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无线网状网(Wireless Mesh Network, WMN)具有低成本、易维护、良好的底层技术兼容性和网络覆盖能力等优点,非常容易进行大规模部署。但是不可忽视的是,由于多跳无线网络自身的性质,WMN也存在诸如端到端服务质量保证及无线资源的有效分配等问题。本文从网络结构、路径选择协议及信道分配等角度,对WMN网络中存在的一些固有问题进行了分析,并提出解决这些问题的算法或者机制。
     1)首先将环形和簇形网络的部署问题抽象为混合整数非线性规划问题(MINLP)。对环形网络而言,WMN网络的环宽、跳数等是约束条件,最优覆盖为目标函数,从而求解不同业务状况下的最优部署方案;对簇形网络而言,优化的目标函数为最大的平均AP(Access Point)吞吐量,约束的条件是AP距离和饱和吞吐量,其求解的是不同策略下的最优部署方案。通过对传输层已有技术的分析,以可靠LRTP和不可靠UDP作为传输技术,验证了环形网络不同用户速率下的最优跳数及环宽,及簇形网络中均匀部署及增量部署策略下的最优距离。
     2)通过对于目标地址的区分及改进相关路由的维护,提出可以对网间节点通信优先采用先验树状路由协议、对网内节点通信采用按需路由方式的C-HWMP (Coordinated Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol)。通过OPNET仿真发现,在网内节点通信的情况下,C-HWMP达到了按需路由RM-AODV (Radio-Metric Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector)的路由效率,同时对于网间节点通信,其又可实现优化的基于树状路由协议OTR(Optimal Tree-based Routing)的路由效率。
     3)从改善HWMP中的按需模式RM-AODV的空时消耗角度出发,研究无线Mesh网络各STA工作及休眠状态的能耗模型,计算最优的STA发射功率,将能耗状态转化为路由射频权重,同时,研究时延及吞吐量之间的归一化关系,将QoS需求也转化为路由权重因子,综合这两个因素提出基于能耗节省和QoS保证的改进型RM-AODV路由,通过搭建NS-3仿真平台,发现该路由方法可以在保证QoS需求的情况下,有效降低了网络中各中继Mesh STA的能量消耗,防止了单一MeshSTA的过快失效问题。
     5)在干扰感知的基础上,针对"hot spots"无线热点问题及流量负载不均衡问题,提出综合了链路优先级感知(link Priority-aware)、流量感知(Traffic loads-aware)及干扰感知(Interference-aware)的PTI信道分配方法,通过链路优先级排序及信道分配原则的设置,PTI可以同时解决上述三个问题,根据OPNET的仿真结果发现,PTI在不同接口和信道数量的情况下有效提升了网络的吞吐量。
Wireless mesh network (WMN) has the advantages of low-cost, easy-maintained, good-compatibility of the underlying technology and network coverage, which makes it easy to achieve the large-scale deployment. However, due to the characteristic of the multiple-hop wireless network, WMN also has some critical problems such as end-to-end QoS guarantee, effective assignment of the wireless resources and so on. In this paper, some inherent problems about the network architecture, path selection protocol and channel assignment in WMN are analyzed and the solutions of algorithm or mechanism on these problems are given.
     The key technology in a WMN includes many aspects of network. The paper focuses on the performance optimization in transport layer and protocols and algorithm of path selection and channel assignment in MAC layer. Based on the in-depth research on the existing technology, it has done the following innovative works:
     1) The deployment problem of Ring-based and Cluster-based WMN is abstracted as the MINLP (Mixed Integer Non-Linear Problem). For Ring-based WMN, the boundary conditions are ring width and hop-counts and the objective function is the optimal coverage. The optimal deployment schemes are given under different traffic status. For Cluster-based WMN, the boundary conditions are the distances between APs and the saturation throughput and the objective function is the maximal of the average AP throughput. The solution is the optimal deployment scheme for different strategies. Through the analysis on the existing transport layer technology, the reliable LRTP and unreliable UDP are chosen as the transport technology in the paper. The optimal number of rings and ring width for different user's speed in Ring-based WMN and the optimal distances for increment and uniform strategies in Cluster-based WMN are all tested.
     2) With distinguishing the target address and improving the maintenance of the routing, the C-HWMP (Coordinated Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol) is given which adopts proactive treeing for inter-mesh nodes communication and on-demand mode for intra-mesh nodes communication. Via the OPNET simulation, C-HWMP can reach the same routing efficiency both as the RM-AODV (Radio-Metric Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) for intra-mesh communicating and the OTR (Optimized Tree-based Routing) for inter-mesh communicating.
     3) Starting from the melioration of the air-time metric in RM-AODV which is the on-demand mode of HWMP, it researches the energy model of the active and sleeping states for wireless mesh STA, calculates the optimal STA transmitting power and converts it into the routing radio metric. In addition, the normalized relationship between time-delay and throughput are found out. The QoS requirements are also taken as the routing weight factors. Hence the enhanced RM-AODV with the energy saving and QoS guarantee are proposed. The simulation results show this routing pattern can lower the intermediate STA's energy consumption which prevents some mesh STA from rapid invalidation.
     4) The channel assignment process is divided into two parts:channel assessment and channel assignment. In the phase of channel assessment, the traffic-aware Mesh node traffic model and interference mode are introduced which enhance the accuracy of the channel assessment. STA is in a queue for waiting and every STA is forced to be visited only once. This avoids the updated of the channel result caused by the iteration operation in the general method. The treatment on the assigned queue also uses the greedy way. With the principle of channel multiplexing, the channel outside of the interference range is preferred. Then the minimal traffic channel inside the interference range is chosen. Hence, the double greedy mechanism of the channel assignment is shown. The simulation work shows that the optimized method can make the average link interference is reduced by about17%and the total system interference is reduced about14%.
     5) Based on the interference aware, the PTI algorithm is proposed, which aims at the hot spots problem, traffic load unbalanced problem and link interference problem simultaneously. PTI is a multiple channel assignment algorithm that merges link Priority-aware, Traffic loads-aware and Interference-aware together. The OPNET simulating results show that the PTI algorithm effectively improves network throughput in the cases of different numbers of interfaces and channels.
     The paper verifies the theoretical results via various simulation platform testing and solves some critical problems in the current research on the WMN in the aspects of network architecture, path selection and channel assignment. In the meanwhile, the future works are also proposed based on these researches.
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