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Abstract: The21stcentury is the age of network economy and virtualenterprise’s dissemination and being mature. With the lifecycle evolution fordynamic alliance organization which is full of technique, agility and interaction, theproblem and bottleneck in the management practice is coming up. To find acontinually developed routine of the virtual enterprise, we establish the virtualmanagement suitable for them on harmonious interaction.
     On the premise of virtual practice and harmonious management, theproposition brings that the administration and formation of virtual enterprise’svirtualization and substantiation are most based on the harmonious interaction andthe complex mechanics. For the organizational aim of Pareto dominance among thevirtual enterprise alliances, in the framework of dualistic harmonious management,the meaning establishment of virtual enterprise integration is very important.Because whether there is a shortage or excessiveness tendency of virtualization inthe virtual management process, it will lead to the failure of virtual enterprise ormanagement inefficiency. This is the key point which is simple and always ignoredby the public in the layers of theory or practice. This research uses the methods ofcomplexity analysis, normative analysis,mathematical description and case studywith the viewpoints of management, economics and sociology. It researches theprocess management, moral management and performance management mechanism,and dynamic matching management in order to give the theoretical foundation ofharmonious management to the virtual enterprise’s management and dominancemanagement and provide the evidences of the entrepreneur and the relevantinterests and the enterprise behaviors.
     Due to the hidden sciences of virtual enterprise, it firstly defines the relevantdefinitions and advances the system analysis program of the dualistic integrationmanagement based on harmonious interaction, which is surrounding harmoniousmanagement. Besides the theory of harmonious management, chaos managementand moral management, it absorbs efficiency theory study, evolution andcoordination games and fuzzy assessment theory, social management andengineering in the selection of analysis means.The establishment of dualistic management model for virtual enterprise’s harmonious interaction is necessary and possible. It generalizes and explains notonly management characteristics of virtualization and substantiation incontemporary virtual enterprise and dynamic alliances, but also description ofharmonious management and its administrative mechanism. With the logic clue,after the dissertation provides the math model of harmonious interaction mechanismfor virtual enterprise, dual space model and three-dimension space model, itconcludes the model of dynamic matching harmony of virtual enterprise’s dualisticmanagement. This integration model will become the basis of harmoniousinteraction mechanism exposition and makes it can focus. The evolutionary gametheory and non-cooperative game theory are uesd to reveale the process controlmechanism of harmonious interaction for virtual enterprise. At the same time, theroutine or method of chaotic control for virtual enterprise is summarized andanalysed futher and in a new way through starting from the stable strategy of virtualaction,.
     To tamp the base of the dualistic harmonious management model—harmonious interaction, through the evolution of virtual enterprise and thebeginning sensitivity of fellow selection, it discusses the formation of ethicinstitution and the value of organizational management. Then it analyzes therelations between harmony and efficiency, provides the performance indices ofvirtual enterprise, and simulates the synthesis fuzzy assessment. All these all pointto the scheduled academic purport: the ideal of dynamic matching and harmoniousvirtual enterprise’s management. It goes without saying that harmonious interactionimproves the largest profits and the management efficiency of virtual enterprisealthough the increases do not haven’t conditions.
     At the final part, the virtual management of Shanshan Group and SeptwolvesGroup is regarded as case and validates and analyzes it. A series of optimizationstrategies which have been brought up can be regarded as the.administration andcountermeasure to it.
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