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The adjustment of social relations and the construction of law order are inseparable from the establishment of specific norms of rights and obligations, but also depend on the building of a sound liability system to protect law enforcement. To maintain order and justice in a country, it is most essential for its legal systems to set a scientific and rational legal liability system, for the purpose of restraining, punishing violations, and ensuring the legal norms to be implemented, complied and enforced. A mandatory legal sanction and accountability system is even one of the Prerequisites for the existence of a legal system. Accompanied by the functions of constraining and curbing the abuse of state power, legal responsibility also expresses a restriction, denial, protection, security and respect for the individual behavior freedom. The fundamental purpose of the legal liability system is to achieve the core content of the legislation and basic concepts, whose detailed responsibility systems are an indispensible part of the anti-trust law systems. A free and fair competition order is the basic premise for the sound operation of the market economy, a security for the enhancement of a country's overall national economic strength, and fundamental goal of antitrust laws. Without a complete, scientific and feasible antitrust liability system, antitrust Substantive norms and procedural rules will be difficult to strictly adhere to and anti-monopoly legislation targets will not be truly achieved. Therefore, it can be seen that the construction of a comprehensive, complete and rational antitrust liability system will help protect the goals of anti-monopoly legislation, more conducive to the effective implementation of anti-monopoly law. Even, we can say that, the authoritative status of antitrust law, to a large extent, originates from the well-design and specific arrangements of its liability systems.
     In a market economy, the antitrust law is the patron saint of economic freedom and democracy is an important initiative in regulating the market competition order. Measurement and evaluation of the value and appropriateness of the anti-monopoly legislation contents are mainly embodied in reflected in the legal will and interest orientation reflected and protected by the anti-trust law. However, monopolistic behaviors tend to distort market competition mechanism, undermine the healthy operation of the economy, and damage the economic benefits of market players involved, causing, particularly, consumers'loss of the rights of fair trade right and free choice as to fail to play their roles as a market selector and jury, and the impairment of the overall social consumer welfare. Evaluation of the implementation of AML system is closely related to the construction of its liability system, and how to convert a black-and-white anti-monopoly provisions into a sharp sword to block monopolistic behavior, the key factors are the improvement and implementation of antitrust law liability systems. And any anti-competitive practice in the market should bear its corresponding responsibility. For the illegal monopoly behaviors, antitrust liability systems provide the corresponding appropriate, flexible relief measures. The functions performed by the antitrust liability systems are the condemnation, negation, and containment of trust and monopoly behaviors, and more importantly, is the use of mandatory and law-based sanction measures to negate substantial restriction competition behaviors, and to provide appropriate relief to the loss of the victims, and deter other potential violation players and to prevent, avoid and reduce the monopoly of other market players so as to maintain a free and fair competition order.
     At present, more than 100 countries and regions have enacted anti-monopoly laws, and accordingly set their liability regimes. In China, Chapter VII of its anti-monopoly law just specifies in antitrust liability, but there are still many imperfections in it. The problems are mainly reflected on the aspect of civil liability, of administrative liability, of criminal liability, and other multi-level, multi-areas of liability. Monopoly behaviors usually receive adjustment from the comprehensive anti-monopoly legal system such as civil liability, administrative liability and criminal liability, the sanction forms including civil sanction, administrative sanction, and criminal sanction. However, if the liability system just stays in the principle and broad-nature level, it will not achieve the rational, well-coordinated link between the liability systems, and its value targets either. Therefore, to build our scientific and rational, coherent liability systems of antitrust law, we should start off from the following aspects. First, in doing the research, scientific and feasible research methods should be applied. The Specific research methods adopted in this paper include dialectical materialism, comparative analysis, logical reasoning, historical analysis, case analysis, chart data, economic analysis, holism analysis, with a combination of the specialized research methods and law research methods. Secondly, specific and in-depth description and analysis of the anti-monopoly law liability systems from major countries and regions should be made, from the perspective of the historical development, for the advantage of learning from the legislative experience of other countries. Finally, discussions on current China' antitrust law liability system and its implementation forms are done, including an in-depth and comprehensive exposition in its civil, administrative and criminal liabilities, and concrete suggestions on how to improve China's current anti-monopoly law liability systems.
