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Strategic emerging industry is the leading industry which embedding in advanced achievements of contemporary science and technology,guiding the industrial structure's upgrading,stimulating economic growth and enhancing the capability of independent innovation and competitiveness.After the financial crisis, the world economy's developmental pattern and model has experienced profound changes,the various countries' governments have carried on the strategic adjustment to the industrial structure,and China's pattern of economic development is undergoing a transformation, so studying on China's strategic emerging industries from the perspective of industry growth not only has important theoretical value,but also has important practical significance on the international competitiveness of industry and sustainable development.
     On the basis of concept definition and related research,this doctoral dissertation discusses China's strategic emerging industry's growth mechanism thoroughly from four aspects.Firstly, the market mechanism of growth on China's strategic emerging industry.The study has shown that inner dynamics of growth on strategic emerging industry reflects on the weak vicariousness between capital and labor,the sensitivity to capture market demand,the incentive to acquire innovation rent,the scale economy which has first occupies and the leading enterprises'emergence. In addition, external conditions of growth on strategic emerging industry include unique resource advantage,favorable policy environment,unceasingly perfect financial environment, open and fair market environment and constantly increase of investment.The interaction between internal and external conditions facilitates the market function mechanism of Strategic emerging industry's growth,that is circulation accumulation mechanism of innovation and profit,mutual promotion mechanism of demand and scale,competition interaction mechanism of oligarch enterprises,evenly building a dynamic system model on this basis.Secondly, market and government's dual-driving mechanism in strategic emerging industry's growth.The Study has shown that market is the pulling power and basic function in strategic emerging industries' development,and government support is an important safeguard in strategic emerging industries' growth, both are the different adjustment methods,but the nature is consistent.In infancy or growth stage of strategic emerging industry,the participation depth and breadth of government must be bigger.Thirdly,innovation is the soul of strategic emerging industry,this study uses SFA method and measures the efficiency of innovation of strategic emerging industry in China.In general,the innovation activities of strategic industries in China still lack of scale economy,the good market performance rather than hinder the innovation efficiency's upgrading,and the market structure dominated by the competitive oligopoly is more conducive to boosting strategic emerging industries'innovation efficiency.fourthly,the case study taking wind power equipment manufacturing industry as an example has shown that,in order to get rid of the "low-end locking" risk in strategic emerging industry's growth,we must carry out common and key technology's strategic research,endow with bibcock enterprise innovation responsibility and innovation incentive,produce counter leverage effect using the manufacture superiority, construct industry innovation network for research,dredge the multi-dimensional financing channel,fill the "funding pool",cultivate industry talent network for industry development and so on.
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