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Traditional production of enterprises has led to environmental pollution, ecological degradation and resource depletion. The excessive use of the environment in such high-energy, high-emission, high-pollution industries model severely restricts the development of human economic and social sustainability. At present, the end-pipe treatment and structural adjustment have been the main method for the reduction of pollutant emissions in china, but the cleaner production, which prevents high-energy and high emissions from the source and has still not been the mainstream. Even enterprises implemented cleaner production is mostly in the passive and inconsistent response to the government’s environmental regulations. Therefore, it is an urgent and difficult task to study the drivers of enterprises cleaner production and its regulatory mechanism and take effective ways and measures to promote the spontaneous, high-quality and sustainable implementation of enterprise cleaner production.
     In this paper, the driver System of cleaner production is the objects of study. The driver mechanism is analyzed by using the theories of economics and environmental public policy. The path and intensity of various factors on the enterprise’s implementation intention of the clean production, as well as the Government's environmental regulations, and the adjustment and control function of market on the inducement of cleaner production behavior are studied by using the method of model inference, case studies, the quantitative and empirical study and computer simulation. The specific study shows as follows:
     (1) Four types of mechanism drivers of the enterprises cleaner production implementation: the regulations and control of the government, the "green demands" of stakeholders, the values of enterprises decision-makers, the efficiency of clean technology diffusion are analyzed in this paper. On the basis of the government environmental regulation and the market-based means of induced environmental control, the driven acts of regulatory system on enterprise cleaner production are analyzed by using public policies theory. According to the stakeholder theory and theoretical analysis of the green supply chain, the stakeholders driver behavior on the cleaner production are analyzed; From the perspective of the corporate social and ethical responsibility, the behavior of decision-makers on the business-driven cleaner production is analyzed; Based on the diffusion efficiency of cleaner technologies and the resource price factors, combining with empirical case study, the driving of clean technology diffusion efficiency on cleaner production behavior is analyzed.
     (2) Based on the analysis of the four categories of key driven-factors for enterprises to implement cleaner production, the intention of cleaner production implementation is taken as the result variables, and the efficiency of enhancing cleaner production and cleaner production reputation are taken as the mediated variables. According to the former analysis, the driver model of enterprise cleaner production is built, and 13 hypotheses are proposed in the research. A questionnaire survey is conducted on the intention of implementing cleaner production from 290 enterprises of different regions and different sectors. The structural equation model is used to research on the relative hypotheses of the empirical study, and 11 research hypotheses have been supported. The study shows that the four categories of key factors mentioned above impacted the intention of implementing cleaner production by driving the value of the efficiency and reputation effects and the proliferation of cleaner technologies has a direct positive impact on the intention of the implementation of cleaner production, the stakeholders "green demands" have a positive effect on the decision-makers attitude and values.
     (3) System Dynamics (SD) is used to build the model of dynamic driven factor cleaner production system, and by using the driver variables of simulation model, and the relevant test function, the knock-on effects of different factor changes on the system are simulated. The development of the enterprises clean production implementation is simulated, combining with the involvement of different driving contexts and the introduction of different variables. The study shows that: the Intention Level of enterprises implementing cleaner production will be grow slowly in the foreseeable future periods when there’s no policy control or any other measures to promote, but it will makes the biggest change in the development trends if the hindrance of decision-makers acts is reduced, and followed by the weakening of the government regulation, the reducing of“green”demands pressure from Stakeholders, the elimination of obstacles to the spread of clean technologies. But the trend of the development varies much more than any single factor effect when assembled these four categories of key factors.
     (4) From the crucial idea of mechanism design, the regulatory mechanism of cleaner production is optimized designed and several optimization mechanism proposals of the cleaner production implementation in enterprises: command - control, tradable emissions, the adoption of cleaner technologies are put forward, based on the empirical study and simulation results of cleaner production drivers and the structure of the relationship. Especially, the government should support the enterprises by using its policy-related subsidies when the use of clean technology in the key stage. More importantly, a clean production enterprises motivate individual behavior model is built for the decision-makers under the moral judgments and economic performance of the two-factor regulatory system, and the specific strategies are proposed from mechanism level through model optimization. That is, the economic and environmental performance of enterprises must be considered at the same time, and make sure that the weight of environmental performance is bigger and order of the environmental performance is in Priority.
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