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Since the18th century, the movement of the codification of International Law hasbeen surging under the advocation of scholars, the participation of academicinstitutions and the auspices of government, and it was climaxed by the establishmentof the United Nations.
     Article13of the charters of the UN stated that "The General Assembly shall initiatestudies and make recommendations for the purpose of:..encouraging the progressivedevelopment of international law and its codification..." This function of the GeneralAssembly is taken by the ILC.
     Since its establishment, the ILC has been active on the world stage, becoming animportant and indispensable force. In the process of the Development andCodification of International Law.Its work became the text basis of a total of16Treaties which have been opening for signature,and covered many important areas ofinternational relations,and promoted the orderly interaction and peaceful contacts ofthe international community.
     We also noted that there is one pressing issue which the International LawCommission has been facing,that is,the results of its work is not widely accepted bythe international community: among the treaties that are based on its texts,32%ofthem did not entry into force or even didn't transit to the text of the treaty,43%reached the requirements, but just have small number of Parties, only25%not onlyentry into force, but also have great number of Parties..
     In today's international landscape, there is no country or international organizationwho can claim to be the international legislative body and to ask others to obey therules they make through multilateral treaties. The actual circumstances, after theintroduction of a multilateral treaty, the next question is how many countries would like to join it so that to be a party to it. If more and more countries or otherinternational organizations join the treaty, it will regulate the international relationsmuch better.
     This presents us the question of how to improve the degree of internationalrecognition of the results of the work of the International Law Commission.International society needs international law, especially the codified one. There is nocountry which can unilaterally and rudely decide any international affairs. In this case,an increasing number of international issues need all members of international societywork together to solve them. Law-making is the rational choice for the countries.International society needs international law, especially the codified one. There is nocountry which can unilaterally and rudely decide any international affairs. In this case,a increasing number of international issues need all members of internationalsociety work together to solve them. Law-making is the rational choice of thecountries.
     The proposal and settle of the question is for a higher degree of international rule oflaw. As Professor Zeng Lingliang said:"The increasing number of treaty is only partof the prerequisite for the international rule of law, what more important is that theremust be more and more countries signing, ratifying or acceding to those treaties, inorder to promote the widest compliance of the rules by the countries,which is theessence of the international rule of law."This article was composed by the following seven parts:The preamble will be fully explain the basic concepts,the raise of the question and itssignificance, the basic proposition, literature review, expected innovation anddifficulty, research methods of this article.
     Chapter I,"The Working Mechanism of the International Law Commission", focusedon the summarization of the working mechanism of the United Nations International Law Commission. In this chapter, we will comprehensively introduce the workingmechanism of the International Law Commission from many aspects, including thepurpose, work patterns and the results of the work of the United Nations InternationalLaw Commission.
     Chapter II,"the Assessment of the Work of the ILC", intended to raise questions.Withthe making of certain criteria (whether the bill could transition to the text of the treaty,whether treaty could enter into force, the number of Parties), a comprehensiveanalysis and comparison will be put on the international treaties based on the textdrafted by the ILC, and then they will be divided into four grades, and proposed thecore question of this article, namely "how to improve the degree of internationalrecognition of the work of the international Law Commission"Chapter III,"Quality is the Fundamental Factors that Determine the Degree ofInternational Recognition of the Work", focusing on the analysis of the problem.Exclude the judgment that international community do not need the development andcodification of the international law, raising and demonstrate the proposition that thequality of part of work provided by the International Law Commission is notsatisfactory.
     Chapter IV,"The Impacting Factor of the Quality of Work of the United NationsInternational Law Commission", aims to further clarify the causes of the problem. Onthe basis of law chapter, summing up the issue which determine the quality of thework, they are: the selection of topics, the preliminary investigation, issue researchand text drafting.
     Chapter V,"The Criteria and Methods to Enhance the Quality of the Work of theInternational Law Commission", intended to solve the problem. Trying to find a clear,workable solution.Specifically,to grasp of the relevant variables which determinedthe quality of the work and to improve the quality of the outcome of the work by clearly grasping the principles and standards of the selection of topics, following thekey points and methods of investigation and grasping the concepts and ideas for theresearch and drafting of the topics.
     The last section will reiterate the fundamental purpose and meaning of this study-towards a higher degree of international rule of law. Clarify the concept of the rule ofinternational law on the basis of reasonable demonstration of the international rule oflaw, and proposed a fundamental approach towards a higher degree of internationalrule of law-to enhance the quality, increase the degree of international recognition, toachieve f general application of international treaties.
