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Smoking and health has always been greatly concerned about, the use of tobacco has great telations withdeath and prevalence of diseases. Some countries have carried out studies on trace elements and heavy metalsin tobacco plant. Nowadays, the creation of standard, fast, and accurate methods for determining traceelements and heavy metals in tobacco is one of the imperatine research subjects of the tobacco industry.
     In this thesis, the methods for digested thoroughly in a closed-vessel microwave digestion system with nitricacid and hydrogen peroxide with trace elements and heavy metals in tobacco, using time of acceleration flightinductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-oaTOF-MS) determination of trace elements and heavymetals. The simultaneousness determination methods for5trace elements(Ge, Se, Mn, Zn, Fe)and7elements(As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Cu, Cr, Ni)with21species domestic tobacco and29species foreign tobacco arestudies. Then, has tudies in determination of metal ten elements (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cr, As, B)in the8species domestic tobacco and9species foreign tobacco import and export of cigarettes. Factors affecting thedetermination are analyzed in detail, such as sampling quantity, digestion solvent, MS detection parametersmeasurement isotopes for tested elements, recovery and precision tests of the method. The optimum conditionsfor the determination were tested and discussed. Then, analysis level of elements content in domestic orforeign tobacco for twelve elements, import and export of cigarettes for ten elements.
     The results show that, by using closed-vessel microwave digested and ICP-oaTOF-MS method for thedetermination of tobacco and cigarettes in trace elements and heavy metals. The nation standard matter wasused to confirm the accuracy, the precision and recovery, calibration curve, repeatability of test resultsanalysis, and the sensitivity detection limit of the metod. Compared with other methods, this method is asimple fast and accurate high sensitivity(0.396%), high calibration curve(0.9999), lower limit ofdetection(0.083μg/L), high recovery(108.52%), better of repeatability of test result analysis(three days,RSD0.15%-5.576%). Especially for some low concentration of ng/L of the components of the level of tracedetection, However, the abundance sensitivity, high-quality end of the worse. So that it can be used in the traceelements and heavy metals detection and quality control for tobacoo.
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