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尽管家族企业研究已经解决了价值判断和分析方法上的一些基本问题,但总体上仍然还处在“前范式”阶段(Sharma,2004),研究方法和问题选择等方面都还没有系统的主流观点存在。这种背景下,比常规企业更具特殊性的家族企业如何有效治理成为一个难题。因此,家族企业理论(Family Firm Theory)中关于治理的内容很缺乏(Chrisman et al.,2003)。主要因为,家族企业在一系列方面存在家族与企业的模糊边界,从而使研究主题和分析方法的选择面临较大困难。
     家族企业研究的核心是家族与企业的相互影响(Zahra,2003),但当前研究却把家族因素基本排除在治理机制之外。本文针对这一缺失,提出了一个存在已久但却没有引起重视的问题,即家族群体的内部关系与行为特征对企业治理所造成的影响。本文分析了当前研究中“家族治理”(Family Governance)概念的模糊性,并提出了一个有别于传统的观点:家族群体并不是一个同质化的个体,他们在治理企业的过程中会出现内部的代理关系,并因而出现家族群体内的代理成本。同时,家族成员所具有的较高利他性却并不一定都能带来企业的收益。
     本文摆脱了以往家族企业研究的“好坏之争”(Whiteside et al.,1996),采取了更为客观的研究视角。本文认为,家族缔约治理的目标就是:在肯定家族制存在不利影响的前提下,降低主要由家族身份引发的代理成本;同时,在肯定家族治理也能为家族企业带来独特优势的前提下,促发家族成员的利他效应。这种视角有助于分析一个矛盾现实:家族企业的治理“落后”,却也有竞争优势。以往存在两种倾向:一种是对家族企业简单否定,不加分说就要引入“现代企业制度”;另一种对家族企业持一定积极评价的观点也有所偏颇,就是对家族群体的负面效应有意无意地进行忽略。相比而言,本文的分析视角有所创新,也符合家族企业虽然治理不完善却也能迅猛发展的客观现实。
Guiding principles of professional investigation in social sciences can help us to clarify understanding of the complicated segments of the social world(Sharma, 2004), but things doesn't seen to be in such circumstances in the field of family business research. It is becoming a common view that family firm theory has received scant attention in the mainstream management literature, particularly with respect to the development of Theory of the Firm(Chrisman et al., 2003).
     The biggest reason comes from the inner-field of family business research because it is still in a "pre-paradigm" condition and there is no consent about the range of key factors and theoretical framework(Xinchun Li, 2004). Some theoretical confusion occured in the family firm study as family governance, and the effects of family influences on firm performance, consequently the whole basis of the research field of family business is NOT in a steady situation under these reasons.
     Governance is a long-term difficulty in Family Business research, Melin(2000) considered that the definition and mechanism of governance of the mainstream theory can not apply well in family firm governance study, and Lubatkin et al. (2005) claimed that the governance problems of family firm are hard to solve in the existing theory.
     The role of family in the firm and its influence to the firm is becoming a common interest in recent research (e.g., Chrisman et al., 2003; Habberson et al, 2003; Mustakallio et al. 2002), and it can create unique resources and capabilities in the firm. Such inclines may clue to the importance of the family contracting in family firms:
     (1)nature of the firm: Family be much more stressed other than the firm
     (2)contract character: Family contracting be stressed other than the firm contract
     (3)agency costs: Family team's behavior be emphasized other than the managers'
     (4)family influence: Negative perspective be recognized other than the positive
     The purpose of this article is to find a new line of analyzing family governance, and the analysis base is the nature of family business. When the figure of the family contracting is drew in detail, a theoretical model is made to link the effectiveness of family governance with family firm performance by the mesne variables of Agency Problems and Altruistic Effect. The theoretical model simplified a mixed perspectives of different theories as agency and stewardship, and different evaluations of efficiency of family contracting.
     It's considered in this dissertation that the process of family contracting has a two-faced capacity: The condition of family governance will reduce agency costs meanwhile raise them, the governance of altruism can help to amplify the advantage of family firm, but it can also engender self-control problems which are difficult to solve in family firms. The better the family contracting is governed, the more efficient the family business will be.
     The main results and implications of the research in whole can be concluded in the following three aspects:
     (1)By getting the analysis deeper into the family, the mythos of this dissertation plays a new role in family business researching field, which is also valuable because of the extreme importance of family influence to the family firm governance.
     As considered by Chrisman et al.(2003), the viewpoint that family is to be most important analyzing variable in the study of family-controlled firms will be undertaken by more researchers. By revelation of the concluding of contracting governance factors and mechanisms of how the factors work on agency costs and altruistic effect and finally on the firm performance, this dissertation may give much help in the study of the characteristic of family business and it' governance.
     (2)The angle of view in this research may be more impersonal. NOT like some former angles of view, "good or bad"(Whiteside et al., 1996) is not to be a ingredient in this dissertation. This can be much more helpful for the study of governance of family business, because family influence will not only bring some governance obstacles but also can form some kind of special advantage.
     The describing of the purpose of family contracting governance can incarnates that angle of view, which means to reduce the agency costs and enhance the altruistic effect. This angle and researching style can be newly valuable academicly, and it also shows a veracious affiliation to the real world of family business governance.
     (3)The research put forward a model and demonstration process to test the theoretical hypothesises, which is a scarcity of the former research. Questionnaire and interviews are finished in family businesses from three area: Zhe Jiang, Guang Dong and Hu Nan. The demonstration process and results may promote contribution to the study of family business governance because it can show the linkage between family factors and firm performance, which is not considered to be notable and relevant statisticly in the former research.
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