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硬头黄竹(Bambusa rigida)和撑绿杂交竹(Bambusa pervariabilis×Dendrocalamopsisdaii)是我国丛生竹资源的重要组成部分,同时也是我国南方重要的经济竹种和生态建设竹种,不仅生长快、产量高,在造纸、编织和纤维利用等领域有明显优势,而且还具有较好的生态功能,在我国竹产业的发展和生态建设中发挥了不可替代的作用。川南地处长江上游,雨量充沛,但多年来对陡坡地不合理的开垦和种植,使得该地区的土壤退化和水土流失现象十分严重。实施退耕还林工程以来,硬头黄竹和撑绿杂交竹(以下简称撑绿竹)作为当地的常用竹种,便因其较好的经济价值和生态功能,在退耕还林工程实施过程中得到了广泛的应用和推广。为探寻退耕竹林的水土保持作用,本文采用野外观测和室内试验相结合的方法,以硬头黄竹和撑绿竹的非退耕竹林(YCK1、CCK2)和农耕地(NCK0)为对照,对硬头黄竹的退耕5a(Y5)、10a(Y10)林和撑绿竹的退耕5a(C5)、10a(C10)林的群落结构及生产力特征、土壤理化性质、水源涵养功能、土壤抗侵蚀能力和经济效益进行系统分析,在此基础上建立了退耕竹林主要生态功能和经济效益综合指标评价体系,并运用该指标体系对实验竹林进行了综合评价,为川南退耕竹林竹种选择和可持续经营提供理论依据。主要结论如下:
     1不同退耕年限丛生竹群落结构及生产力差异明显。研究表明,退耕5a硬头黄竹林地胸径和株高低于退耕10a林和非退耕林;撑绿竹胸径和树高变化趋势与硬头黄竹变化规律相反,退耕5a撑绿竹胸径和树高最好,反映了撑绿竹的成林周期短于硬头黄竹。硬头黄竹和撑绿竹的胸径和株高之间均存在极显著的相关关系,可以用模型H=2.29D+0.670和H=0.939D+5.813表达。两种丛生竹林物种多样性的丰富度指数和均匀度指数均随着退耕年限的延长而降低,且物种多样性水平均表现为草本层>灌木层>乔木层,但是两者地上生物量积累量差异较大,硬头黄竹地上部平均单株生物量大小依次为:YCK1(3.65kg)> Y10(3.48kg)> Y5(3.18kg);撑绿竹为:C5(4.31kg)> CCK2(4.01kg)>C10(3.50kg);生物量积累量可采用相对生长式模型W=a(D2H)b来模拟。
     2退耕竹林土壤质量明显提高。采用加权综合指数法,对不同竹林土壤质量进行综合评价,硬头黄竹土壤质量综合指数顺序为:Y5> YCK1> NCK0>Y10;撑绿竹为:C5> C10> NCK0>CCK2,均以退耕5a竹林土壤质量最优,而非退耕撑绿竹和退耕10a硬头黄竹林土壤质量较差,均低于农耕地。退耕5a硬头黄竹林和撑绿竹林土壤具有良好的持水能力和土壤孔隙度,且其土壤主要化学元素含量较高,因而综合指数得分较高。退耕时间不同,主要养分元素含量存在明显差异,两种退耕丛生竹林土壤N和K含量均随着退耕年限的增加而降低,而P含量随着退耕年限的增加呈升高的趋势。
     3竹林内的林冠层、枯落物层和土壤层的水源涵养功能与竹种和退耕年限密切相关。树冠平均截留量占竹林水源涵养总量的39.31%,硬头黄竹林冠截留量排列顺序为Y5>Y10>YCK1,退耕5a竹林截留量最高,可占该地区降雨量的15.24%;撑绿竹冠层截留量的排列顺序为C5> CCK2> C10,最高为年降雨量的15.68%。不同退耕年限竹林叶面积指数介于1.253~3.419之间,与林冠截留量显著正相关。枯落物层水源涵养量仅占竹林水源涵养量的0.68%。硬头黄竹林冠截留量排列顺序为Y10> YCK1>Y5,撑绿竹冠层截留量的排列顺序为C10>CCK2>C5,两种退耕竹林枯落物储量、最大拦蓄量及有效拦蓄量均随退耕年限的增加而增加,浸泡时间(t)与枯落物层持水量(S)和吸水速率(V)之间的关系可以用模型S=k lnt+p和V=k tn拟合。土壤层是林地涵养水源的主体,占各竹林水源涵养量的57.62~62.50%,硬头黄竹林0~60cm土层土壤储水量的排列顺序为:Y(52997.24t·hm-2)>YCK1(2447.86t·hm-2)>Y10(2381.67t·hm-2);撑绿竹为CCK2(2709.28t·hm-2)>C5(2680.54t·hm-2)>C10(2250.93t·hm-2)。故在竹林水源涵养总量方面,硬头黄竹为退耕5a林最高(487.09mm),其次为退耕10a林(413.33mm),最低为非退耕竹林(403.92mm);而撑绿竹以退耕5a最高,其次为非退耕林,最低为退耕10a竹林,其值分别为461.35mm,433.51mm和378.32mm。
     4退耕竹林抗侵蚀力明显优于农地,且随退耕年限的增加而增加。不同退耕年限硬头黄竹林土壤抗侵蚀能力的排列顺序为:Y10>YCK1>Y5>NCK0,分别较农耕地提高68.35%,39.26%和37.77%;而撑绿竹为C10> CCK2>C5>NCK0,较农耕地分别提高44.63%,43.05%和22.67%,均已退耕10a土壤抗侵蚀能力最高,退耕竹林有效地提高土壤抗侵蚀能力,且随着退耕年限的延长,土壤抗侵蚀能力增加。通过主成分分析和因子分析,表明水稳性团聚体含量、土壤渗透性、平均重量直径和几何平均直径与土壤理化性质、土壤抗侵蚀性指标之间存在着显著或极显著的相关关系,可以作为衡量该地区土壤抗侵蚀能力大小的综合参数。
     5对不同类型竹林主要生态功能进行定量评价,结果表明硬头黄竹主要生态功能综合指数的排列顺序为Y5>YCK1>Y10>NCK0,撑绿竹为C5> CCK2> C10> NCK0,两种竹林均表现为退耕5a竹林的主要生态功能最高,其次为非退耕竹林,最低为退耕10a竹林,且竹林生态功能均优于农耕地。退耕竹林经济效益综合分析表明退耕10a竹林产生的经济效益显著高于退耕5a竹林和农耕地。