     Antitrust law possesses property of private and public law fusion, which determines the liability system has the features of being integrated, comprehensive, systematic, compensatory, deterrent, punitive. The damage compensation-cored civil liability, the administrative fine-cored administrative liability, and the criminal detention-cored criminal liability together constitute the basic system of our country's antitrust liability systems. Antitrust civil liability, with civil liability as its theoretical premise and content base, has its own characteristics and significantly differs from the characteristics of civil liability, and is a refinement and extension of the civil liability. China's anti-monopoly law civil liability should introduce the punitive damage compensation system and continue to improve the incentives of victim implementation antitrust civil system. The function of punitive damage compensation system is to punish and retaliate malignant monopolistic behaviors and prevent any future recurrence of the similar kinds. To improve the private antitrust litigation, the scope of the plaintiff should be specified, and the plaintiff' main qualifications should not be limited to the operators who are directly offended by the violations, and appeal right should also be given to other market players who have been affected by the monopoly action. The design of the antitrust civil liability should follow cost-benefit ratio principle and dynamic quantification principle and the compensations for the market players or other operators who have suffered consecutive damages should be within the maximum compensation amount, so as to encourage market players bring the damaged antitrust action for damages and to protect the competitive interests of various market players.
     In its administrative liability part, China's anti-monopoly law should continue to regulate and optimize its administrative sanction responsibility. Antitrust administrative liability is mainly for monopoly actors, and includes both administrative sanction responsibility to be assumed by common managers and competitors and administrative liability to be assumed by administrative bodies who have performed restrictive competitive practices, but excludes their matching civil liability and criminal liability. The functions of administrative liability are to strengthen various types of administrative sanctions, to regulate the duties and powers of the anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies, and to negate, deter and contain various types of violations, in order to achieve the social and public value goals of antitrust law. The deterrence should be strengthened of anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies to implement administrative penalty, and in particular, their probability of discovery of monopolistic behavior improved, to increase the effectiveness of the administrative fine implementation. Generally speaking, excessive administrative fines exceeding the damage caused by monopoly behavior may be considered unfair, but if the fine is only for part of the monopoly actors, it may also be considered unconscionable. We know from the theory of Optimal Deterrence that the amount of administrative fines and the possibility for penalties actually being enforced (the possibility of punishment) are often closely related to and complemented with each other, so the maximum range of administrative fines should be computed and set scientifically. The scope of responsibility undertaking body should be clarified, and the width and intensity of the administrative sanction responsibility content be strengthened, and ways and means of sanctions be properly expanded. Acts of administrative monopoly should also be explicitly included in the scope of administrative litigation cases, with its specific judicial review procedures to be built, and in particular, to the abstract administrative acts restricting competition under certain positioning order should be clearly defined to be subject to judicial review.
     In its criminal liability part, China's anti-monopoly law criminal liability should be reasonably made and carefully applied. It has become a widely-accepted practice for a country to set its anti-monopoly criminal liability system. Criminal accountability for serious monopoly acts is inevitable, and the creation of criminal sanctions can improve the predictability of criminal penalty, and the most deterrent and severe criminal penalties can, to the maximum extent, curb, negate and even prevent the harm to society caused by monopolistic behaviors. Penalty Modesty principle with the criminal law requires the minimization of the scope of criminal penalty, and is only applied when other means of legal responsibility fail to achieve the intended effect. Focus object of criminal liability sanction is not the monopolistic state, but the behavior, especially serious illegal monopolistic behavior. Responsibility scope with criminal penalties should be strictly limited to those with a serious, clear nature of monopolistic behaviors, in particular, to those such as joint restricting competition expressed as a fixed price, market division, output restriction, abuse of dominant market position, and the administrative monopoly. The sanction object should be limited to those with obviously illegal, destructive and serious monopolistic behaviors, but not the general, non-important, and non-illegal monopoly behaviors. Besides, we should learn from developed countries'concept of Deserving Penalty, take legislative measures of serious monopoly acts deserving serious and further clarify and refine the boundaries of crime monopoly and non-crime monopoly, so as to enhance the intensity of criminal sanctions.
