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    协同效应的内涵,可解释为金融控股集团内部各金融实体运用各自的竞争优势和资源来对成员实体彼此之间相互支持、相互补充、协调行动,实现了控股公司整体上的价值增值,即预期取得1+1+1>3的良好结果。它表示公司的业务组合的价值总和大于各个部分的价值之和,具有价值增殖。如果成员实体之间关系越密切,彼此资源协调与整合的效率越高,其协同效应就越会被充分发挥与增强。协同效应比较多的运用在多样化利益分析理论和竞争优势理论中。波特(Porter)在其《竞争战略》(Competitive Strategy, 1980)和《竞争优势》(Competitive Advantage ,1985)著作中,对协同效应进行了阐述。波特的竞争优势思想的核心就是协同或合作,称之为集群或关联,竞争力的实质是合作力,就是对社会综合资源的集群效应、合力、凝聚力,通过协同或合作的手段加强资源整合,提高与外部对手的竞争力。
The Institution called Finance Holdings Group, as an innovation of financial organization during the transformation from divided financial syetem to omprehensive financial system, are given actual opportunities to develop in the history of the financial industry. during the 80s and 90s ,It attracted widespread attention of the world finance markets.This had profound influences on the financial bodies, markets and regulatory bodies of many countries and regions. This thesis aims at studying the effects of synergy on the Finance Holdings Group. This would include the particular risks, the motivation to the development of the Finance Holdings, the conditions and model in which it has developed will also be discussed.
    一、Bring Forward The Characteristics of Finance Holding Group
    Upon comprehensive analysis of other related definitions, we understand that the Finance Holdings exhibits two major characteristics: that's it is multi-financial-business and trans-financial-business and it has the financial requirements and actual influences of a Holdings Company including absolute holdings and relative holdings structure.
    二、Analysing of the development model of Financial Holdings Group in major developed nations and observations of their characteristics of these models
    Due to great differences in the financial policies and governing bodies of various countries, the actual organization structure varies considerably across countries. The US model typically sees Bank Holdings develop to Finance Holdings Group. Germany, on the other hand, has a universal banking system that allows for bank to offer a variety of businesses. Germany banks offer services ranging from Commercial Banking, Securities, Insurance and other related financial activities. Such activities can be performed either by transactions that take place internally within one bank or by adopting the “Holdings Group” method of operations which makes use of the Management and Control rights offered by ownership of shares in subsidiary companies to offer the same variety of products. England generally use “Holdings Group” method as well, with the parent company engaging in commercial banking activities, conducting other financial activities through other professional financial companies within the Holding Group. The Japanese model is similar to the American one. In addition, it also makes use of the “Holdings” method to across-invest equity in a variety of companies such as banks, securities houses and insurance etc.
    The characteristics of American Finance Holdings Group are:
    a change in the organization of the Finance System reflects an ideology towards effective competition in line with international moves towards integrated international finance fuelled by worldwide development trends. Building upon the lessons learned during the Great Depression, Bank Holdings, along with Finance Holdings grew to become the Financial Organizations of the New Generation
    The death of divided finance institutions reflected a consolidation of resources in order to face international competition within the finance sector. Developing and pursuing the oligarchs of the finance industry reflected a new dimension, requirements and strength of the competition of the era.
    The current American Finance Model makes use of a “Group comprehensive holdings, Separate Legal Entities, Separate Professional Regulators” way of business. The organization structure focuses on professionalism and the organizational structure pop out specialized-based divided lane and cooperations, also from the point of Group strategy, successfully brings individual interests and benefits to play.
    The characteristics of German Financial Holdings Group are:
    comprehensive banking institutions based on commercial banking, gradually developing to include securities, insurance. The entire Economics and Financial Systems typically focus on commercial banking.
    integrated banking services that grew to become successful, resulting in the development and growth of German securities, insurance and other non-ban
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