Bambusa(B) rigida and Bambusa pervariabilis×Dendrocalamopsis(D) daii are theimportant part of sympodial bamboo resource in China, while also belong to the importantbamboo species for economic in southern of China, furthermore, they are not only havingfaster growing and higher yields, but also have obvious advantage in the field of paper making,weaving, fiber utilization et al; Therefore, the irreplaceable role is played in the developmentof China's bamboo industry. Southern of Sichuan province is located in the upper reaches ofthe Yangtze River, rich in rainfall, however, due to the unreasonable reclamation andcultivation of steep slopes over the years, soil degradation and soil erosion is becoming moreand more serious. And because of their good economic value and ecological function, B.rigidaand B. pervariabilis×D. daii which as the local common species of bamboo, were widelypromoted and application at the period of Grain for Green Project (GTGP).In order to explorethe water and soil conservation function of de-farmed plantation of bamboo, the methods offield observation and indoor test were taken to systematic analysis community structure and thefeature of productivity, soil properties, water conservation features, soil resistance to erosionand economic benefits of stands which included5-year(Y5) and10-year(Y10) de-farmed B.rigida plantation,5-year(C5) and10-year(C10) de-farmed B. pervariabilis×D. daii plantation,and the control-managing B. rigida plantation (YCK1), B. pervariabilis×D. daii plantation(CCK2) and slope farmland (NCK0). Based on the analysis mentioned above, the comprehensiveindex evaluation system of ecological functions and economic benefits of de-farmed bambooforests was established, and then, the assessment result of different stands was obtained by thissystem. The aim was to provide a theoretical basis for the choice of bamboo species andsustainable management of de-farmed land in south Sichuan province.The main conclusionsare as follows:
     1The differences of community structure and the feature of productivity among differentplots were significant. The results showed that Y5had lower bamboo diameter at breast height(DBH) and height than Y10and YCK1, while C5was better than C10and CCK2, so, B.pervariabilis×D. daii need less time than B. rigida when they grew up to forset. In addition, there was a significant relationship between DBH and tree height both in B. rigida and B.pervariabilis×D. daii, and the regression equation is H=2.29D+0.670and H=0.939D+5.813.Richness index and evenness index of species diversity were reduced with the increase ofde-farmed years, and the order of species diversity level was: herb layer> shrub layer> treelayer. Biomass in different stands are differ with B. rigida and B. pervariabilis×D. daii forests,and the average individual biomass order was YCK1(3.65kg)> Y10(3.48kg)> Y5(3.18kg)and C5(4.31kg)> CCK2(4.01kg)> C10(3.50kg)respectively. In study region, all the standsbiomass could be excellent simulated by relative growth model: W=a(D2H)b.
