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In response to the debate of "The law is a means or an end "in the theory, more a response to the new legal instrumentalism of the law should to serve the overall interests in China's practice, In order to draw some useful inspiration in to the Chinese law through the history and current status of the American legal instrumentalism, we selected American legal instrumentalism as the theme which is the most developed, but also the most typical. This article includes introduction and text, the text part is divided into six chapters, and the main content and perspectives are as follows:
     The section of introduction. This patr introduces the cause,research status, significance and writing ideas of the topic.The so-called American legal instrumentalistm, first of all, it is collectively referred to as a point of law; Secondly, it is more of an attitude towards law rather than legal theory. From the sense of the historical process, the legal concept of instrumental experience several stages and it's not end.
     The section of text. Chapter I discusses the origian of the American legal instrumentalism.Following the transformation of the common law which come from England, a legal attitude of functional treatment began to appear, making the judge deal the novely problems effectively when facing the unique environment of the United States which different from the England.But, face of the rapid changes of American society in the late19th, early20th century,the common law suffered a serious crisis, and even became an obstacle to social progress.To solve this crisis, an instrumental reform of law broke out in the United States,which advocated that innovative the concept of commom law and used instrumental view of law to replace the formalistic view of law. This reform narrowed the distance between law and society,it's is the first to rise from the area of legislation, arguing that the legislation as a tool to deal with social problems.
     Chapter Ⅱ discusses the early American legal instrumentalism. Following the rise of the instrumental view of law in the area of legislation, common law field has been launched criticism of the legal formalism, the instrumental view of law to be rised gradually in the last half of the20th century in the United States. Classical philosophy of pragmatism as an intellectual source of the early advocates of legal instrumentalists to Holmes for the pioneers, Cardoso,Pound, Llewellyn, the follower. Although there are differences between their legal thinking, they all advocated the view that the law as a means to achieve certain goals. In addition, along with the Federal Supreme Court to change the position on Roosevelt's New Deal legislation, the instrumental view of trial established, and continued down, thereby affecting the entire judiciary.
     Chapter Ⅲ discusses the decline and revival of the American legal instrumentalism.Due to the impact of World War II, the early instrumental view of law trapped in short-term decline because of the widespread condemnation by people. Legal process thought represented the mainstream consensus view of law within the legal academy in the period from the Realists through the1970s. The legal process tried to mediate the debate between legal formalism and legal instrumentalism,which approach accepted many of the insights of Legal Realism while offering answers to its most threatening implications.Unfortunately,the decisions of the Warren Court could not be squared with basic legal process tenets. In the background of a massive social upheaval in the United States,the absence of objective moral foundations and the popular of moral relativism,and a widening schism among the legalelite-the leaders of the bar,judges,and legal academics,which uesd to be enjoyed a bond of solidarity. by the1970s, the view that law is in essence an instrument had won ov er the legal academy. Since the1970s,when the instrumental view of law infused the legal academy,law students have been trained to see law as purely an instrument.These are the lawyers of today.The main theories of law circulating today within the U.S.legal culture,the views of law professors,judges,and practicing lawyers,took root in this period of turmoil, formulated by law students or new law professors in the1960s and1970s.
     Chapter Ⅳ discusses the American legal instrumentalism in theories.Almost all of the major theoretical and empirical perspectives toward law that circulate today characterize law in fundamentally instrumental terms. The economic analysis of law,critical legal studies and the irprogeny,the law and society movement,legal pragmatism,and the formal version of the rule of law,each in central respects builds its understanding around the proposition that law is a means to an end. The economic analysis of law argued that law is an efficient means to designated ends which can maximizing wealth. CLS portrayed law in thoroughly instrumental terms that law is politics. Critical feminists paint law as an instrument that enforces and maintains a male supremacist social order,and Critical race theorists emphasized that law is an instrument that reproduced the structures and practices of racial domination. Sociolegals cholars adopt a thoroughly instrumental understanding of law that showed up in different forms. They argued that modern law is in the process of evolving to a higher legal form through a greater orientation toward instrumentally achieving social purposes. Legal pragmatism is noting more fresh that its insights had long ago been absorbed by the legal culture. Most legal theorists adopt the "formal" version of rule of law. Law,according to Fuller, is an empty vessel,a tool that can serve any ends. Joseph Raz argued that like other instruments,the law has a specific virtue which is morally neutral in being neutral as to the end to which it the instrument is put. The law is a tool like a knife,which can be used to slice vegetables or to kill people.The non-instrumental view of law still remained,but it is late in the day of the exhausted skeptical modern age. A majority of legal academics do not identify with any one of the the oretical approaches to law discussed above.,but they share a common component:All construe law in fundamentally instrumental terms.
     Chapter V discusses the American legal instrumentalism in practices.The instrumental view of law has been fully unleashed in the practice of law which is everywhere reflected in the legal profession and legal education.In judicial practice, judges wield inordinate power to shape social life and have decisive say over major political and economic issues,and a judge has substantial scope to inject personal views into legal decisions,then it is imperative to populate the judiciary within dividuals who share your ideological views.Because of ideology determines how judges interpret the content of law,so fight to ensure that the judges share your ideology is very important,the battles surrounding the appointment or election of judges is precisely what we see today at all levels of federal and state courts. In lawyering practice,the cirsis of the legal profession is related to the instrumental view of law,which is reflected in the legal profession in two ways:First of all, the core of lawyering is a means(lawyer)-ends(client) relationship;Secondly,many lawyers see the practice of law instrumentally as a means to their own enrichment and wield and manipulate legal rules and processes to further their personal ends. In legislative and administrative practice,a school of though tcalled "public choice" theory swept through political science and law in the1980s and1990s,to become the leading framework for analyzing legislative and administrative activities. Needless to say,this is a purely instrumental view of law.A sophisticated and hugely expensive effortis made by private interests to influence the legislative and administrative apparatuses of the government for their own benefit through money,lobbying,and so on. Cause litigation which represents a commitment to litigation as a tool for social change. The attempt to change society through court rulings is among the most ambitious forms of legal instrumentalism.The propensity of interest groups to utilize litigation to advance their agenda,and they are merely making this claim to cover the pursuit of selfish interests.Every claim to be acting to further the public interest is as good as any other.
     Chapter Ⅵ discusses the evaluation and enlightenment of the American legal instrumentalism. has three characteristics:first, the weight of the substance rather than form; beyond subject and object, the value theory of natural law and positive law dispute; third, the concern on the legal consequences.The U.S. legal instrumentalism has three characteristics:first of all, the weight of the substance rather than form; secondly, the value theory beyond subject and object, and natural law and positive law dispute; last, it concerns on the legal consequences. It laid the foundation for the substantive feature of American law,and became the important characteristic of the contemporary U.S. legal culture. At the same time, it also had a profound impact on the contemporary legal theory and legal practice of America. The U.S. legal instrumentalism is a double-edged sword.It has some advantages,but also has negative effects. There are similarities and differences between China legal instrumentalism and U.S. legal instrumentalism. Whether you agree or not,an instrumentalism attitude to the law has become the fate of the morden law. Because of the reality that there's no higher law background in China,our choice can only be:with Secular vision towards the law,practical statecraft attitude to the law,and democratic method to restricting the law. In addition, the instrumental view of law is to uphold the rule of law rather than collapse of the rule of law as a starting point. The new China legal instrumentalism has become an important fact that it dominants the process of legal constructionwe, we should advocate vigorously and limit effectively rather than critical blindly.
    ② Oliver Wendell Holmes,The Path of the Law,10 Harvard Law Review 457,469,474(1897).