    1参见《国国际法委员会章程简介》,United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law.
    1参见Secretary General’s Report:"The Rule of Law and Ttransitional Justice in Conflict and Post-ConflictSocieties”, S/2004/616.
    2Yuen-Li Liang, Progressive Development and Codification of International Law, World Affairs, Vol.111,1948;Yuen-Li Liang, The General Assembly and the Progressive Development and Codification of International Law,The American Journal of International Law, Vol.42,1948); Yuen-li Liang, the Progressive Development ofInternational Law and its Codification under the United Nations, Proceedings of the American Society ofInternational Law at Its Annual Meeting (1921-1969), Vol.41,1947.
    3Lauterpacht.H, Codification and Development of International Law, The American Journal of International Law,Vol16,1955.
    1参见:B. G.Ramcharan, The International Law Commission: its approach to the codification and progressivedevelopment of international law, Hague, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1977; Thomas M. Franck, MohamedElBaradei, The Codification and Progressive Development of International Law: A UNITAR Study of the Role andUse of the International Law Commission, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.76,1982;黄惠康:《国际法委员会的工作与国际法的编纂及发展》,载《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》,1998年6期;Anderson,David, Law Making Processes in the UN System-Some Impressions, Max Planck Yearbook of United NationsLaw, Vol.2,1998; Martti Koskenniemi, International Legislation Today: Limits and Possibilities, WisconsinInternational Law Review,2005; Cristina Mihaela gheghes, Codification of the International Public Law, Jurnalulde Studii Juridice, Vol,5,2010.
    2如Mohammed Bedjaoui,International law: achievements and prospects,Paris and Dordrecht: UNESCO andMartinus Nijhoff. Publishers,1992; Thomas M. Franck, Fairness in International Law and Institutions, Oxford,Clarendon Press,1998等。
    3如梁西著:《国际组织法(总论)》,武汉·武汉大学出版社,2001年版;Henry G. Schermers, Niels M.Blokker,International Institutional Law: Unity Within Diversity,Netherlands, Hotei Publishing,2004等。
    5如Denza Eileen, Diplomatic law: Commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, London,Oxford University Press,2008; Nandasiri Jasentuliyana, International Space Law and the United Nations, Hague,Kluwer law of International,1999; Barbara Kwiatkowska, International Organizations and the Law of the Sea:Documentary Yearbook, Hague, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2001等。
    1如李浩培著:《条约法概论》,北京·法律出版社,2003年版;Anthony Aust, Handbook of International Law,London, Cambridge University Press,2005。
    2参见UN Documents:A/C.6.SR.662,1961, p.69.
    14参见Rosenne, Shabtai, Essays on International Law and Practice, Hague, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2007;B.Graefrath, The Intentional Law Commission Tomorrow:Improving Its Organization and Methods of Work,TheAmerican Journal of International Law,1991.
    15参见Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, Ontario, Batoche BooksKitchener,2000;周旺生著:《立法学》,北京·法律出版社,2009年版;罗传贤著:《立法程序与技术》,台北·五南出版社,2010年版。
    2参见《国国际法委员会章程简介》,United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law.
    1参见Vebatim Minutes of the21stMeeting of committee II/2,UNCIO Documents, Vol,63; Vebatim Minutes ofthe10thMeeting of committee II/2,UNCIO Documents, Vol.62.
    3参见UN Documents:A/AC.10/5.
    6参见UN Documents:A/AC.10/30.
    1Yuen-Li Liang,The General Assembly and the Progressive Development and Codification of International Law,The American Journal of International Law, Vol.42,1948, p.72.
    2Yuen-Li Liang,The General Assembly and the Progressive Development and Codification of International Law,The American Journal of International Law, Vol.42,1948, p.73.
    1参见GeneralAssembly Resolutions54/111.
    1参见B. G.Ramcharan, The International Law Commission: Its Approach to the Codification and ProgressiveDevelopment of International Law, Hague, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1977, pp.190-193.及联合国出版物:《国际法委员会的工作(第一卷)》,出售编号C.04.V.6.,第20-23页。
    2参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1994, vol. II (Part Two), para.399.
    2参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1996, vol. II (Part Two), para.234.
    3参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1996, vol. II (Part Two), para.147.
    4参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1996, vol. II (Part Two), para.148.
    2M.K.Nawza,Selection of Topics for Codification and Progressive Development by the Commission and ItsWorking Methods,from Making Better International Law: Proceedings of the United Nations Colloquium onProgressive Development and Codification of International Law: The International Law Commission at50, UnitedNations publication, Sales No. E/-F.98.V.5, p.279.
