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Fictitious economy is the value part of real economy related to the human being's anticipative psychology, which comes into market after the proleptic income has been priced capitally. Its functional tools have their material existence such as banknote, shares, bonds, and other financial derivative implements, but they lapse from the values they represent. Fictitious economy is the distribution or redistribution of values or wealth not by any specific objective products or services but by the transference of value symbols based on the classification of economic activity and the character loan. It has become a commonplace in the modern economic life with a trend to further dominate real economy. This article analyzes fictitious economy's system origin, structure features, development tendency and the meaning to China from the perspective of systematic and structural change, by the method of dialectics combining history and theory, and with the reasonable connotation and pattern of neo-classic economy and inst
    itutional economy.
    Fictitious economy came into being for the reasons of income and efficiency as real economy developed, and it expanded rapidly after the 1980s, when the capital entity made a new systematic arrangement for the managerial pattern and profit mode after the capital increment came to a standstill in the traditional industry. The systematic and structural arrangement of fictitious economy is led by Britain and America, for they have the earliest and the most urgent demand and they have the most powerful fictitious capital strength in their process of capital increment. This article expounds the cause of the demand, the functions and adaptive changes of various economic institutions, the reason of systematic changes, that is, the income and cost analysis, and the outcome of systematic changes, which means the specific status and solution of different types of countries in the variance of fictitious economy. As to the research value, China is still in a passive state in the respect of economic globalization that ha
    s swept the whole world and hasn't fully realized the deep-level economic background hidden behind the global fictitious economy and the threat as well as the challenge it has brought us after China entered WTO. This article intends to make a tentative exploration from the angles described above with the purpose to understand the developmental laws of systematic and structural changes of fictitious economy and summarize some principles and policies that can effectively direct China's fictitious economy practice. Specifically, the article is organized according to the following research sequence.
    Chapter 1 illustrates the background, the object and the way of this research, and points out the focus and prospective breakthrough of the research.
    Chapter 2 proposes a logical train of thoughts of this ..research from the perspective of literature review, that is, the increase of productivity and the reduction of transaction costs lead to the independence of business capital as loan capital from production and loan capital then evolves into fictitious capital. By reviewing relative theories and further defining the research object, this chapter analyzes the connotation and extension of fictitious economy, the institution and structure of fictitious economy and its vicissitude and the inner logic of this vicissitude.
    Chapter 3 is an institutional analysis of the history of the development of fictitious economy. This chapter discusses the history of the generation and development of the product system of fictitious economy, describes the typical phenomena of fictitious economy in the time of industrial capital standard and finds out the institutional reason of its generation and development. This chapter also analyzes the origin of the system of fictitious economy and its development in the time of financial capital standard, and emphasizes the process of the institutional background and evolvement of the development of fictitious economy and its dominating of real economy after 1980s.
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