    ④该演讲是1984年4月28日伯尔曼在波士顿大学法学院斯图尔特(Stuart)会堂的辅楼“詹姆斯·沃伦·史 密斯(James Warren Smith)楼”落成典礼上的致辞。参见[美]伯尔曼:《信仰与秩序》,姚剑波译,中央编译出版社2011年版,第17章“美国法律教育的危机”。
    ①美国学者对于美国是否拥有一般的法律理论即所谓的美国法理学是存在争论的。比如,Neil Duxbury在1995年发表的作品中认为形式主义、形式主义、政策科学、法律程序、法律与经济运动等构成了美国法理学的流派或运动的一部分,而Brian Leiter则在针对该作品进行的评论中认为,它们都与法理学没什么直接关联,只是对法律的哲学层面上的思考,“从法理的视角,几乎Duxbury笔下的作者和运动的相似点就在于缺乏法律理论的哲学深度及精确性。”再者,作为工具主义法律观智识来源的实用主义哲学本身就对理论有着天然的排斥。因此,在笔者看来,将美国工具主义法律观作为一种态度而非理论更为合适。当然,反理论并非是没有理论深度,相反,在笔者看来,美国工具主义法律观的理论深度是相当高的,贡献是相当大的。See Neil Duxbury,Patterns of American Jurisprudence,Clarendon Press,1995; Brian Leiter,Is there an "American"Jurisprudence?Oxford Journal of Legal Studies,1997.
    ①Brian Z.Tamanaha,Law as a Means to an End:Threat to the Rule of Law,Cambridge University Press,2006,p.48.
    ⑤Brian Z.Tamanaha,Law as a Means to an End:Threat to the Rule of Law,Cambridge University Press,2006.
    ⑥Brian Z.Tamanaha,Pragmatism in U.S. Legal Theory:Its Application to Normative Jurisprudence,Sociolegal Studies,and The Fact-value Distinction,The American Journal of Jurisprudence,1996,pp.316-317.
    ① Roger Brownsword,Summers.Instrumentalism and American Legal Theory,The Modern Law Review 116(1985).
    ② Michael S.Moore,The Need for a Theory of Legal Theories:Assessing Pragmatic Instrumentalism,Cornell Law Reciew 994(1984).
    ③ Brian Z.Tamanaha,Law as a Means to an End:Threat to the Rule of Law,Cambridge University Press,2006,p.250.
    ①Figgis,Divine Right of Kings,2d ed.,1914,pp.228-230转引自[美]爱德华·S.考文: 《美国宪法的“高级法”背景》,强世功译,北京三联书店出版社1996年版,第30页。
    ②Walter Ullmann, A History of Political Thought:The Middle Ages,Middlesex:Penguin,1965,p.103.
    ① Fritz Kern, Kingship and Law in the Middle Ages,New York:Harper Torchbooks,1956,pp.70-71.
    ② J.G.A.Pocock, The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law:A Study of English Historical Thought in the Seventeenth Century,Cambridge:Cambridge Univ.Press,1987,p.261.
    ③ See Dennis R.Nolan,Sir William Blackstone and the New American Republic:A Study of Intellectual Impact,51 N.Y.U.L.Rev.731(1976).
    ④ Gerald Postema,Bentham and the Commo Law Tradition,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1986,pp.6-7.
    ① J.G.A.Pocock, The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law:A Study of English Historical Thought in the Seventeenth Century,Cambridge:Cambridge Univ.Press,1987,p.170.
    ③ James Wilson,The Works of James Wilson (1967;reprint of 1804 ed.,Gale Ecco ed.),p.124.
    ④ Jesse Root,"The Origin of Government and Lawsin Connecticut,"Preface to Volume 1, Root's Reports (1798),excerpted in Mark De Wolfe, Readings in American Legal History,Cambridge Mass.:Harvard Univ.Press,1949,pp.16-24.
    ⑤ William Blackstone,Commentaries on the Laws of England,William E.Dean, New York:Printer and Publisher,1832,pp.41-43
    ⑤ Ⅱ Commentaries 2,quoted DanielJ.Boorstin, The Mysterious Science of Law:An Essay on Blackstone's Commentaries,Chicago:Univ.of Chicago Press,1996,p.20.
    ⑥ Ⅰ Commentaries 26-7,quoted in David Lieberman, The Province of Legislation Determined:Legal Theory in Eighteenth Century England,Cambridge:Cambridge Univ.Press,1989,p.32.
    ①See Joseph Story,Miscellaneous Writings,reprint of 1852 ed.,William W.Story ed.,1972,p.478.
    ② James Wilson,The Works of James Wilson,p.356.
    ③ David Dudley Field,"Magnitude and Importance of Legal Science"(1859),reprinted in Stephen B.Presser and Jamil S.Zainaldin, Law and Jurisprudence in American History,5th ed.,St.Paul, Minn.:West Pub.,2000,p.740.
    ④ Edward G.Ryan, Address to the Graduating Law Students of the University of Wisconsin(1873), reprinted in Dennis R. Nolan, Readings in the History of the American Legal Profession,Charlottesville,Va.:Michie 1980,p.153.
    ① Christopher Columbus Langdell,Preface,Selection of Cases on the Law of Contracts,reprinted in Law and Jurisprudence in American Legal History,pp.746-748.
    ② See Langdell,Teaching Law as a Science,21 Am.L.Rev.124(1887).
    ③ Edward J.Phelps,Methods of Legal Education,1 Yale L.J.139,140(1892).
    ④ Christopher G.Tiedeman,Methods of Legal Education,1 Yale L.J.150,154(1892).
    ① James C.Carter,The ideal and the Actual in the Law,Annual Address, American Bar Assoc. Reports,1890,pp.224-225.
    ② Ibid,p.231.
    ③ Ibid,p.236.
    ④ Ibid,p.241.
    ⑤ Ibid,p.244.
    ⑥ Walter Wheeler Cook,Scientific Method and the Law,13 A.B.A.Joumal 303,306(1927).
    ① GordonS. Wood, The Radicalism of the American Revolution,New York:Vintage,1991,p.192.
    ② See John Milton Goodenow, Historical Sketches of the Principles and Maxims of American Jurisprudence,New York:Arno Press,1972.
    ④Silvav. Low,l John.Cas.184,190(N.Y.1799).
    ① Charles River Bridge v. Warran Bridge Comp.,36 US(11 Pet.)420.547-548(1837)
    ② Swift v.Tyson,41 US(16 Pet.)1,19-20(1842)
    ① Surocco v.Geary,3 Cal.69(1853).
    ② See Harry N.Scheiber,Instrumentalism and Property Rights:A ReconsIbideration of American'Styles of Judicial Reasoning'in the 19th Century, Wisconsin L.Rev.1,5,7(1975).
    ③ Terrett v.Taylor,13 US 43,52(1815).
    ④ Joseph Story,Miscellaneous Writings,reprint of 1852 ed.,William W.Story ed.,1972,p.526.
    ⑤ J.G.A.Pocock, The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law:A Study of English Historical Thought in the Seventeenth Century,Cambridge:Cambridge Univ.Press,1987,p.170.
    ① DanielJ.Boorstin, The Mysterious Science of Law:An Essayon Blackstone's Commentaries,Chicago:Univ.of Chicago Press,1996,pp.73-84.
    ② Alan Jones,Thomas M.Cooley and 'Laissez-Faire Constitutionalism':A Reconsideration,53 Am.J.Legal Hist. 758(1967).
    ③ Clyde E.Jacobs, Law Writers and the Courts:The Influence of Thomas M.Cooley, Christopher G. Tiedeman,and John F.Dillon Upon American Constitutional Law,Berkeley:Univ.Ca.Press,1954,p.30.
    ④ Alan Jones,Thomas M.Cooley and 'Laissez-Faire Constitutionalism':AReconsideration,53 Am.J.Legal Hist. 767(1967).
    ⑤ Thomas Cooley, Constitutional Limitations,6th ed.revised,Boston:Little Brown,1890,p.335.
    ① Richard Hofstadter, The American Political Tradition:And the Men Who Made It, NewYork:Vintage,1989[1948],xxxvii.