    ② See E. Thomas Sullivan and Herbert Hovenkamp. Antitrust Law, Policy and Procedure[M].Michie Conte mporary Legal Education Series (fourth edition),2004:3.
    ④有学者认为,消费者福利应成为指导反垄断法实施的唯一标准,追求消费者福利最大化是美国反垄断法的执法目标,保障经济效率是其价值目标。See Robert H. Bork. The Antitrust Paradox: a Policy at War with Itself[M].Basic Books, Inc. Publishers,1978:57.
    See Herbert Hovenkamp. Distributive Justice and the Antitrust Laws[J]. Geo. Wash. L. Rev.1,1982:51.
    ② See Lester F. Ward. Applied sociology[M]. Boston,1966:22.
    ④ See Jerrold G Van Cise. Antitrust: Past-Present-Future[J].the Antitrust Buliiten, Vol.35,1990:986-990.
    ⑤ See Friedrich A. Hayek. The Constitution of Liberty[M].The University of Chicago Press,1978:153.
    See A. D. Neale & D. G Goyder. The Antitrust Laws of the USA[M]. Cambridge university Press,1980:16.
    (?)See R. Whish. Competition Law[M]. Butterworths,3rd ed.,1993:14.
    (?) See Richard A Posner. Antitrust Law, second edition[M].The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 2001:268.
    ① See Richard A Posner. Antitrust Law, second edition[M].The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 2001:314-315.
    See Julian O. Von Kalinowski (general editor). World Law of Competition[J]. Gordon Kaiser, Vol.1,1999:3-144.
    See 15 U. S. C 1.Amendments [EB/OL]. available at http://uscode.house.gov/search/criteria.shtml,2010-09-26.
    ②See Lawrence J.Private Antlitrust Litigation[M].MIT Press,White(edited),2001:11.
    ① See Gary S. Becker. Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach[J]. Journal of Political Economy,1968: 76-169.
    ② See W. D. Ross. The Right and The Good[M]. Clarendon Press,1930:56-64.
    ① See Donald Dewey. The Economic Theory of Antitrust: Science or Religion? [M]. In Richard E. Low (ed.), The Economic of Antitrust,1968:71.
    ① See Richard A Posner. Antitrust Law(second edition)[M].The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London,2001:267.
    ① See Ronan P. Harty. United States Chapter, in Getting the Deal Through - Merger Control 2008 [EB/O L].http://www.gettingthedealthrough.com.
    ① See Richard Hofstadter. What Happened to the Antitrust Movement? In the Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays[J].Alfred A. Knopf,1965:210-211.
    ⑤ See NCAA v. Board of Regents,468 U.S.85,104(1984).
    ② See Bryan A. Gamer.Damages awaked in addition to actual damages when the defendant acted with recklessness, malice, or deceit[M].Black's Law Dictionary(7th ed.),West Group,2000:322.
    ② See John F. Vargo. The American Rule on Attorney Fee Allocation:The Injure Person's Access to Justice[J]. Am. U.L. Rev.,1993(42):1575-1578.
    ② See Dietrich Hoffman, Stefen Schaub. The German Competition Law[M].Kluwer Law & Taxation publishers, 1983:105.
    ④ See John S. Martin. Private Antitrust Litigation In Europe: Whate Fence is High Enough to Keep out the US Litigation Cowboy[J]. E.L. Rev.2008,33(1):23-43.
