进企业品牌价值有效提升的要素以正确的路径和方式呈现在企业发展中,激励企业履行社会责任的意愿是企业社会责任能否成功推进企业品牌价值提升的关键。
Corporate brand value Reflects the effectiveness of existing operations, corporate Social Responsibility (Abbreviation"CSR") describes the contradiction between economic responsibility, legal responsibility, ethical responsibility, voluntary responsibility and social development, environmental development, staff development and people's quality of life in Enterprise development. In recent years, increasingly highlighted the problem of environmental pollution, energy scarcity, consumer loyalty, employee satisfaction issues, the divide between rich and poor problems which makes the community has become increasingly concerned about the product quality, employee benefits, low-carbon energy, social and corporate social responsibility issues. Therefore, Social responsibility reflect the value of the brand to a certain extent, Enterprises fulfill their social responsibility to help enterprises to create a corporate image, elevate the brand value, promote the recognition of the corporate culture in employees. However, how to present elements which effectively promote the corporate brand value of social responsibility with the correct path and the way in enterprise development.Willingness to motivate enterprises to fulfill their social responsibility is the key that whether corporate social responsibility success to promote the corporate brand to enhance the value.
     The paper is to propose the corporate brand value management model based on social responsibility and corporate brand marketing management innovation by exploring the driving factors and path which corporate social responsibility enhance brand value.
     First, the paper systematically combing the theory literature which relates to corporate social responsibility, and on the basis of the large amount of literature to read and summarized, Presents this research framework. In response to the fundamental theoretical problems that motivation for corporate social responsibility issues,Combing the overall context and research trends in the evolution of corporate social responsibility. And illustrate the need for corporate social responsibility around the stakeholder theory in business ethics, social responsibility and environmental management. Finally,by analyzing the sources of brand value system from the perspective of the stakeholder perspective description:brand is a promise and guarantee of the value needs and expectations of all stakeholders, the brand value is a set of multiple perspectives expression or system on stakeholder value.
     Then, on the basis of in-depth interviews and review of the literature, the paper designs the survey project and selects the private enterprise groups as two samples which create a corporate culture on the basis of the corporate social responsibility.In this study, using a variety of methods to verify the assumptions of the proposed relationship. Social responsibility, economic responsibility, human responsibility and community responsibility as the pilot variable, and employee recognition and social participation as a process variable, and corporate brand value is the result variable. The results show that there is a positive correlation between corporate social responsibility and corporate brand value.
     Finally, through empirical analysis, this study summarizes the path to fulfill their social responsibilities to enhance brand value based on corporate social responsibility. Based on the two intermediate processes which are employee recognition and social participation, the effective brand management strategies to enhance brand value are built by discussed the relationship between the growth and the management of the corporate brand.
     To study the nature of the enterprise, the creation and enhancement the brand value of the enterprise, construct a theoretical framework of corporate social responsibility, and point out that corporate social responsibility will enhance employees recognition and social participation action.Then to enhance brand value, and this provides a new way of thinking to explore a good way to fulfill corporate social responsibility.
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