     2Soil quality and soil properties could be improved by returning farmland to bambooforest. The soil quality of different stands had been evaluated through weighted compositeindex method (WCIM), the comprehensive index order of B. rigida was Y5> YCK1> NCK0>Y10,and B. pervariabilis×D. daii was C5> C10> NCK0> CCK2,5-year de-farmed forests had bettersoil quality than the other stands, because they had better water-holding capacity, soil porosity,and higher content of chemical elements. The main nutrient elements were difference betweendifferent de-farmed time forests, the content of N and K decreased with the increasing ofde-framing time, but P had opposite trend.
     3Bamboo species and de-farmed time were closely related to water conservation functionof canopy layer, litter layer and soil layer of forests. The average interception rate of canopyaccount for39.31%of the amount of water conservation, and the order of B. rigida wasY5>Y10>YCK1, the best was Y5, account for15.24%of rainfall; the order of B. pervariabilis×D.daii was C5>CCK2> C10, C5account for15.68%of rainfall. Leaf area index was ranged from1.253to3.419, and it also had a significant positive correlation with canopy interceptioncapacity. Water-holding capacity of litter layer account for0.68%. The order of B. rigida wasY10>YCK1>Y5, and B. pervariabilis×D. daii was C10>CCK2>C5. Litter storage, and its maximuminterception capacity and effective interception increased with the increasing of de-farmedyears. Immersion experiment also showed that the fitting models between immersion time (t)and litter water-holding capacity (S), water absorption rate (V) were S=k lnt+p and V=k tn. Thesoil layer is the main body of water conservation, accounting for57.62~62.50%of the wholebamboo forest water conservation, the sequence B. rigida was Y5(2997.24t·hm-2)>YCK1(2447.86t·hm-2)>Y10(2381.67t·hm-2), and B. pervariabilis×D. daii was CCK2(2709.28 t·hm-2)>C5(2680.54t·hm-2)>C10(2250.93t·hm-2). So, in the aspect of water conservation,for B. rigida, Y5was the best (487.09mm), Y10taken the second place (413.33mm), and thelast was YCK1(403.92mm); for B. pervariabilis×D. daii, C5>CCK2>C10, respective value was461.35mm,433.51mm and378.32mm.
     4De-farmed plantations had better soil anti-erodibility than farmland, and increased withthe extending of de-farmed time. The order of soil anti-erodibility under B. rigida stands wasY10>YCK1>Y5>NCK0, enhanced68.35%,39.26%and37.77%than farmland, respectively, andthe order of B. pervariabilis×D. daii was C10> CCK2>C5>NCK0, enhanced44.63%,43.05%and22.67%separately.10-year de-farmed plantations were the best than the other stands insoil anti-erodibility. Thus, de-farming can significantly improve the ability of soilanti-erodibility, and the longer de-farmed times, the higher soil anti-erodibility level enhanced.In addition, principal component analysis and factor analysis of different anti-erodibilityindexes indicated that content of water stable aggregates, soil permeability, the mean weightdiameter and geometric mean diameter had existed significant or highly significant correlationwith soil properties, soil anti-erodibility indexes, so they can be used as a comprehensivelyquantitative index to evaluate the soil erosion resistance
     5Main ecological functions of different bamboo forest were quantitative evaluated byWCIM, the results showed that the decreasing order of it in different B. rigida wasY5>YCK1>Y10>NCK0, and the B. pervariabilis×D. daii was C5>CCK2>C10>NCK0,5-yearde-farmed stands had the best ecological functions, then were management plantations, and thelast were10-year de-farmed stands. However, both of de-farmed stands had not reachedsignificant level to control, respectively, in addition, forest stands had better ecologicalfunction than farmland. In economic benefit aspect,10-year de-farmed plantation significantlyhigher than5-year de-farmed plantation and farmland.
     In a word, in the respect of bamboo emerging rate, biomass rate of culm and the value ofbamboo wood, B. rigida are better than B. pervariabilis×D. daii, meanwhile, it has moreadvantage on improving soil quality and water conservation of forest, but it needs to spendmore time to grow up to forest, and also has lower biomass than B. pervariabilis×D. daii.Regard to B. pervariabilis×D. daii, besides higher individual biomass and DBH, it has betterability on canopy interception and fast growth either, superadded its high soil anti-erodibility, B. pervariabilis×D. daii could also belong to a better ecological construction species of bamboo.
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