    ⑤ See Commission Green Paper. Damages actions for breach of the EC antitrust rules[R].SEC,2005:1732.
    ④ See Ernest Gellhorn, William, E. Kovacic. Antitrust Law and Economics[M].West publishing Co.4th edition,1994:462.
    ② See Clifford A. Jones. Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the EU, UK, and USA[M].Oxford University Press,1999:136-137.
    ① See Department of Trade and Industry. Productivity and Enterprise: A World Class Competition Regime[R]. 2001, Para.8.
    ③ See Mark Furse. Competition and the Enterprise Act 2002[M].Jordans,2003:159.
    ② See Howrey Simon Arnold & White, LLP.Trends in Antitrust Litigation:The New Breed of Class Action[J].The Antitrust Review of the Americas,2005.
    ① See Keith N. Hylton. Punitive Damages and the Economic Theory of Penalties[J]. Georgetown Law Journal, 1998(87):421.
    ③ See John Johnson. Economic Approaches to Antitrust Damage Estimation[J]. January 2005:1[EB/OL].htt p://www.nera.com/image/Antitrust%20Damage%20Estimation-l.2005.pdf.
    ② See Emily Clark, Mat Hughes and David Wirth. Analysis of Economic Models for The Calculation Of Damages[J].31 August 2004:3,11.
    ② See Emily Clark, Mat Hughes and David Wirth. Analysis of Economic Models for The Calculation Of Damages[J].31 August 2004, p.3,14,17.
    ③ See J. Truett Payne Co. v. Chrysler Motors Corp.,451 U. S.566(1981).
    ④ See Anne Marie G. Whittemore. Compliance with Divestiture Orders under Section 7 of the Clayton Act: An Analysis of the Relief Obtained[J]. Antitrust Bulletin,1972:17-19.
    See FTC v. Mylan Labs., Inc.,62 F. Supp.2d 25(D.D.C,1999).
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    ⑤ See OECD.Report on the Nature and Impact of Hard Core Cartels and Sanctions against Cartels under National Competition Laws, DAFFE/COMP(2002)7[EB/OL].http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/16/20/2081831.pdf, 2005-06-30.
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    ① [EB/OL].http://law.e-gov.go.jp/htmldata/S22/S22HO054.html(日本“法令信息提供系统”),2008-10-01.
    ② See OECD. Annual Report on Competition Policy in Japan [R]. January-December,2004.
    ① See Jean-Yves Art. Development in EC Competition Law in 1998: An Overview[J].Common Market Law Review,1999(36):971.
    ③ Richard A. Posner. Antitrust Law(Second Edition) [M]. the University of Chicago,2001:107-111.
    ④ See Clement G. Krouse ed al.. The Bell System Divestiture/Deregulation and the Efficiency of the Ope rating Companies[J]. Journal of Law and Economics,1999,42-61.
    ③ See Richard Whish. Recent developments in Community competition law 1998/1999[J]. E. L. Rev. June, 2000:220.
    ④ See Cento Veljanovski. Penalties for Price-Fixers: An Analysis of Fines Imposed on 39 Cartels by EU Commission[J]. E. C. L. R.2006,27(9):510-513.
    ⑤ See Frank Montag. The Case for a Radical Reform of the Infringement Procedure under Regulation[J].17. E. C. L. R.,1996,17(8):428.
    全称即EC Commission Guidelines on the method of setting fines imposed pursuant to Art.15(2),of Re gulation No.17 and Art.65(5) of the EC Treaty,以下简称为欧共体1998年行政罚款指南。
    ④ See A.M.Polinsky and S.Shavell.A Note on Optimal Fines When Wealth Varies Among Individuals [J].American Economic Review,1991(8):618.
    ⑤ See Russell Richardson.Guidance without Guidance-a European Revolution in Fining Policy? The Com mission's New Guidelines on Fines[J].E.C.L.R.,1999,20(7):360-371.