    ② Benjamin R.Twiss, Lawyers and the Constitution:How Laissez Faire Came to the Supreme Court,Princeton:Princeton Univ.Press,1942,p.8.
    ③ L.T.Hobhouse, Liberalism,Oxford:Oxford Univ.Press,1964[1911],p.49.
    ③ Herbert G.Gutman,The Workers Search for Power,in The Gilded Age,edited by H. Wayne Morgan,Syracuse,N.Y.:Syracuse Univ.Press,1969,p.50.
    ①James C.Carter, Law,Its Origin,Growth and Function,New York:Putnam,1907,p.337.
    ② Roscoe Pound,Law in Books and Law in Action,44 American L.Rev.28(1910).
    ⑤ See GEdward White,The Marshall Court and Cultural Change 1815-1835,1991,p.6.
    ③ Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation(1789),in The English Philosophers from Bacon to Mill 791,792(Edwin A.Burtt ed.,1939).
    ④ See Jeremy Bentham, A Fragment on Government,Cambridge:Cambridge Univ.Press,1988.
    ⑤ See Jeremy Bentham, Of Laws in General:Principles of Legislation,edited by H.L.A.Hart,London:Athlone Press,1970.
    ①Roscoe Pound,Mechanical Jurisprudence,8 Columbia L.Rev.613(1908).
    ④See Thomas C.Grey,Langdell's Orthodoxy,45 U.Pitt.L.Rev.10,12(1983).
    ① Wood, Radicalism of the American Revolution,pp.322-3
    ② Ibid,324-5.
    ③ Lawrence M. Friedman, A History of American Law,2nd ed.,New York:Touchstone,1985,p.340.
    ④ Eric Foner, The Story of American Freedom,Norton,1998,p.116.
    ⑤ Friedman, History of American Law,p.339.
    ① See David Bicknell Truman, The Government Process,New York:Knopf,1951,p.497.
    ② William Forbath, Law and the Shaping of the American Labor Movement,Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard Univ.Press,1991,p.193.
    ③ See Friedman, History of American Law,pp.556-557.
    ④ Forbath, Law and the Shaping of the American Labor Movement,pp.151-52.
    ⑤ See Lawrence M. Friedman, American Law in the 20th Century,NewHaven:Yale Univ.Press 2002,pp.74-7.
    ⑥ See William Wiecek, The Lost World of Classical Legal Thought,New York:Oxford,1998,p.133.
    ⑦ Ibid.p.135
    ① Pollock v. Farmers'Loan and Trust Co.,157 US 429,607(895)(Field, J., dissenting).
    ② Oliver Wendell Holmes,The Path of the Law,10 Harvard L. Rev.457,467-8(1897).
    ③ Brian Z.Tamanaha, Law as a Means to an End:Threat to the Rule of Law,Cambridge University Press,2006,p.48.
    ④ Kennedy,"Toward an Historical Understanding of Legal Consciousness," the Case of Classical Legal Thought in America,1850-1940,3 Research in Law and Soc.3(1980).
    ⑤ Richard Hofstadter, The Progressive Historians,New York:Vintage,1970,p.183.
    ① John Dewey,Logical Method and Law,10 Cornell L.Quarterly 17,24(1924).
    ② Howard Gillman, The Constitution Besieged:The Rise and Demise of Lochner Era Police Powers Jurisprudence,Durham,N.C.:Duke Univ.Press,1993,p.7.
    ③ Pollock v.Farmers Loan and Trust Co.,157 U.S.429,583(1895).
    ④ John Philips,The Law and Lawyers,17 Green Bag 433,437(1905).
    ⑥ Cornel West,The American Evision of Philosophy:A Genealogy of Pragmatism,quoted in Richard A.Posner,What Has Pragmatism to Offer Law?in Pragmatism in Law and Society, Edited by Michael Brint and William Weaver,Westview Press,1991.p.36
    ②John Dewey,Nature and Reason in Law,25 Int.J.Ethics 25,30-31(1914).
    ④Morton White, Social Thought in America:the Revolt Against Formalism,Boston:Beacon Press,1957,p.11.
    ②Thomas C.Grey,Holmes and Legal Pragmatism,41 Stanford Law Review 833(1989).
    ①G.Edward White, Patterns of American Jurisprudence,Charlottesville,Va.:Michie,1978,p.139.
    ④Pound,Mechanical Jurisprudence,p.605.
    ⑧Lochner v.New York,198 US 45(1905).
    ① Ibid,p.56.
    ② Felix Cohen,Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach,35 Columbia L.Rev.809,820-21(1935).
    ③ Laura Kalman,Legal Realism at Yale:1927-1960,Durham,N.C.:Univ.North Carolina Press,1986,p.235.
    ④ M.Cohen, Law and the Social Order,p.204.
    ⑤ Kalman, Legal Realism at Yale,p.8.
    ①Dewey,Logical Method and Law,p.19.
    ① Oliver Holmes, The Path of the Law,p.466.
    ② Lochner v. New York,198 U.S.45,76(1905).
    ③ Vegelahn v. Guntner,167 Mass.92,44 N.E.1077(1896).
    ④ A.Corbin,Offer and Acceptance,and Some od the Resulting Legal Relations,26The Yale Law Journal 206(1916-1917),.
    ⑤ Roscoe Pound, Administrative Application of Legal Standards,Proceedings American Bar Association 441(1919).
    ⑥ Roscoe Pound,Mechanical Jurisprudence,p.605.
    ① Ibid,p.608.
    ③ See Roscoe Pound,The Scope and Purpose of Sociological Jurisprudence,25 Harv.L.Rev.(1912).
    ④ Roscoe Pound, The Formative Era of American Law,Boston:Little Brown,1938,pp.28-29.
    ⑤ Roscoe Pound, The ideal Element in Law,Indianapolis:Liberty Fund,2002[1958].
    ① Karl N.Llewellyn,Some Realism about Realism-Responding to Dean Pound,44 Harward Law Review 1222,1223(1930-1931).
    ② Ibid,p.1236.
    ③ Karl N.Llewellyn,Jurisprudence:realism in theory and practice,University of Chicago Press,1962.pp.55-57.
    ④ See J.Frank,Law and the Morden Mind,New York:Brentano's Publishers,1930,p.246.
    ⑤ See W.Cook,Scientific Method and the Law,13 Vol.Ameircan Bar Association Journal 308(1927).
    ⑥ See L.Green,The Duty Problem in Negligence Cases,28Vol.Columbia Law Review 1015(1928).
    ①Karl N.Llewellyn,Some Realism about Realism-Responding to Dean Pound,44 Harward Law Review 1234(1930-1931).
    ② Oliver Holmes, The Path of the Law,p.469.
    ④ W.F.Dodd,The Growth of Judicial Power,24 Pol.Sci.Quarterly 198(1909).
    ③Frankfurter,Law and Politics,p.4.
    ②Alpheus Thomas Mason,William Howward Taft:Chief Justice,Simon and Schuster,1965,pp.292-293.
    ③The Public Papers and Address of Franklin D.Roosevelt 14 (1938).
    ② The Public Papers and Address of Franklin D.Roosevelt 133(1941).
    ③ Ibid,p.126
    ④ Ibid,p.639.
    ⑤ Robert H.Jackson, The Struggle for Judicial Supremacy:A Study of Crisis in American Power Politics,New York:Vintage,1941,p.175.
    ⑥ Ibid,154.
    ①See Bruce Ackerman, We the People:Foundations,Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard Univ.Press,1991.
    ③Bruce Ackerman, We the People:Foundations,p.417.
    ②Robert H.Jackson, The Struggle for Judicial Supremacy:A Study of Crisis in American Power Politics,New York:Vintage,1941,p.5.
    ⑤ See Robert A.Dahl,Decision-making in a Democracy:The Supreme Court as a National Policy-maker,6 J.Public Law 283(1957).
