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     针对非规则应用,以Viola-Jones人脸检测算法为例,引入了非规则应用在GPU上实现和优化的五大关键技术:粗粒度并行、Uberkernel、Persistent Kernel、本地队列和全局队列。并通过性能特征参数的定义和抽取,完成了可调优GPUkernel的初步实现,并以此实现了Viola-Jones人脸检测算法在不同GPU平台上的性能移植。实验表明,经过优化的Viola-Jones人脸检测算法比OpenCV库中同样经过精心优化的CPU版本在AMD HD5850GPU、AMD HD7970GPU和NVIDIA C2050GPU三个GPU平台上分别达到了5.19~27.724、6.468-35.080和5.850~28.768的性能提升。
     (2)提出算法计算密度和硬件计算密度两个概念,并通过这两个概念的比较将GPU kernel分为访存密集型和计算密集型两大类。提出并构建针对特定硬件平台的性能优化链。并根据访存和计算优化的特点,将性能优化链划分为绝对性能优化链和相对性能优化链两类。
     (4)引入非规则应用在GPU实现和优化的五大方法和策略:粗粒度并行、Uberkernel、Persist Thread、本地队列和全局队列。并通过Viola-Jones人脸检测算法说明了这五种方法的具体应用方式。最后,通过对性能参数的定义和抽取,初步完成了可调优kernel的实现,验证了在不同GPU硬件平台间实现性能移植的可能性。
More and more application developers have been adopting GPUs as standard computing accelerators because of their increasing computing power and programmability. However, it's hard to get the required performance without careful optimizations because the performance problem has shifted from hardware designers to application developers. Unfortunately, performance optimizations of GPU programs are very difficult. The essence of this progress is to achieve the best match between algorithm features and the underlying hardware characteristics. On the one hand, this optimization process requires deep technical knowledge of the underlying hareware. Modern GPU architectures are becoming more and more diversified, which further exacerbates the already difficult problem of performance optimization. On the other hand, the characteristics of application programs ported to GPUs are also becoming increasingly diverse. Overall, these applications can be divided into two categories:regular applications and irregular applications. Optimization methods and strategies are very different for different programs running on different hardware platforms. In order to simplify optimizations of GPU programs and enable application developers write high performance GPU programs more easily. Considering the different characteristics of the differnent GPU applications, we divide our work into two parts:
     For regular applications, we propose the concept of performance optimization chain, and divide it into two categories:threshold optimization chain and tradeoff optimization chain according to the differences between GPU computing and memory access. We also make the optimization chain insightful by introducing Roofline model, and establish an insightful performance model for guiding optimizations on GPUs: GPURoofline. This model can provide performance information to identify GPU program performance bottlenecks and decide which optimization methods should be adopted. This model is useful for programmers, especially non-expert programmers with limited knowledge of GPU architectures to implement high performance GPU kernels directly. We aslo demonstrate the usage of GPURoofline by optimizing three representative GPU kernels with different compute intensity and program characteristics.
     For irregular applications, we take the Viola-Jones face detection algorithm as an example to intruoduce five key technologies for optimizing irregular applications on GPUs:coarse-grained parallelism, Uberkernel, Persistent Thread, local queue and global queue. We also propose a tunable GPU kernel by defining and extracting performance parameters and achieving the performance portability across different GPU platforms for the Viola-Jones face detection algorithm. We also demonstrate the high performance of our implementation by comparing it with a well-optimized CPU version from OpenCV library. Experimental results show that the speedup reaches up to5.19~27.724,6.468~35.080and5.850~28.768on AMD HD5850GPU, AMD HD7970GPU and NVIDIA C2050GPU respectively.
     In summary, our key contributions are as follows:
     1. Comparison and analysis of differences and similarities among the current mainstream GPU architectures. We propose three effective ways to improve performance of programs on GPUs:improving the utilization of the off-chip memory bandwidth, improving the utilization of the computing resource and data locality.
     2. Definitions of hardware compute intensity and algorithm compute intensity respectively. Starting from these definitions, we classified algorithms as memory-bound or computation-bound by measuring such features. Furthermore, we also build performance optimization chainm, and divide it into two categories:threshold optimization chain and tradeoff optimization chain according to the differences between GPU computing and memory access.
     3. GPURoofline:an empirical and insightful performance model for guiding performance optimizations. We make the optimization chain insightful by introducing Roofline model, so we can guide optimizations in a more intuitive way.
     4. We introduce five key technologies for optimizing irregular applications on GPUs:coarse-grained parallelism, Uberkernel, Persistent Thread, local queue and global queue. We demonstrate the usage of these five methods through implementing and optimizing the Viola-Jones face detection algorithm on GPUs. Finally, we complete a tunable GPU kernel by defining and extracting performance parameters. So as to vertify the possibility of performance portability across different GPU platforms.
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