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In the long river of history, it is found that,after natural evolution duaring millions of years, the special features and the study of some plants and animals adapt to the nature, even come to be perfect, and go beyond the level of our technology in this respect. Therefore, long times ago human beings began to study the biological, and created a number of tools for their own using. With the advances of Science and Technology, people developed the bionic in the natural sciences to the bionic in the social sciences, realizing the development of third-bionics leap in the field of bionics. At present, drawing on biological evolution and natural ways of thinking, many economists research to study the phenomenon of economic evolution and behavior technological innovation, and regard the technology as a large number of fundamental economic forces behind the phenomenon, to technological innovation and institutional innovation as the core research Object, to the dynamic evolution of the concept to analyze and understand economic systems and development, it is a valid scientific way. This article is for the existing problems, using the perspective of bionics to explain the technological innovation, using the some of the theories and methods of ecology, combined with technological innovation system itself and its actual characteristics, to do some bionic researches of technological innovation, motivation, Innovation system, as well as the effect of technological innovation system, the mechanisms of the evolution of technological innovation system.
     1. bionic research on technological innovation
     Technology is like an organism. It has life, genes, genetic, and proliferation. Technology’s genes is a series of information collection which condensated in itself, including knowledge information technical standards, methods and processes to achieve, and so on. The information can be genetic and copied. A single technology can be seen as a species, then the same kind of technology is a collection of technology stocks. There is competition between the same kind of technology, including competition for innovation, competition in the market, and so on. So the interaction of technology stocks also constitute a large technology community. They have competition, predation, mutualism, parasitism and neutralism. As a result of these common relations, technical system is showing a network structure which is similar to the food web.
     Technological innovation can make the production factors re-combine by break the internal structure of the original technology, which resulted the changes of technology genes. According to the extent of genetic variation, technological innovation can be divided into two major categories. One is the evolution of species, in the process of innovation, incremental innovation and imitation innovation. The other is the emergence of new species, especially in product innovation and breakthrough innovation. Once the technological innovation has completed, there is the process of innovation diffusion due to technical reasons and the driver of economic interests. Just as the invasion of species, the reason why a technological innovation can be spread simply because of its innovative technology and superior to using different from those used in the technology or other competitive technologies comparative advantage.
     2. bionic research on the motivation of technological innovation
     Technological innovation and motivation of biological evolution have similarities. Self-organization is the inherent motivation of technological innovation. Technological innovation is a self-organizing nature of the original balance from the dissipation of the structure, as demonstrated by: (1) technological innovation system is open; (2) technological innovation system remains far from equilibrium; (3) technological innovation system of the main elements of the interaction between the non-linear; (4) there is fluctuation in the role of technological innovation system.The evolution of technological innovation from the three forces: (1) niche differences, it is technological innovation to maintain the basis of diversity; (2) the market choice, this is technological innovation to survive the natural selection mechanism; (3) competition Technological innovation is the survival mechanism.
     3.bionic research on mainstay of technological innovation
     Enterprise is the main body of technological innovation, it is manmade-life. DNA is a business enterprise formation of a congenital birth, and it determines the physiological characteristics of the enterprises, which determines the size of the enterprise, type, what is for sale, the allocation of resources and the ability to innovate and so on. Enterprise departments and functions of major life systems also have similarities, such as corporate information systems and the life of the nervous system, the financial system and the life-blood circulatory system. Enterprises will continue to grow through material, energy, information and the value of the exchange with the outside world, and experience new life, growth, maturity, old age until the final demise of the entire life cycle.
     At the same time, as a life, Enterprises life in a particular ecosystem. Enterprise ecosystem can be divided into internal and external ecosystem. internal ecosystem refers to its symbiotic cell in the body and life systems, includes entrepreneurs, assets, corporate culture, level of technology. Ecological and external components can be divided into biological and non-living components. External ecosystem can be divided into biological components and non-living components. Biological components formed by different species of biomes, including the same business, consumers, suppliers, market intermediaries and investors. Non-living components are divided into the natural ecology and social ecology. The natural ecology includes natural resources, geographical terrain and climate; while social ecology reflected the level of the main economic factors, political, legal, cultural background, human resources, scientific and technological level, and other factors.
     4. bionic research on regional innovation system
     Based on the community ecology theory,to put forward the concept of community innovation as the starting point, there are a general analysis ofthe connotation of ecology of the innovation system and the characteristics. And then to the innovation system and operational mechanism for the formation of a mechanism to study,it is about the analysis of the evolution and characteristics of innovative systems. The formation of new communities from the two reasons, on the one hand, enterprises, governments, universities and research institutes, intermediary service organizations in communities of innovation is the four populations, they have their own niche and function; On the other hand, competition and Share a common role is to promote innovation and a catalyst for the formation of communities, with populations between individuals, between populations through communication and cooperation in making this innovative resources to set reasonable and efficient use.Community innovation mechanism, including: (1) innovation symbiotic unit, innovative symbiosis between the modules through the symbiotic interface, material, energy and information exchange. (2) knowledge sharing, which is the basis of innovation, and innovation among the population through knowledge and information to complete the flow of nutrients and energy transmission.(3) industrial clusters, it is an effective form of organization, so that industry and business to neighboring agencies, to quickly integrate resources, reduce transaction costs and economies of scale and enhance industrial competitiveness; (4) coevolution innovation in this inter-species relationship between the impact on the evolution of each other, thereby creating synergy and achieve the common evolution of the entire community.
     5. Research on construction of regional innovation system based on bionic
     Regional innovation ecosystem can be divided into 5 sub-systems, that is, the population of sub-system businesses, institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions sub-populations, the agency sub-population, the population of sub-sub-system and environment. Using the method of principal component analysis to evaluate, concluded that: the imbalance in the development of five sub-systems, and the capacity of corporate stocks and government stocks is low, which serious constraints on the overall development. In the construction of JiLin regional innovation system, to the macro-community, we must strengthen the innovation of the four populations of species mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship, the balance of nutrition, so that it co-hosted. And to the five major advantage of micro-industry community, we should enrich the relationship between nutrition, in accordance with the actual possession of community resources and niche, find location, step-by-step development, so as to promote regional economic development.
     In summary, there are many similarities between the regional innovation system and nature. It is a valid scientific way to study the relevant theoretical and practical issues draw on some of the biological theories and methods, combining with itself characteristics of the regional innovation system. And there is some theoretical and practical significance.
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