    ⑥ See G.Edward White,Constitutional Changeandthe New Deal:The Internalist/Externalist Debate,110 Am.Hist.Rev.1094(2005).
    ① Jackson,The Struggle for Judicial Supremacy,pp.207-208.
    ② Ibid,p.213.
    ③ Erie R.R.Co.v.Tompkins,304 US64(1938),overruling Swift v.Tyson,41 US 1(1842).
    ④ Hughes, Charles Evans,Addresses (NewYork1908)139,quoted in Sidney Ratner,"Was the Supreme Court Packed by President Grant," 1 Pol.Sci.Quarterly 343(1935).
    ① Bruce Ackerman, We the People:Foundations,p.428.
    ② Ackerman, We the People,p.370.
    ③ Ibid,p.371.
    ④ Ibid,pp.371-372.
    ⑤ See Herbert Weschsler,Toward Neutral Principles of Constitutional Law,73 Harvard L.Rev.1(1959).
    ①一系列案件请参见:Kingsley International Pictures Corp.v.Regents,360 U.S.684(1959);Mapp v.Ohio,367 U.S.643(1961); Baker v.Carr,369 U.S.186(1962); Engel v.Vitale,370 U.S.421(1962); GIbideon v. Wainwright,372 U.S.335(1963); School District of Abington Township v.Schempp,374 U.S.203(1963);Escobedo v.Illinois,378 U.S.478(1964); Reynolds v.Sims,377 U.S.533(1964). Jacobellis v. Ohio,378 U.S.184(1964);Griswold v.State of Connecticut 381 U.S.479(1965); Miranda v.Arizona,384 U.S.436(1966).
    ①Walter B.Kennedy,Pragmatism as a Philosophy of Law,9 Marquette L.Rev.63,68(1924-25).
    ③John Dewey,Challenge to Liberal Thought,30 Fortune 155,180(1944).
    Karl L.lewellyn,On Reading and Using the Newer Jurisprudence,40 Columbia L.Rev.593,603(1940).
    ①See Purcell, The Crisis of DemocraticTheory,pp.172-174.
    Hallowell,Politics and Ethics,p.643.
    ①Hans Kelsen,Absolutism and Relativism in Philosophy and Politics,42 Am.Pol.Sci.Rev.906,913(1948).
    ②John Dewey,Challenge to Liberal Thought,p.182.
    ② Duxbury,Faith in Reason,p.651.
    ③ Veter, "Postwar Legal Scholarship on Judicial Decision Making,",p.420.
    ④这份手稿早在1958年就写作完了,但是当时没有被出版。这份手稿随后被许多法学院使用,直到1994年才正式出版:Hart and Sacks,The Legal Process:Basic Problems in the Making and Application of Law(William N.Eskrlbidge and Philip P.Frickey eds.,1994)它被广泛使用但却未被正式出版的历史,间接说明了法律过程学派的历史命运。
    ①Eskridge and Frickey, An Historical and Critical Introduction to The Legal Process,xcⅱ.
    ②Hart and Sacks, Legal Process,p.105.
    ① Eskridge and Frickey,An Historical and Critical Introduction to The Legal Process,xcii-xciv.
    ② Felix and Frankfurter,Some Reflections on the Reading of Statutes,47 Columbia L.Rev.527(1947)
    ③ Hart and Sacks, Legal Process,p.1378.
    ④ Hart and Sacks, Legal Process,p.1148.
    ⑤ Henry Hart,The Supreme Court,1958 Term-Forward:The Time Chart of the Justices,73 Harvard L.Rev.84,100(1959).
    ① Lon L. Fuller,The Forms and Limits of Adjudication,92 H.L.R.378 (1978).
    ② Ibid.p.377.
    ② Herbert Weschler,Toward Neutral Principles of Constitutional law,73 Harvard L.Rev.1(1959).
    ④ See J.Skelly Wright,Professor Bickel,the Scholarly Tradition,and the Supreme Court,84 Harvard L.Rev.769(1971).
    ⑤ See Peller,Neutral Principles in the 1950's.
    ⑥ Eskridge and Frickey,An Historical and Critical Introduction to The Legal Process, cxxiv.
    ①See Duxbury,Faith in Reason,pp.665-666.
    ③ Moses Lasky,Observing Appellate Opinions from Below the Bench,49 Cal.L.Rev.831,831-834(1961).
    ④ Addison Mueller and Murray L.Schwarz,The Principle of Neutral Principles,7 U.C.L.A.L.Rev.571,577-578(1960).
    ⑤ See John Ely,Democracy and Distrust,Cambrige,Mass:Harvard Univ.Press,1980.
    ③Owen Fiss,Owen M.Fissto Paul D.Carrington,35 J.Legal Educ.1,26(1985).
    ① Harry T.Edwards,The Growing Disjunction Between Legal Education and the Legal Profession,91 Michigan L.Rev.34(1992).
    ② See Michael D. McClintock,The Declining Use of Legal Scholarship by Courts:An Empirical Study,51 Oklahoma L.Rev.659(1998).
    ④还有一种分类方式值得一提。美国学者海因茨和劳曼将法律职业的分层形容为两个半球:一个半球是来自相对较低背景、就读于非精英法学院的律师,他们一般成为单独的和小型律师事务所的职业者,或进入 政府工作;另一个半球是来自相对更有特权背景、就读于精英法学院的律师,他们一般加入为富有的个人和较大公司的大型律师事务所或者企业法律顾问办公室。这两个半球在声望和收入上有着很大的不同。See John P. Heinz and Edward O.Laumann,The Legal Profession:Client,Professional Roles,and Social Hierarchies,76 Michigan Law Review,1978.
    ① Michael A. Robinson,Young Lawyers Find Success Is No Longer a Cinch转引自[美]理查德·L·艾贝尔:《美国律师》,张云元、张国锋译,中国政法大学出版社2009年版,第211页。
    ①Lestor Mazor,The Crisis of Legal Liberalism,81 Yale L.J.1032(1972).
    ②"With the Editors,"83 Harvard L.Rev.xxxi(1970).
    Dedication,83 Harvard L.Rev.1(1969).
    ① Calvin Woodward,The Limits of Legal Realism:An Historical Perspective,54 Virginia L.Rev.689,732(1968).
    ② Ibid,p.733.
    ③ Arthur Allen Leff,Economic AnalysisofLaw:Some Realism about Nominalism,60 VirginiaL.Rev.451,454(1974).
    ④ Walter Lippmann, The Public Philosophy,New York:Mentor Books,1955,p.85
    ⑤ Woodward,Limits of Legal Realism,p.734.
    ⑥ Roger C.Cramton,The Ordinary Religion of the Law School Classroom,29 J.Legal Educ.247(1978).
    ⑦ Ibid,p.248.
    ① Ibid,p.257.
    ②这种教学方式遭到了一些学生的反感,甚至有学生因此而向法院提出控告。《纽约时报》(New York Times)法律作家大卫·马格里克(David Margolick)就曾经定下目标,要对其母校斯坦福法学院进行控告,这令人震惊,现在几经有几所法学院也受到了控告。“教授们通过培养学生从事其公然蔑视的法律行业;教授们通过在没有结果的、过于学术化的背景下讨论法律问题,而在此背景下,理想通常被认为与法律无关,或者不够执着;教授们通过花费三年时间提醒班上的同学注意司法裁判意见通常是随意的,技术拙劣或者在学术上是不诚实的,结果把学生们培养成愤世嫉俗者甚至是虚无主义者。被剥夺了理想后,学生们选择薪酬最丰厚的工作,这完全是意料之中的。”See David Margolick, "The Trouble with American's Lawyers,"p.39.转引自[美]玛丽·安·格伦顿:《法律人统治下的国度——法律职业危机如何改变美国社会》,沈国琴、胡鸿雁译,中国政法大学出版社2010年版,第227-228页。
    ③ G.Edward White,The Evolution of Reasoned Elaboration:Jurisprudential Criticism and Social Change,59 VirginiaL.Rev.280,295(1973).