    ② See F. M. Scherer and D. Ross. Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance(3rd ed.) [J]. Ho ughton Mifflin,1990:661-667.
    ③ See A. M. Polinsky and S. Shavell. Should Liability Be Based on the Harm to the Victim or the Gain to the Injurer? [J]. Journal of Law, Economics and Organization,1994(10):427.
    ① See W. M. Landes. Optimal Sanctions for Antitrust Violations[J]. University of Chicago Law Review,1 983(5):652.
    ① See Jorgen Als Anderson. Frontiers of Competition Law[M]. Julian Lonbay(ed.),1994:120.
    ② See Paul M. Spink. Recent Guidance on Fining Policy[J]. E. C. L. R.,1999,20(2):101-108.
    ③ See Mark Jephcott. The Europe Commission's New Leniency Notice-Whistling Right Tune[J]. E. C. L. R., 2002,23(8):378-385.
    ④简称为2006减免通知,See Europe Commission. Commission Notice on Immunity From Fines and Reduction of Fines in Cartel Cases[R]. O. J. C298/17(2006).
    See Hovenkamp.The Antitrust Movement and the Rise of Industrial Organization[J]. Texas Law Review, 1989:68-105.
    See Richard A. Posner. Antitrust Law(Second Edition) [M]. the University of Chicago,2001:271.
    ② See J. Waldfogel. Are Fines and Prison Terms Used Efficiently? Evidence on Federal Fraud Offenders[J]. Journal of Law and Economics,1995(8):107.
    ③ See J. C. Gallo, K. G. Dau-Schmidt, J. L. Caycraft, and C. J. Parker. Criminal Penalties Under the Sherman Act: A Study of Law and Economics[J]. Research in Law and Economics,1994(16):25.
    ① See G. J. Werden and M. J. Simon. Why price fixers should go to prison[J]. Antitrust Bulletin, winter, 1987:933-934.
    (?) See Richard Whish. Recent Developments in Community Competition Law 199/1999[J]. E. L. Rev.,20 00(6):220.
    ③ See S. Shavell. The Judgment Proof Problem[J]. International Review of Law and Economics,1986(6):45.
    ④ See R. B. Reich. The Antitrust Industry[J]. Georgetown Law Journal, 1980(8):135.
    ② See 2005 federal sentencing guideline manual[EB/OL]. http://www.ussc.gov/2005guid/tabcon05,2009-08-17.
    ①See Sir Jeremy Lever Q. C.; John Pike. Cartel Agreements, Criminal Conspiracy and the Statutory "Cartel Offence"----Part 1[J]. E. C. L. R., Issue 2,3,2005.
    ② See Julian Joshua, Christopher Harding. Breaking up the Hard Core: the Prospects for the Proposed Cartel Offence[J]. Crim. L. R.2002(12).
    ③ See Sir Jeremy Lever Q. C.; John Pike. Cartel Agreements, Criminal Conspiracy and the Statutory "Cartel Offence"----Part 1 [J]. E. C. L. R., Issue 2,3,2005.
    (?)See Tim Frazer, Susan Hinchliffe, Kyla George. Enterprise Act 2002[J]. The Law Society,2003:49.
    ③ See Angus MacCulloch. The Cartel Offence and The Criminalization of United Kingdom Competition Law[J]. J. B. L. Nov.,2003:619.
    ④ See Regulatory Impact Assessment for Competition Reforms in Enterprise Act 2002, p.11.
    ② See Thomas Lamoert. International Cooperation Among Competition Authorities[J]. E. C. L. R.,1999(4):219.