    3参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1996, vol. II (Part Two), para.188.
    4参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1996, vol. II (Part Two), para.200.
    5参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1996, vol. II (Part Two), para.148
    1参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1956, vol. II (Part Two), para.128.
    2参见GeneralAssembly Resolution1902(XVIII).
    3参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1963, vol. II (Part Two), para.194.
    3Claude Thomasset, Louis-Claude,Expert Systems in Law and the Representation of Legal Knowledge: Can weisolate it from the Why and the Who,Paper presented at the Third International Congress, p.3.
    1参见UN Treaty Collection, http://treaties.un.org/pages/ParticipationStatus.aspx,2011年11月15日初次访问。
    2B.Graefrath, The Intentional Law Commission Tomorrow:Improving Its Organization and Methods of Work, TheAmerican Journal of International Law, Vol85,1991, p.600.
    3B.Graefrath, The Intentional Law Commission Tomorrow:Improving Its Organization and Methods of Work, TheAmerican Journal of International Law, Vol85,1991, p.601.
    1参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1956, vol. II (Part Two), para.128.
    2参见GeneralAssembly Resolutions1686(XVI).
    4参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1979, vol. II (Part One), para.93and para.98.
    5参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1999, vol. II (Part Two), para.616.
    1Yuen-Li Liang,The General Assembly and the Progressive Development and Codification of International Law,The American Journal of International Law, Vol.42,1948, p.73.
    1B. G.Ramcharan, The International Law Commission: Its Approach to the Codification and ProgressiveDevelopment of International Law, Hague, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1977, p.12.
    2Anthony Aust, Modern Treaty Law and Practice, London, Cambridge University Press,2000, p.320.
    1Anthony Aust, Modern Treaty Law and Practice, London, Cambridge University Press,2000, p.94.
    2Mark Eugen Villiger,Customary International Law and Treaties,Hague, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1985, p.195.
    3参见UN Treaty Collection, http://treaties.un.org/pages/ParticipationStatus.aspx,2011年12月15日访问。
    1参见UN Secretary-General, We the Peoples: the Role of the United Nations in the Twenty-First Century: theMillennium Report, Report of Secretary-General,2000, A/54/2000.
    2参见UN Treaty Collection, http://treaties.un.org/pages/ParticipationStatus.aspx,2011年12月15日初次访问。
    4参见UN Secretary-General, We the Peoples: the Role of the United Nations in the Twenty-First Century: theMillennium Report, Report of Secretary-General,2000, A/54/2000.
    5Barbara Kwiatkowska, International Organizations and the Law of the Sea: Documentary Yearbook, Hague,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2001, p.330.
    1Ian Bezpalko, the Deep Seabed:Customary Law Codified, Natural Resources Journal, Vol.44,2004, p.870.
    2参见UN Treaty Collection, http://treaties.un.org/pages/ParticipationStatus.aspx,2011年12月15日访问。
    1参见UN Treaty Collection, http://treaties.un.org/pages/ParticipationStatus.aspx,2011年12月15日访问。
    1John Setear,Explaining the Game of international law and politics,University of Virginia Journal of Law, Vol.
    11,2008, p.15.
    2参见Barbara Kwiatkowska, International Organizations and the Law of the Sea: Documentary Yearbook, Hague,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2001, p.330.
    4Jose E.Alvarez, International Organization as Law-Makers,Oxford, Oxford University Press,2005,p.273.
    1UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/502(VI).
    3Mohammed Bedjaoui,International law: Achievements and Prospects, Hague, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, p.57.
    4参见UN GeneralAssembly Resolution A/RES/47/33.
    2Convention on the High Sea,1958,United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol.450, p.11and p.82.
    2参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1960, Vol. II (Part Two), para.38.
    3参见GeneralAssembly Resolutions1504(XV).
    4参见Official Records of the United Nations Conference on Diplomatic Intercourse and Immunities, Vienna,2.3-14.4,1961, vol. II, Sales No.62.X.1, pp.45-46, pp.89-90.
    5参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1960, vol. II (Part Two), p.151.
    1Eileen Denza, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,1961,United Nations Audiovisual Library ofInternational Law.
    2参见Official Records of the United Nations Conference on Diplomatic Intercourse and Immunities, Vienna,2March-14April1961, vol. I, United Nations publication, Sales No.61.X.2and ibid., vol. II, United Nationspublication, Sales No.62.X.I.
    3Karl Zemanek, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,1969,United Nations Audiovisual Library ofInternational Law.