    ④ Ibid.
    ⑤ Ibid,p.296.
    ① Robert H.Bork,Neutral Principles and Some First Amendment Problems,47 Indiana L.J.1,10(1971).
    ② Arthur Allen Leff,Unspeakable Ethics, Unnatural Law,1979 Duke L.J.1240(1979).
    ③ Ibid,p.1249.
    ④ Robert M.Unger, Knowledge and Politics,New York:Free Press,1975,p.295.
    ⑤ Cramton,The Ordinary Wisdom of the Law School Classroom,p.252.
    ① Woodward,The Limits of Legal Realism,p.735.
    ①Richard A.Posner,The Economic Approach to Law,53 Texas L.Rev.757,61(1975).
    ① Leff,Economic Analysis of Law,pp.456-459.
    ② Holmes,Path of the Law,p.469.
    ③ See Anthony T.Kronman,Wealth Maximization as a Normative Principle,9 J.Legal Studies 227(1980).
    ④ Morton J.Horwitz,Law and Economics:Science or Politics? 8 Hofstra L.Rev.905(1981).
    ⑤ See Thomas Cotter,Legal Pragmatism and the Law and Economics Movement,84 Georgetown L.J. 2071,2012-2138(1996).
    ①Brian Bix,Jurisprudence:Theory and Context,Durham,N.C.:Carolina Academic Pres,2004,p.190.
    ③Frank H.Easterbrook,Method,Result,and Authority:A Reply,98 Harvard Law Review 622(1985).
    ①See Joseph Singer,Legal Realism Now,76 California L.Rev.465(1988)
    ②Joseph W.Singer,The Player and the Cards:Nihlism and Legal Theory,94 Yale L.J.1(1984).
    ③Robert W. Gordon,Some Critical Theories of Law and Their Critics,in Politics of Law,p.644.
    ④Louis B.Schwartz,With Gun and Camera Through Darkest CLS-Land,36 Stanford L.Rev.413,417(1984).
    ①D.Polan,Toward a Theory of Law and Patriarchy,in Feminist Legal Theory,edited by D.K. Weisberg,Philadelphia:Temple Univ.Press,1993,p.419.
    ②Kimberly Crenshaw,et.al.,"Introduction," in Critical Race Theory,edited by K.Crenshaw,et al.,New York:New Press,1995.
    ③Kimberle Crenshaw,Race,Reform and Retrenchment:Transformation and Legitimation in Adtidiscrimination Law,101 Harvard Law Review 1384-1385(1988).
    ④See Owen Fiss,The Death ofthe Law,72 Cornell L.Rev.1(1986).
    ①H.R.Glick, Courts,Politics,and Justice,New York:McGraw Hill,1983,p.243.
    ② Brian Z.Tamanaha, Law as a Means to an End:Threat to the Rule of Law,Cambridge University Press,2006,p.126
    ②理查德·罗蒂作为美国新实用主义哲学的代表人物,其原著主要作品为:Richard Rorty, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (Princeton:Princeton Univ.Press 1979);Richard Rorty, Consequences of Pragmatism (St.Paul:Univ.of Minn.Press 1982)其译著主要作品为:[美]理查德·罗蒂:《哲学与自然之境》,李幼燕译,三联书店1987年版;[美]理查德.罗蒂:《后哲学文化》,黄勇编译,上海译文出版社1992年版。
    ③ Cornel West,The American Evision of Philosophy:A Genealogy of Pragmatism,quoted in Richard A.Posner,What Has Pragmatism to Offer Law?in Pragmatism in Law and Society, Edited by Michael Brint and William Weaver,Westview Press,1991.p.36
    ②Richard Rorty,The Banality of Pragmatism,63 S.Cal.L.Rev.1811(1990).
    ①参见[美]富勒: 《法律的道德性》,郑戈译,商务印书馆2005年版,第2章。
    ②Lon L.uller, The Morality of Law,2nd ed.,Yale Univ.Press,1969,p.153中文译文,参见[美]富勒:《法律的道德性》,郑戈译,商务印书馆2005年版,第177页。
    ③Joseph Raz,"The Rule of Law and its Virtue,"in The Authority of Law (Oxford:Clarendon Press1979),pp.225-226.中文译文,参见[英]约瑟夫·拉兹: 《法律的权威》,朱峰译,法律出版社2005年版,第196页。
    ① See Brian Z.Tamanaha, Law as a Means to an End:Threat to the Rule of Law,Cambridge University Press,2006,p.107.
    ② See John Finnis, Natural Law and Natural Rights,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1980.
    ③ See ErnestJ. Weinrib, The idea of Private Law,CambrIbidge, Mass.:Harvard Univ.Press,1995;Emest J. Weinrib,Legal Formalism:On the Immanent Rationality of Law,97 Yale L.J.949(1988).
    ④ See Michael S.Moore, Educating Oneself in Public:Critical Essays in Jurisprudence,Oxford:Oxford Univ.Press,2000.
    ①John Ely, Democracy and Distrust:A Theory of Judicial Review, Harvard University Press,1980,pp.50-58.
    ②Alastair MacIntyre,Theories of Natural Law in the Culture of Advanced Modernity,in Common Truths:New Perspectiveson Natural Law edited by E.B. McLean,Wilmington, Del.:ISI Books,2000,p.93.
    ①比较具有代表性的作品可参见以下文献:[美]德博拉·L.罗德: 《为了司法/正义:法律职业改革》,张群等译,中国政法大学出版社2009年版;[美]玛丽·安·格伦顿: 《法律人统治下的国度——法律职业危机如何改变美国社会》,沈国琴、胡鸿雁译,中国政法大学出版社2010年版;Anthony Kronman, Lost Lawyer: Failing Ibideals of the Legal Profession,Cambrige, Mass.:Harv. Univ.Press,1993; Sol Linowitz, The Betrayed Profession:Lawyering at the End of the Twentieth Century,New York:Knopf,1994.
    ② See Lisa G.Lerman,Blue-Chip Bilking:Regulation of Billingand Expense Fraud by Lawyers,12 Georgetown J.Legal Ethics 205(1999); Paul Braverman,HelterShelter, American Lawyer,December 2003; Stephanie Kirchgaessner,Prosecutors Indict Milberg Weiss.Financial Times,May 19,2006,p.15.
    ② See Michael J.Sweeny,The Devastations of Depreesion,Bar Leader,March/April 1988,11.
    ③ See Robert Sayler and Anna Engh,Litigators to Examine Lack of Fundings,Access,National Law Journal,August 9,1993,p.S3.
    ④ See Nancy D.Holt,Are Longer Hours Here to Stay? American Bar Association Journal,February 1993,p.62.
    ① American Bar Association,In the Spirit of Public Service:A Blue print for the Rekindling of Lawyer Professionalism,Chicago:American Bar Association,1986,p.10.
    ② See Brian Z.Tamanaha, Law as a Means to an End:Threat to the Rule of Law,Cambridge University Press,2006,p.138.
    ① Lord Henry Brougham,Trial of Queen Caroline 8(1821)转引自[美]蒙罗.H.弗里德曼、阿贝·史密斯:《律师职业道德的底线》,王卫东译,北京大学出版社2009年版,第72-73页。
    ② American Bar Association,Cannons of Professional Ethics(1908),Cannon 32。
    ③ Ibid.Canon 15,9.
    ④ Code of Professional Resposibility(1969),Ethical ConsIbideration 7-8.
    ⑤ Model Rules of Professional Condunct(1983),Rule 2.1.
    ① See Brian Z.Tamanaha, Law as a Means to an End:Threat to the Rule of Law,Cambridge University Press,2006,p.145.
