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Enterprise innovation ability is the determinant of Chinese economic sustainablegrowth,as well as an important index to measure comprehensive nationstrength.China is at the lower end of the industry value chain among the worldindustry value chain's division of labor,laking high tech added value andindependent intellectual property rights.Therefore,that the ability of Chineseenterprise innovation being on the low side,become a key bottleneck restrictingChinese economic development in the future.This is a major economic developingtopic of The Twelfth Five Year Plan.On the basis of system analyzing research statusand development trend of domestic and international cooperation and innovationtheory,innovation system theory and knowledge management system theory,thispaper mainly for specific conditions of China,from Chinese enterprise's demandingthe pursuit of high efficiency,low cost,high profit,come to the conclusion that it is arational Game Playing strategy choice that the Chinese enterprise select CooperationInnovation Develop Strategy.This paper studies the theme that striding across fixedorganization mode of traditional enterprise,using Complex System Thinkingmethod,creating an open type Cooperation Innovation System with enterprise as theinnovation main body under the environment of complex system.
     This paper analyzes the research status and development trend of innovationtheory﹑cooperation innovation system theory and knowledge management systemtheory which are as the logic starting point for searching the China's enterprisesindependent innovation ability status and causes, and studies the existing problems inChina's industrial, which are based on36industry technology statistical data usingthe clustering analysis and factor analysis method to simplify、typify complicatedfactors. This paper studies the difference and causes of large and medium-sizedenterprises' independent innovation ability using the theory of accumulationcontribution distribution model from the quantitative—analysis perspective, and thentry to find the internal distribution regularity and the main factor for influencing theeffectiveness of independent innovation, which provide theoretical parameter.
     Based on the enterprise production cost, production and innovative benefits suchvariables as the research object which should be chose in different enterprisesinnovation strategy to promote the ability of independent innovation and innovationefficiency, the paper dose a economic game analysis, and construct the economicprincipal-agent model and duopoly ancient model, the oligopolistic enterprises, stark's model, the strategy equilibrium model, the risk of resources industry themanagement innovation of enterprise internal game model, the game model ofcooperative innovation on the chain, the game model of cooperation innovationbetween enterprises and so on. The game analysis results show that the enterpriseinterior, industry, trade and industry chain enterprises choosing different cooperativeinnovation is the optimal strategy model for constructing cooperative innovationsystem, and provide scientific basis.
     In this paper, the "cooperation person "assumption is brought forward, theadvancement and deep reasons of choosing cooperation innovation strategies arediscussed, operation mechanism and the knowledge spillover effects of the complexmode are selectively studied, and then finally concluded that constructing cooperativeinnovation system is important and necessary. Based on the theory of complex system,the paper attempt to construct a complicatedly cooperative innovation system modelthat must meet the basic conditions of dissipative structure, analyze the basicconditions of orderly evolution in the cooperative innovation system, and then putsforward the concept of knowledge management entropy, sets forth the basicquantitative criterions of system status and the basic feasible path for orderlyevolution. The paper elaborates the barriers of knowledge transfer mechanism andknowledge sharing followed by constructing the space structure model of knowledgesystem, innovative partner cooperation relationship with the function of humanresources agency institution scientific configuration model and analyzing therelationship between the ability of human knowledge and the structure types, bringsforward the whole structural design and theoretical framework mode of knowledgemanagement system in the enterprise cooperative innovation. For the key problem ofknowledge management system, the paper investigates the cultural system、 profitdistribution and risk early-warning system of financial management in the process ofenterprises cooperative innovation, and put forward the basic scheme which is alsonamed for implementing enterprise cooperative innovation strategy of industrialchain, that is the "hole" theory and the corresponding countermeasures when theenterprise choice the different innovation programs. Finally, according to thegovernment in the position and role of the cooperative innovation system, the paperputs forward the government's economic policy and countermeasures in thecooperative innovation choice.
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