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     目的探讨Uu和Mg与女性非衣原体非淋球菌感染的MPC的相关性。方法研究对象包括性病门诊就诊的女性非衣原体非淋球菌感染的MPC患者及健康体检人群两组。采集宫颈拭子标本,运用支原体培养及半定量培养的方法检测Uu,运用PCR技术检测Mg。一般情况、病史和性行为等采用问卷调查。结果Uu在非衣原体非淋球菌感染的MPC患者中的检出率为81.42%(184/226),健康体检人群中的检出率为64.41%(76/118),特别是MPC病例组中Uu半定量培养浓度≥10~4 ccu/mL的阳性率(42.48%)明显高于对照组(16.95%),有高度显著性差异(χ~2=22.61,P<0.001);Mg在非衣原体非淋球菌感染的MPC患者中的检出率为11.06%(25/226),健康体检人群中的检出率为0.85%(1/118),两组间差异有统计学意义(χ~2=11.58,P<0.001)。多因素回归分析发现,近3个月非婚性伴数、宫颈口有黏液脓性分泌物及宫颈涂片PMNL≥10个/油镜视野对Mg阳性的影响均有统计学意义(P=0.001、P=0.042和P=0.027)。结论Uu浓度高感染可能在MPC中有一定的致病作用;Mg与性病门诊就诊者中的非衣原体非淋球菌感染的MPC相关。
ChapterⅠ.Associations of Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma genitalium with Mucopurulent cervicitis in Women
     Objective To study the association of U.urealyticum and M.genitalium among women with nongonococcal,nonchlamydial mucopurulent cervicitis in women.
     Methods The study population consisted of two different groups including STD clinic female patients with nongonococcal,nonchlamydial mucopurulent cervicitis and healthy women.Cervical samples were collected from all subjects.The specimens were tested for the presence of U.urealyticum by culture and M.genitalium by polymerase chain reaction,respectively.Information about socio-demographic characteristics,medical history,sexual behaviour was gathered through a questionnaire.Results The rate of positive culture for U.urealyticum was 81.42% (184/226) in patiens with mucpurulent cervicitis,while 64.41%(76/118 ) in heathy women.The rate of positive culture with Uu≥10~4 ccu/mL was significanthy higher in patients with mucpurulent cervicitis(42.48%),than that in control group(16.95%) (χ~2=22.61,P<0.001).The prevalence of M.genitaliurn was 11.06%(25/226) in patiens with mucpurulent cervicitis,while 0.85%(1/118) in heathy women.There was a significant difference between the two groups(χ~2=11.58,P<0.001).By multivariate regression analysis,M.genitalium was strongly associated with multiple sex partners,mucopurulent secretion and≥10 polymorphonuclear leukocytes per high-power field on Gram stained cervical smear(P=0.001,P=0.042 and P=0.027).
     Conclusion This study indicates that infection with U.urealyticum at a high concentration may be related to mucopurulent cervicitis,and M.genitalium is associated with nongonococcal,nonchlamydial mucopurulent cervicitis among female patients attending STD clinic.
     ChapterⅡ.Association of Ureaplasma urealyticum biovar and genotype with Mucopurulent cervicitis
     Objective To study the association of U.urealyticum biovar and genotype with nongonococcal,nonchlamydial mucopurulent cervicitis.Methods The study population consisted of two different groups including STD clinic female patients with nongonococcal,nonchlamydial mucopurulent cervicitis and healthy women(as controls).U.urealyticum biovar and genotype were differentiated from U. urealyticum positive cultures by polymerase chain reaction and single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis.Results The rate of mba genotype 3/14 from biovars 1 was the highest in both groups,30.98%(57/184) in patients with mucopurulent cervicitis and 43.42%(33/76) in controls.The rate of genotype 2B from biovars 2 was 16.30%(30/184) in patient group,while 6.58%(5/76) in controls,and there was a significant difference between the two groups(χ~2 = 4.367,P=0.037). Genotype 1,3/14 and 6 from biovar 1 was dominant in healthy population(81.58%).
     Conclusion This study indicates that genotype 2B of U.urealyticum biovars 2 may be associated with nongonococcal,nonchlamydial mucopurulent cervicitis among female patients attending STD clinic.
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    2.Romoren M,Sundby J,Velauthapillai M,et al.Chlamydia and gonorrhoea in pregnant Batswana women:time to discard the syndromic approach? BMC Infect Dis.2007,16(7):27.
    3.Marrazzo JM.Mucopurulent cervicitis:no longer ignored,but still misunderstood.Infect Dis Clin North Am 2005,19(2):333-349.
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    5.L E.Manhart,K.K.Holmes,James P.Hughes.Mycoplasma genitalium Among Young Adults in the United States:An Emerging Sexually Transmitted Infection.American Public Health Association.2007,97(6):1118-1125.
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    8. Pepin J, Labbe AC, Khonde N, et al. Mycoplasma genitalium: an organism commonly associated with cervicitis among west African sex workers. Sex Transm Infect.2005, 81(1): 67-72.
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