    ③ Sol Linowitz, The Betrayed Profession:Lawyering at the End of the Twentieth Century (New York:Knopf 1994),p.116.
    ② Karl Llewellyn, The Bramble Bush:On Our Law and Its Study,Dobbs Ferry,N.Y.:Oceana,1960,p.84.
    ③ Gordon,Independence of Lawyers,p.20.
    ④ See Milton C.Regan,Teaching Enron,74 Fordham L.Rev.1139(2005).
    ⑤ See Calvin H.Johnson,Tales From the KPMG Skunk Works:The Basis-Shift of Defective- Redemption Shelter,Special Report, Tax Notes 431,July 25,2005.
    ①Alex de Tocqueville, Democracy in America,New York:Mentor Books,1900,p.122.
    ②See in re Griffiths,413 U.S.717,724,93 S.Ct.2851,2856,n.14(1973).
    ③Polk County v.Dodson,454 U.S.312,318,102 S.Ct.445,450(1981).
    ④Hazard,The Future of Legal Ethics,supra 1259.
    ⑤Lawyer Demographics,ABA Market Research Department,at http://www.abanet.org.
    ①Barbara Curranand Clara N.Carson, Lawyer Statistical Report:The Legal Profession in the 1990's,Chicago:American Bar Foundation,1994;Clara N.Carson,Lawyer Statistical Report:The Legal Profession in 2000,Chicago:American Bar Foundation,2004.
    ② John P.Heinz and Edward O.Laumann,Chicago Lawyers:The Social Structure of the Bar 323(1982).
    ④ Bruce A. Ackerman,Commencement Remarks, Yale Law Report,spring/summer 1987,p.6.
    ⑤[美]德博拉·L.罗德:《为了司法/正义:法律职业改革》,张群等译,中国政法大学出版社2009年版,第 15页。
    ①See Lift the Burden:Law Student Debt as a Barrier to Public Service,Final Report of the ABA Commission on Loan Repayment and Forgiveness.Chicago:American Bar Association 2003,pp.9-11.
    ② See NALP, From Paper Chase to Money Chase:Law School Debt Diverts Road to Public Service,Washington, D.C.:Equal Justice Works, NALP, Partnership for Public Service,2002.
    ③从美国全国来看,有65000多个律师事务所。据美国著名的法律数据库Lexisnexis在2002年中期的统计数据来看,这些律师事务所有多种组织形式:职业公司(Professional Corporations/Associations)有31131家,占总数的48%;有限责任公司(Limited Liability Companies)有4570家,占总数的7%;有限责任合伙(Limited Liability Partnerships)有6083家,占总数的9%;普通合伙(General Partnerships)有17055家,占总数的26%;独资(Sole Proprietorships)有6300家,占总数的10%。See Robert W.Hillman,Orgnizational Choices of Professional Services Firms:An Empirical Study,58 Bus.Law.1387(2003).
    ②See Roger Cramton,The Trouble with Lawyers(and Law Schools),35 Journal of Legal Education 361(1985).
    ① Peter W. Meldrim, Address of the PresIbident,40 Reports of American Bar Assoc.313,323(1915).
    ② O'Brien and Glater,Robin Hood or Legal Hoods,p.4.
    ③ Robert Post,On the Popular Image of the Lawyer:Reflections in a Dark Glass,75 Califronia Law Review,379,380(1987).
    ②Nathan Glazer,Towards an Imperial Judiciary, Public Interest,Fall 1975,p.115.
    ③Robert Bork, Slouching Toward Gomorrah,New York:Regan Books,1996,p.96.
    ④Roger Pilon,How Constitutional Corruption Has Led to Ideological Litmus Tests for Judicial Nominees,Policy Analysis,No.446,August 6,2002.
    ① Howard Gilliam, What's Law Got to Do With It? Judicial Behavioralists Test the'Legal Model' of Judicial Decision Making,26 Law and Social Inquiry 465,466(2001).
    ② Douglas W. Kmiec, Judicial Selection and the Pursuit of Justice:the Unsettled Relationship Between Law and Morality,19 Catholic U.L.Rev.1,13(1989-1990).
    ③ Bruce Ackerman, We the People:Foundations,Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard Univ.Press,1991,p.26.
    ④ Erwin Chemerinsky,Ideology and the Selection of Federal Judges,36 U.C. Davis L.Rev.626 (2003).
    ② Howard Ball,Courts and Politics-The Federal Judicial System,Prentice-Hall,Englewood Cliffs.New Jersey,1980,p.160.
    ①根据美国学者的统计数据来看,从1789年到1974年,美国总统提名任命的103个最高法院大法官中,有联邦党人13人、辉格党人1人、民主党人49人、共和党人39人,而无党派的独立人士仅仅为1人。联邦法官中担任过政府要职的人,举几个比较著名的联邦最高法院大法官为例:范·德万特大法官,由共和党总统塔夫脱提名任命,曾担任怀俄明州共和党主席;休斯大法官,曾担任纽约州州长,1916年因作为共和党总统候选人而离开联邦最高法院;最为著名的则是首席大法官塔夫脱,他曾是美国前总统,这种经历在美国历史上独一无二。参见[美]亨利·J·亚伯拉罕:《法官与总统》,刘泰星译,商务印书馆1990年版,第57页;G.Edward White,The American Judicial Tradition,Profiles of Leading American Judges,New York,1976,pp.181-184,190,206.
    ② Howard Ball,Courts and Politics-The Federal Judicial System,Prentice-Hall,Englewood Cliffs.New Jersey,1980,p.159.
    ③ Ibid,pp.159-160.
    ④限于篇幅,在此不再一一列举。更为详细的数据资料,可参见Howard Ball,Courts and Politics-The Federal Judicial System,Prentice-Hall,Englewood Cliffs.New Jersey,1980,p.161.
    ③Sheldon Goldman,et al.,Clinton's Judges:Summing Up the Legacy,84 Judicature 235,236(2001).
    ①See Nancy Scherer, Scoring Points:Politicians,Activists,and the Lower Federal Court Appointment Process,Stanford:Stanford Univ.Press,2005,p.136.
    ② Sheldon Goldman,et al.,Clinton's Judges:Summing Up the Legacy,84 Judicature 228,254(2001).
    ③ John Anthony Maltese,Confirmation Gridlock:The Federal Judicial Appointments Process Under Bill Clinton and George W.Bush,3 Journal of Appellate Practiceand Process 1,21(2003).
    ④ See Paul D. Carrington,Judicial Independence and Democratic Accountability in Highest State Courts,61 Law&Contemp.Probs.99,107(1998).
    ① Frank J.Sorauf,Party Politics in American,Boston:Toronto,1980,p.367.
    ③ Steven P.Croley,The Majoritarian Difficulty:Elective Judiciaries and the Rule of Law,62 Chicago L.Rev. 689,734(1995).
    ④比如,田纳西州、阿拉巴马州、俄亥俄州、加利福尼亚州、密西西比州、南卡罗来纳州、佛罗里达州、路易斯安那州、密歇根州、俄克拉荷马州,等等。See Anthony Champagne,Interest Groups and Judicial Elections,34 Loyola L.A.L.Rev.1391(2000-2001);Stephen J. Ware,Money,Politics and Judicial Decisions:A Case Study of Arbitration Law in Alabama,15 Journal of Law and Politics 649(1999).
    ⑤ See Roy A.Schotland,Financing Judicial Elections,2000:Change and Challenge,2001 L.Rev. Mich.St.U.Det.C.L. 850,851(2001).
    ⑥ Roy A.Schotland,Financing Judicial Elections,2000:Change and Challenge,2001 L.Rev. Mich. St.U.Det.C.L. 849,850(2001).
    ①StephenJ. Ware,Money,Politics and Judicial Decisions:A Case Study of Arbitrati on Law in Alabama,15 J.L.& Pol.645,686(1999).
