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Sinapis alba L. is an important Chinese herbal medicines, with a lot of good agronomic traits, such as yellow seed and crack pod. Especially demonstrated by the drought resistance has been widespread attention and conducted in-depth study, cruciferous breeding excellent germplasm resources.
     Environmental stress often caused by changes in plant gene expression and cell metabolism, thus affecting the growth and yield of crops. Biotic and abiotic stress are often accompanied by the growth of the plants, in which light, drought, salt, temperature is the most important stress factors limiting crop production, while the losses caused by drought, and its loss more than the sum of the losses of other adversities. Thus increasing the drought resistance of crop varieties has become the key to high-yield crop varieties and stable yield.
     The polyamines are a presence in plants, the regulation of plant growth and development of low molecular weight aliphatic nitrogen-containing alkali. Putrescine, spermidine, spermidine is the common polyamines. Recent studies show that polyamines and plant resistance are closely linked, when plants experience drought and other environmental stresses, the cells increase in the sky a protective effect through the polyamine content. In addition, the plants subjected to drought stress, total body protein synthesis rate dropped, some of the original protein synthesis is inhibited, while at the same time new synthesis of some proteins (stress-inducible protein). Stress-inducible protein to adapt to the adversity of plants play an important role, can significantly improve plant resistance to stress ability.
     For current research on the arid sinapis alba L. proteome level at home and abroad are still rarely reported that this experiment by PEG6000treatment of seedlings to simulate the impact of the drought seedlings, found that PEG6000can simulate drought stress, so that seedling performanceout of the state of growth under drought conditions. Before the relevant reports, drought can affect the accumulation of polyamines in the leaves. we measured polyamine content in leaves of sinapis alba L. seedlings under different drought levels, polyamine content with the increase of the degree of aridity on the rise, but withdrought intensified, the polyamine content in leaves decreased cell damage intensified. Thus, we can initially infer that drought stress to mobilize the accumulation of polyamines, polyamine accumulation helps to improve the drought resistance of sinapis alba L.. Study the relationship of the degree of aridity and polyamine accumulation, suggesting that polyamines play an important role in the mechanism of sinapis alba L. drought, but the exact mechanism still needs further exploration; Drought mechanism in order to more in-depth study of2D-PAGE., we identified58differentially expressed proteins under drought stress. Among them, the control group,16unique proteins,42unique proteins in the treatment group. Speculate that these proteins are closely related to the drought resistance of the sinapis alba L.. We selected10protein spots to mass spectrometry analysis showed that five protein spots match in the database of NCBI and SP. These proteins have been identified, and speculated that its function.For further research to study the mechanism of drought, drought Cloning and crop drought breeding provides an important theoretical basis.
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