    1参见GeneralAssembly Resolutions2166(XXI).
    2参见Official Records of the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, First Session, United Nationspublication, Sales No.68.V.7; ibid., Second Session, United Nations publication, Sales No.70.V.6.
    3Karl Zemanek, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,1969,United Nations Audiovisual Library ofInternational Law.
    3参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1996, vol. II (Part Two), paras.246-248.
    4参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1949, vol. II (Part Two), para.12.
    2参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1971, vol. II (Part Two), para.112.
    4参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1996, vol. II (Part Two), paras.246-248.
    2Laura Nader, Law in culture and society, California,University of California Press,1997,p.3.
    3Denza Eileen, Diplomatic law: commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, Oxford, OxfordUniversity Press,2008, p.2.
    1Rosalyn Higgins,Problems and Process:International Law and How We Use It,London, Clarendon Press,1995,p.149.
    2B.Graefrath, The Intentional Law Commission Tomorrow:Improving Its Organization and Methods of Work, TheAmerican Journal of International Law, Vol.85,1991, p.600.
    1Denza Eileen, Diplomatic law: Commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, Oxford,Oxford University Press,2008, p.2.
    1Cristina Mihaela Gheghes, Codification of the International Public Law, Jurnalul de Studii Juridice, Vol.5,2010,p.101.
    3参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1961, vol. II (Part Two), pp.92-128.
    1参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1961, vol. II (Part Two), pp.93-107.
    2参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1961, vol. II (Part Two), pp.107-108.
    3参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1961, vol. II (Part Two), pp.108-115.
    4参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1961, vol. II (Part Two), pp.115-124.
    1参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1961, vol. II (Part Two), pp.125-126.
    2参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1961, vol. II (Part Two), pp.126-128.
    4Legislative drafting manual,New Mexico Legislative Council Service,2008, p.82.
    1参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1958,, vol. II (Part Two), p.90.
    1参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1967, vol. II (Part Two), p.357.
    2参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1967, vol. II (Part Two), p.357.
    3参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1967, vol. II (Part Two), p.358.
    2参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1961, vol. II (Part Two), p.122.
    3参见Yearbook of the Internatiomal Law Commission,1974, vol. II (Part Two), p.177.
    4参见Yearbook of the Internatiomal Law Commission,1974, vol. II (Part Two), p.177.
    5Charles M Yablon, The Indeterminacy of the Law: Critical Legal Studies and the Problem of LegalExplanation,Cardozo Law Review,1984-1985, p.917.
    1United Nation's Publication,Survey of International Law in Relation to the Work of Codification of theInternational Law Commission,A/CN.4/1/Rev.1,Sales No.1948.v.1(1), p.59.
    2M.K.Nawza,Selection of Topics for Codification and Progressive Development by the Commission and ItsWorking Methods,from Making Better International Law: Proceedings of the United Nations Colloquium onProgressive Development and Codification of International Law: The International Law Commission at50, UnitedNations publication, Sales No. E/-F.98.V.5, p.275.
    2Jack L Goldsmith, Eric A. Posner, The Limits of International Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press,2005, p.10.
    3Christopher W.Pinto, The International Law Commission: Methods of Work and Selection of Topics, fromMaking Better International Law: Proceedings of the United Nations Colloquium on Progressive Development andCodification of International Law: The International Law Commission at50, United Nations publication Sales No.E/-F.98.V.5, p.239.
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    2R. Y.Jennings, The Progressive Development of International Law and Its Codification, British Yearbook ofTnternational Law,1947, p.309.
    3United Nation's Publication,Survey of International Law in Relation to the Work of Codification of theInternational Law Commission,A/CN.4/1/Rev.1,Sales No.1948.v.1(1), p.16.
    4United Nation's Publication,Survey of International Law in Relation to the Work of Codification of theInternational Law Commission,A/CN.4/1/Rev.1,Sales No.1948.v.1(1), p.16.
    1参见GeneralAssembly Resolution2501(XXIV).
    2参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1981, vol. II (Part Two), para.104.
    3参见Official Records of the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties between States and InternationalOrganizations or between International Organizations, Vienna,18February-21March1986, vol. II, Documents ofthe Conference, United Nations publication, Sales No.94.V.5, document A/CONF.129/15.
    3Giuseppe Nesi, International Cooperation in Counter-Terrorism:the United Nations and Regional Organizationsin the Fight against Terrorism, London, shgate Publishing,2006, P.26.