    ② Anthony Champagne,Interest Groups and Judicial Elections,34 Loyola L.A.L.Rev.1407,1408(2000-01)
    ④ R.Lee Rainey,The Decision to Remain a Judge:Deductive Models of Judicial Retirement, Atlanta:Southern Political Association,1976,p.16.
    ①Erwin Chemerinsky, Ideology and the Selection of Federal Judges,36 U.C. Davis L.Rev.630,631(2003).
    ② "A judge shall uphold the integrity and independence of the judiciary",Canon 1,ABA Model Code of Judicial Conduct,American Bar Association,2000.
    ③ "A judge or judicial candidate shall refrain from inappropriate political activity",Canon 5, ABA Model Code of Judicial Conduct,American Bar Association,2000.
    ①Louis L.Jaffe,Law Making by Private Groups,51 Harvard L.Rev.201,252(1937).
    ① See Cass Sunstein,Interest Groups in American Public Law,38 Stanford L.Rev.29(1985).
    See Mark SeIbidenfeld,A Civic Republican Justification for the Bureaucratic State,105 Harvard L.Rev.1511(1991).
    ③ See Thomas W. Merrill,Capture Theory and the Courts:1967-1983,72 Chicago-Kent L.Rev. 1039,1048-50(1997).
    ① Cass R.Sunstein,Interest Groups in American Public Law,38 Stanford L.Rev.29,32-3(1985).
    ② See Thomas W. Merrill,Capture Theory and the Courts:1967-1983,72 Chicago-Kent L.Rev.1039, 1050-3(1997).
    ③ Jonathan R. Macey,Public Choice and the Legal Academy,86 Georgetown L.J.1975,1977(1998)
    ①William Landesand Richard A. Posner,The Independent Judicial in an Interest-Group Perspec- tive,18 J.L.& Economics 875,877(1975).
    ③ See Edward L.Rubin,Public Choicein Practice and Theory,81 California L.Rev.1657(1991).
    ④ Richard Morin and Claudia Deane,In Abram off Case, Most See Evidence of Wider Problem:Poll Shows Strong Support for Reform of Lobbying,Washington Post,January 10,2006,A7.
    ②See "2004 Cycle,"PoliticalMoneyLine,at http://www.feinfo.com.
    ①Anya Kamenetz,Robbing Joe College to Pay Sallie Mae,NewYork Times,December 12,2005,A25.
    ② See "2004 Cycle,"PoliticalMoneyLine,at http://www.feinfo.com.
    ③ See Edwin Bender,Energy Companies Build Power Base in State Houses,October 6,2004,The Institute for Money in State Politics,at www.followthemoney.org.
    ④ See Paul Richards,Drug Firms Prescribe Cash for Political Ills:Pharmaceutical Money in State Politics, October27,2003,The Institute for Money in State Politics,at www.followthemoney.org.
    ⑤ Claudia H. Deutsch,Take Your Best Shot, New Surveys Show that Big Business Has a P.R. Problem,New York Times,December 9,2005,C14.
    ①Thomas B.Edsall,Lobbyists Emergence Reflects Shift in Capital Culture, Washington Post, Jan.12,2006,A1.
    ②"Public Perception of Congress," New York Times/CBS News Poll, New York Times January 27,2006,A21.
    ③ Norman Ornstein and Thomas E. Mann,If You Give a Congressman a Cookie,New York Times January 19,2006,A23.
    ④ See Stephen Nunez and Howard Rosenthal,Bankruptcy'Reform' in Congress:Creditors, Committees,Ideology,and Floor Voting in the Legislative Process,20 J.Law,Econ.& Org.527(2004).
    ①See Jean Braucher,Rash and Ride-Through Redux:The Terms for Holding on to Cars, Homes and Other Collateral Under the 2005 Act,13 Am.Bankr.Inst.L.Rev.457(2005).
    ② Thomas B.Stoddard,Bleeding Heart:Reflections on Using the Law to Make Social Change,72 NYUL.Rev. 967,973(1997).
    ③ Aryeh Neier, Only Judgment:The Limitsof Litigationin Social Change,Middletown:Conn.:Wesleyan Univ.Press,1982,p.9.
    ④ Stuart A.Scheingold and Austin Sarat, Something to Believe In:Politics,Professionalism,and Cause Lawyering,Stanford,Calif.:Stanford Univ.Press,2004,p.3.
    ⑤ Ibid,p.7.
    ⑥ ABA Canons of Professional Ethics,No.28,12.
    ① Daniel J.Popeo.Public Interest Law in the 80's" Barron's,March 2,1981,28.
    ② David Bicknell Truman, The Government Process,New York:Knopf,1951,p.495.
    ③ Mark V.Tushnet, Making Civil Rights Law:Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court,1936-1961,New York:Oxford Univ.Press,1994,p.6.
    ①NAACP v. Button,371 US 415,429-30(1963).
    ① Karen O'Conner and Lee Epstein,Rebalancing the Scales of Justice:Assessment of Public Interest Law,7 Harv.J.L.& Pub.Pol'y 483,489(1984).
    ① Abraham Chayes,The Role of the Judge in Public Law Litigation,89 Harvard L.Rev.1281,1303(1976).
    ② Karen O'Conner and Lee Epstein,Rebalancing the Scales of Justice:Assessment of Public Interest Law,7 Harv.J.L.& Pub.Pol'y 483,494(1984).
    ③ Jeffrey Rosen,The Unregulated Offensive,New York Times Magazine,April 17,2005,46.
    ④ David Wagner,Legal Activism-When Conservatives Lay Down the Law,Insight Magazine,August 10,1998,1.
    ① See Hopwood v.Texas,78 F.3rd 932 (5th Cir.1996),cert.denied,518 US 1033(1996).
    ② Nikhil Aziz,Colorblind:White Washing America,16 The Public Eye 1,9(2002).
    ③ Dean Hill Rivkin.Reflections on Lawyering for Reform:Is the Highway Alive Tonight?64 Tenn.L.Rev.1069(1997).
    ① See Andrew Jay Kosner, Solving the Puzzle of Interest Groups Litigation,Westport, Conn.:Greenwood Press,1998,p.7.
    ② Robert A. Kagan, Adversarial Legalism:the American Way of Law,Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard Univ.Press,2001,p.42.
    ③ Baehr v. Lewin,852 P.2d 44 (Haw.1993).
    ④ Thomas B.Stoddard,Bleeding Heart:Reflections on Using the Law to Make Social Change,72 NYU L.Rev. 967,988(1997).
    ① Goodridge v. Massachusetts Department of Public Health,798 N.E.2d 941(Mass.2003).
    ② "Judge Voids Same-Sex Marriage Ban in Nebraska," New York Times,May 13,2005,A14.
    ③ Robert J.Grey,Message From ABA President,April 1,2005.
    ②Posner, Forward:A Political Court,p.78.
    ③ Gerald N. Rosenberg, The Hollow Hope:Can Courts Bring About Social Change,Chicago:Univ.of Chicago Press,1991,p.338.
    ④ See Antony Allott, The Limits of Law,London:Butterworth,1980.
    ② Herman Oliphant,The New Legal Education,131The Nation 495(1930).
    ③ An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law,New Haven,1922,p.47.
    ④ Karl N.Llewellyn,The next step,pp.432,464.
    ⑤ The Effect of Legal Institutions on Economics,15 American Economic Reciew 666(1925).
    ② William James,The Moral Philosopher and the Moral Life,in The Writings of William James,ed. John J.McDermott(New York,1967),pp.617,623.
    ③ Holmes,The Common Law,p.41.
    ① Cook, My Philosophy of Law,p.62.
    ② Pound,The Scope and Purpose of Sociological Jurisprudence,25 Harv.L.Rev.489,513-515(1912).
    ③ Cook, Scientific Method and the Law,13 American Bar Association Journal 303,308(1927).
