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As in a relation-oriented society, social relations play a fundamental role in Chinese people's social association, economic relationships and even way of thinking in their social life. It has been an academic focus on the role of social relations and certain research paradigms, such as Guanxi, have emerged accordingly. The development and prosperity of theory of social capital provide an ideal academic instrument which is highly relevant for the research of China's relational society. It struck a chord among scholars in China and has become a leading paradigm in Chinese social relation research.
     On the basis of a dataset constructed from a special designed social capital survey in Hubei and Shanxi province, this dissertation focused on the localization of social capital theory research through the qualitative and quantitative analysis of farmers' social capital in central areas of rural China. With this end in mind, the dissertation pays close attentions to the structure, nature of social capital and its influence mechanism on farmers' economic producing process within central rural China's social environment. The methods used in this study of the internal mechanism of social capital on farmers' income generating synthetically include field studies, questionnaire survey, explanatory research, statistical inference, etc., combined with statistical and econometrics methods, such as factor analysis, multiple regression analysis and structural equation model (SEM).
     The main conclusions from research are as follows:
     1. A scale measuring farmers' social capital tailored to local characteristics of rural society of central China was designed and implemented in gathering the data used for the study.
     Based on literature review and the feedbacks from pilot field interviews, we developed farmer social capital scale which recognizes the structure of social capital within the Chinese context. The final scale encompasses12dimensions which cover social cognition and interaction network at both personal and village community levels, such as resources network, anticipatory functional social capital, relationship-sustaining social capital, conflict resolution, trust and reciprocity, etc. The applicability of the scale was justified by the empirical results which both demonstrated reliability and validity.
     2. With the data from this social capital scale we probe into the process mechanism for how social capital influence farmers' income generation.
     It's a very important common sense to view social capital as resources embedded in social networks in the study of social capital. So one's association networks could be regarded as a kind of resources network that one can use. Meanwhile this kind of resources network can also be regarded as a dimension of social capital. It is indispensable for farmers to access to resources during the process of produce, and interaction between the dimension resource network and the other dimensions of social capital determine returns on the access to resources. The article discusses how the other dimensions of social capital exert influences on farmer's access to resources and finds that four dimensions, namely, network homogeneity, network proximity, anticipatory functional social capital and relationship continuity of social capital will influence farmers' access to resources. Furthermore, while anticipatory functional dimension of social capital mediates between network proximity and resources network, relationship continuity can also mediate the process at the same time, and the dimension of relationship continuity mediates between network homogeneity and resources network. Anticipatory functional dimension of social capital also mediates between the dimension relationship continuity of social capital and resources network. This is a very complicated mechanism.
     When it comes to the social capital's influence on the process of income produce, four dimensions of social capital, namely, trust, anticipatory functional social capital, village social capital and network homogeneity does not influences farmers' income directly. The other eight dimensions, such as resources network, acceptance, reciprocity, conflict resolution, relationship continuity, relationship satisfaction, and network proximity and network density can influence farmers' income directly. Among this influences, resources network and relationship continuity can mediate other dimensions' influence on farmers' produce process of income. To be specific, resources network has full mediating role in the influence of relationship satisfaction with regard to production process, and a partial role in the influence of acceptance dimension. Relationship continuity has partial mediating role to play in the influences of dimensions such as acceptance, conflict resolution, network proximity, reciprocity, and network density.
     3. Information capacity, resources network and anticipatory functional social capital can jointly play an immediate role in the process of farners' income produce where social capital works.
     The efficiency of social intercourse is critically related to the communication capability of the social agent which is an information capacity. This capacity can impact farmer's income generation process, together with social capital. Our research finds that, trust, village social capital, network proximity, acceptance and network homogeneity of social capital doesn't influence the produce of income together with information capacity, while the other seven dimensions can influence the process along with infonnation capacity. Furthermore, information capacity not only mediates between anticipatory functional social capital and income producing process, but also mediates between relationship continuity of social capital and income produce process. Meanwhile the dimensions resources network, relationship continuity and anticipatory functional social capital mediate the other dimensions as they work on income produce.
     Relationship continuity and anticipatory function can be regarded as anticipatory social capital. Since these mediating roles cannot happen at once, it must be discussed separately. In the production process where social capital influence farmer's income, the role of this kind of mediating variable can be summarized as:information capacity has a mediating influence in the role played by relationship continuity and anticipatory functional social capital. Meanwhile, resources network can mediate the impacts of relationship satisfaction dimension, while the anticipatory function can mediate the dimensions in relationship continuity, resources network and reciprocity, with these mediating functions being only partially. When it comes to the mediating role of relationship continuity, the information capacity will mediate the anticipatory function while partially mediate relationship continuity. The relationship continuity fully mediates the anticipatory function's influence in income process, and partially mediate the influences of network density and conflict resolution dimensions. The resources network also have a partially mediating role to play when relationship satisfaction influence farmer's income. The above relationships demonstrated the complicated mechanism through which social capital influence farmer's income produce.
     The article investigates the process through which the social capital plays its role in farmers' income production, and makes clear what's the mechanism for social capital and farmer' information capacity to influence farmers' income produce. It will promote the understanding of the role of social capital in Chinese cultural background.
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