    ③这7家公司是F. Hoffmann-Laroche(5亿美元,1999年)BASF AG(2.25亿美元,1999年);Infineon Technologies AG(1.60亿美元,2004年)SGI, Carbon AG(1.35亿美元,1999年);Mitsubishi Corp (1.34亿美元,2001年);UCAR(1.10亿美元,1998年);ADM(1亿美元,1996年)。参见郑鹏程著.反垄断法专题研究[M].北京:法律出版社,2008:247.
    ① See Thomas Lamoert. International Cooperation Among Competition Authorities[J]. E. C. L. R.,1999(4):219.
    ② See Klein. Anticipating the Millennium: International Antitrust Enforcement at the End of the Twentieth Century[R]. New York October 16,1997.
    ③ See Scott D. Hammond. An Overview of Recent Development in the Antitrust Division's Criminal Enforcement Program[EB/OL]. http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/public/speeches/207226.htm,2005-01-10.
    ③ See Julian. Competition Laws of Europe[M]. Maitland-Walker(edited),1981:106.
    ④ See Frank Wamser. Enforcement of Antitrust Law[M]. Peter Lang,1994:10.
    ① See Omni Outdoor Advertising,499 U. S. at 374-375.
    ② See California Liquor Dealers v. Midcal Aluminum,445 U. S.97,105(1980).
    (?)See Frank Wamser. Enforcement of Antitrust Law[M]. Peter Lang Gmbh,1994:152.
    ② See Frank Wamser. Enforcement of Antitrust Law[M].Peter Lang Gmbh,1994:32.
    ③ See Clifford A. Jones. Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the EU, UK and USA[M]. Oxford University, 1999:10.
    See Clifford A. Jones. Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the EU, UK and USA[M]. Oxford University, 1999:9.
    ① See GREEN PAPER-Damages actions for breach of EC antitrust rules[EB/OL].http://eur-lex.europa.eu/Le xUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:2005:0672:FIN:EN:PDF.2009-03-05.
    ② See WHITE PAPER on Damages actions for breach of the EC antitrust rules, p.7[EB/OL].Available at http://ec.europa.eu/competition/antitrust/actionsd amages/files_white_paper/whitepaper_en.pdf,2009-3-5.
    ③ See Barry J. Rodger & Angua MacCulloch. Competition Law and Policy in the EC and UK[M]. Cave ndish Publishing Limited,2000:71-72.
    ② See Clifford A. Jones, M. Phil. Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the EU, UK and USA[M]. Oxford University Press,1999:153-154.
    ④ See International Competition Network. Interaction of Public and Private Enforcement in Cartel Cases: Report to the ICN annual conference, Moscow, May 2007[EB/OL].internationalcompetitionnetwork.org/uplo ads/library/doc349.pdf,2010-04-12.
    ① See OECD Report. Fighting Hard-Core Cartels: Harm, Effective Sanctions, and Leniency Programmes,2002, (11)[EB/OL].http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/30/10/2754996.pdf,2009-12-15.
    ② See Edward D. Cavanagh. Detrebling Antitrust Damages: An Idea Whose Time Has Come? [J]. Tul. L. Rev., 1987(6):277.
    ③ See Frank H. Easter brook. Predatory Strategies and Counterstrategies[M]. University of Chicago Press, 1981:319.
    ④ See OECD. United States-Report on Competition Law and Institutions[R].2004.
    ③ See OECD. Report on Leniency Programmes to Fight Hard Core Cartels[EB/OL].http://WWW.oecd.org/d ataoecd/49/16/2474442.pdf,2010-04-16.
    ⑤ See Angus Macculloch. The Cartel Offence and the Criminalization of United Kingdom Competition La w[J]. J.B.L., Nov.2003.
    ① See Anne Marie Herron. The Antitrust Sentencing Guideline: Deterring Crime By Clarifying the Volume of Commerce Muddle[J]. Emory L. J. Spring,2002(51):929.
    ② See Eric · A · Posner. The Regulation of Group: The Influence of Legal and Nonlegal Sanction on Collective Action[J]. U? ChiL? Rev.,1996(6):133.
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