    ④ Abrams v. U.S.,250 U.S.616,630(1919).
    ⑤ Pound, Mechanical Jurisprudence,p.472.
    ②Pound,The Scope and Purpose of Sociological Jurisprudence,25 Harv.L.Rev.489,515(1912).
    ②早期的庞德和当代的波斯纳倒是对法律工具的局限性进行了一定的关注。庞德指出,法律作为一种社会控制手段,存在三方面的内在固有局限:其一,法律所能调整的只能是人的行为,只能是人与事物的外部,而不能及于其内部;其二,法律制裁所固有的局限表现为只能以强力对人类施加强制;其三,法律规则不能自动执行,它必须依靠某些人或某种手段来使其运作。波斯纳法官对美国最近进行的改革的效果给予了关注,发现这些改革没有产生效果或产生了相反效果:“破产法导致了诉讼数量出乎意料的大量增加,还有无过错汽车赔偿运动带来了令人失望的结果(以及危害极大的后果);无过错离婚运动使竭力主张采用无过错离婚概念的妇女运动自食其果;创制了一种环境监管体系,其复杂程度超乎想象,同时,在其运作中, 多数情况要么有悖常理,要么没有产生作用;……联邦法院运气相当不好,误陷入了引起巨大争议的、无法分析解释的伦理-政治问题,诸如极刑、监狱条件(应该达到怎样的舒适程度)、性和家庭、政治优待等等;不同阶层法律诉讼意外变成了……许多观察者认为的迫使无真正法律依据的案件得到解决,然而使被告承担起巨大的潜在的责任;大量单方律师费用转移支付法的设立过度地助长了诉讼;以宪法的名义……创制了错综复杂的联邦刑事程序法,而且整个的大规模地讲这个法律用于国家的刑事诉讼程序中。”参见[美]罗斯科·庞德:《通过法律的社会控制——法律的任务》,沈宗灵、董世忠译,商务印书馆1984年版,第130-132页;Richard A.Posner,The Decline of Law as an Autonomous Discipline:1962-1987,100 Harvard Law Review 761,770-771(1987).
    ①Adrian Vermeule,Instrumentalisrn,Harvard Law Review 2113(2007).
    ③在第二次世界大战期间纽约市的一次美国公民日(I Am an American Day)的庆典上,汉德法官面向中央公园里众多的听众,其中包括15万名新加入美国国籍的公民,作出了此番告诫。See The Spirit of Liberty:Papers and Addresses of Learned Hand,Irving Dilliard ed.,New York:Knopf,1953,pp.189-190.
    4.[英]P.S.阿蒂亚、[美]R.S.萨默斯:《英美法中的形式与实质——法律推理、法律理论和法律制度的比较研究》,金敏等译,中国政法大学出版社 2005年版。
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    2. J.GA.Pocock, The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law:A Study of English Historical Thought in the Seventeenth Century,Cambridge:Cambridge Univ.Press,1987.
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    14. Robert M.Unger, Knowledge and Politics,New York:Free Press,1975.
    15. H.R.Glick, Courts,Politics,and Justice,New York:McGraw Hill.
    16. Anthony Kronman, Lost Lawyer:Failing ideals of the Legal Profession,Cambrige, Mass.:Harv. Univ.Press,1993.
    17. Sol Linowitz, The Betrayed Profession:Lawyering at the End of the Twentieth Century,New York:Knopf,1994.
    18. American Bar Association,In the Spirit of Public Service:A Blue print for the Rekindling of Lawyer Professionalism,Chicago:American Bar Association,1986.
    19. American Bar Association,Cannons of Professional Ethics(1908);Code of Professional Resposibility(1969);Model Rules of Professional Condunct(1983).
    20. Karl Llewellyn, The Bramble Bush:On Our Law and Its Study,Dobbs Ferry,N.Y.: Oceana,1960.
    21. Frank J.Sorauf,Party Politics in American,Boston:Toronto,1980.
    22. AryehNeier, Only Judgment:The Limitsof Litigationin Social Change,Middletown:Conn.:Wesleyan Univ.Press,1982.
    23. Mark V.Tushnet, Making Civil Rights Law:Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court,1936-1961,New York:Oxford Univ.Press,1994.
    24. Andrew Jay Kosner, Solving the Puzzle of Interest Groups Litigation,Westport, Conn.:Greenwood Press,1998.
    25. Gerald N. Rosenberg, The Hollow Hope:Can Courts Bring About Social Change,Chicago:Univ.of Chicago Press,1991.
    l.Oliver Wendell Holmes,The Path of the Law,10 Harvard Law Review,1897
    2.. Brian Z.Tamanaha,Pragmatism in U.S. Legal Theory:Its Application to Normative Jurisprudence,Sociolegal Studies,and The Fact-value Distinction,The American Journal of Jurisprudence,1996.
    3. Roger Brownsword,Summers.Instrumentalism and American Legal Theory,The Modern Law Review,1985.
    4. Michael S.Moore,The Need for a Theory of Legal Theories:Assessing Pragmatic Instrumentalism,Cornell Law Reciew,1984.
    5. Dennis R.Nolan,Sir William Blackstone and the New American Republic:A Study of Intellectual Impact,51 N.Y.U.L.Rev.1976.
    6. Langdell,Teaching Law as a Science,21 Am.L.Rev.1887.
    7. Edward J.Phelps,Methods of Legal Education,1 Yale L.J.1892.
    8. James C.Carter,The ideal and the Actual in the Law,Annual Address, American Bar Assoc. Reports,1890.
    9. Walter Wheeler Cook,Scientific Method and the Law,13 A.B.A.Journal,1927.
    10. See Harry N.Scheiber,Instrumentalism and Property Rights:A Reconsideration of American'Styles of Judicial Reasoning'in the 19th Century, Wisconsin L.Rev.1975.
    11. Alan Jones,Thomas M.Cooley and'Laissez-Faire Constitutionalism':A Reconsideration,53 Am.J.Legal Hist.1967.
    12. Roscoe Pound,Mechanical Jurisprudence,8 Columbia L.Rev.1908.
    13. Thomas C.Grey,Langdell's Orthodoxy,45 U.Pitt.L.Rev.1983.
    14. Kennedy,'Toward an Historical Understanding of Legal Consciousness," the Case of Classical Legal Thought in America,1850-1940,3 Research in Law and Soc.1980.
    15. John Dewey,Logical Method and Law,10 Cornell L.Quarterly,1924.
    16. John Dewey,Nature and Reason in Law,25 Int.J.Ethics,1914.
    17. Thomas C. Grey,Holmes and Legal Pragmatism,41 Stanford Law Review,1989.
    18. A.Corbin,Offer and Acceptance,and Some od the Resulting Legal Relations,The Yale Law Journal,Vol.26,1916-1917.
    19. Roscoe Pound,The Scope and Purpose of Sociological Jurisprudence,25 Vol,Harv.L.Rev.1912.
    20. Karl N.Llewellyn,Some Realism about Realism-Responding to Dean Pound,Harward Law Review,Vol.44,1930-1931.
    21. Felix Cohen,Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach,35 Columbia L.Rev.1935.
    22. Robert A.Dahl,Decision-making in a Democracy:The Supreme Court as a National Policy-maker,6 J.Public Law,1957.
    23. G.Edward White,Constitutional Change and the New Deal:The Internalist/Externalist Debate,110 Am.Hist.Rev.2005.
    24. Herbert Weschsler,Toward Neutral Principles of Constitutional Law,73 HarvardL.Rev.1959.
    25. WalterB.Kennedy,Pragmatism as a Philosophy of Law,9 Marquette L.Rev.1924-25.
    26. John Dewey,Challenge to Liberal Thought,30 Fortune,1944.
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    65. Richard A.Posner,The Decline of Law as an Autonomous Discipline:1962-1987,100 Harvard Law Review,1987.

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