    4关于反恐中的国际法律问题,在Victor V. Ramraj, Michael Hor, Kent Roach, Global Anti-Terrorism Law andPolicy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,2005中有较为全面的阐述,可参见之。
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    2Eileen Denza, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,1961,United Nations Audiovisual Library ofInternational Law.
    3David P. Stewart, The UN Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property, The AmericanJournal of International Law, Vol.99,2005, p.196.
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    6Osef L. Kunz, Natural-Law Thinking in the Modern Science of International Law, The American Journal ofInternational Law, Vol.55,1961, p.952.
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    6Robert John Araujo, International Law Clients: The Wisdom of Natural Law, Fordham Urban Law Journal,Vol.28,2000, p.1755.
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    1Vittorio Villa,Legal Theory and Value Judgments, Law and Philosophy,Vol.16,1997, p.451.
    2Roscoe Pound, Law in Books and Law in Action, American Law Review, Vol12,1910, p.14.
    3Peter Gabel, Paul Harris, Building Power and Breaking Images: Critical Legal Theory and the Practice ofLaw,New York University Review of Law and Social Change, Vol.11,1982-1983, p.371.
    5Isaac D. Balbus, The Concept of Interest in Pluralist and Marxian Analysis, Politics&Society,Vol.2,1971, p.152.
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    3Joseph S Nye.Jr. Redefining the National Interest, Foreign Affairs,Vol.78,1999, p.22.
    7Hans J. Morgenthau, Positivism, Functionalism, and International Law,The American Journal of InternationalLaw,Vol.34,1940, p.263.
    1Jack L. Goldsmith, Eric A. Posner, The Limits of International Law,Oxford, Oxford University Press,2005, p.269.
    3参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1959, vol. II (Part Two), p.214.
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    6参见Yearbook of the International Law Commission,1972, vol. II (Part Two), para.128.
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    1B.G.Ramcharan, The International Law Commission: It's Approach to the Codification and ProgressiveDevelopment of International Law, Hague, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1977, p.51.
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    3Anderson, David, Law Making Processes in the UN System-Some Impressions, Max Planck Yearbook of
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    3Ronald Moore,‘Legal Norms and Legal Science: a Critical Study of Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law, Hawaii,TheUniversity Press of Hawaii/Honolulu,1978, p.5.
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    2Margaret Jane Radin, Reconsidering the Rule of Law, Boston University Law Review,Vol.69,1989, p.781.
    3Lord Bingham,The Rule of Law,The Cambridge Law Journal, Vol.69,2007, p.70.
    4Scalia Antonin,The Rule of Law as a Law of Rules, The University of Chicago Law Review, Vol.56,1989, p.1180.
    5Lord Bingham,The Rule of Law, The Cambridge Law Journal, Vol.69,2007, p.73.
    4Andrew T. Guzman. How International Law Works: A Rational Choice Theory. Oxford, Oxford University Press,2008, p.3.
    2W. Janis: Jeremy Bentham and the Fashioning of“International Law", American Journal of International Law,Vol.78,1984, p.413.
    3如发表于1785年的《立法理论》(Theory of Legislation),发表于1798年的《道德和立法原理导论》(AnIntroduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation)等著作。
    1Cristina Mihaela Gheghes, Codification of the International Public Law, Jurnalul de Studii Juridice, Vol.5,2010,p.101.
    4Cristina Mihaela gheghes, Codification of the International Public Law, Jurnalul de Studii Juridice, Vol.5,2010,p.102.
    5Dupont Christophe, History and Coalitions: The Vienna Congress (1814-1815), International Negotiation, Vol.8,p.174.
    3Yuen-li Liang, Progressive Development and Codification of International Law, World Affairs, Vol.111,1948, p.15.
    4League of Nations, Official Journal, Special Supplement, No.21, p.10.
    2League of Nations, Official Journal, Special Supplement, No.53, p.9.
    4League of Nations, Official Journal, Special Supplement, No.92, p.9.
    1Jack L. Goldsmith, Eric A. Posner, The limits of International Law, London, Oxford University Press,2005, p.35.
    1Terry Nardin,International Ethics and International Law, Review of International Studies, Vol.18,1992, p.23.
    2参见UN Secretary-General, We the Peoples: the Role of the United Nations in the Twenty-First Century: theMillennium Report, Report of Secretary-General,2000, A/54/2000.
    2Guenter Weissberg, George W. Keeton, Georg Schwarzenberger:The International Status of the United Nations,New York,Oceana Publications,1961, p.33.
    3Guenter Weissberg, George W. Keeton, Georg Schwarzenberger:The International Status of the United Nations,New York,Oceana Publications,1961, p.334.
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