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The outbreak of SARS crisis in 2002-2003 convincingly demonstrated how destructive an infectious disease could become in a globalizing world. Today, almost seven years after SARS burst onto the pages of medical history, AIDS, H5N1 avian influenza, H1N1 flu and other kinds of newly emerging or reemerging infectious diseases continue to wreak havoc on public health and safety, and are subtly affecting political and economic relations among countries. Public health has thus become an increasingly important factor in international relations.
     East Asia was most severely affected by SARS. Relaxed vigilance against potential crises, inadequate public health services and poor regional coordination and cooperation increased the vulnerability of East Asia to a public health crisis. As opposed to their behaviors during the financial crisis in 1997, however, East Asian countries promptly reached a consensus on fighting SARS, cooperated closely with each other and finally prevailed. It was from the war on SARS that East Asian countries began to cooperate on public health issues by establishing a regional crisis prevention and management regime. The SARS crisis is inspiring in the sense that it is a vivid example of how effective supplies of regional public goods can impact on regional stability and prosperity and promote regional cooperation and integration.
     The theory of regional public goods is a new perspective in the study and interpretation of the trends towards regional cooperation and integration. In the context of inadequate supplies of international public goods, it will become more and more common that regional countries supply, finance and manage supplementary public goods for the benefit of the region. One of the policy implications of supplying regional public goods is that a country can benefit from the regional regime by bearing certain costs in the supply of regional public goods rather than by acting as a "free rider". This strategy is also attractive to East Asian countries.
     However, political and security considerations, value conflicts and external factors are all barriers to the regional cooperation in East Asia. Accordingly, there is no inherent demand for regional-public goods. As opposed to the situations in EU and NAFTA, the supply of regional public goods in East Asia is always driven by an urgent need to handle a crisis. Therefore, while EU has developed step by step from a free trade area, customs union, common market, economic and monetary union to full economic integration, it is unrealistic for East Asia to follow suit. New modes are required for the regional integration of East Asia.
     Supplying more regional public goods in East Asia by focusing on public health issues is one such mode. Public health is a field for the common good, incorporating such universal values as improving survival, promoting health and ensuring security for the human beings. In this non-political, non-traditional and non-typical field, supplying regional public goods can help eliminate barriers to and reduce costs of cooperation, build up trust and explore ways to promote cooperation in Ease Asia. In this sense, supplying regional public goods for health will pave the way for cooperation and integration in East Asia. This paper, therefore, is aimed at proving that supplying regional public goods for health is beneficial to regional political and economic development, and health cooperation can effectively promote cooperation in East Asia.
     Appreciating the importance of public health is also critical to China's regional strategy. China's foreign relations during the SARS crisis demonstrated that making contributions to regional public goods for health would more likely help China win respect from neighboring countries. As a regional big power, China must respond to the challenge as to how to carry out its responsibilities in an assuring way that will be welcomed by its neighbors. This paper concludes that affirmatively and actively supplying regional public goods is a major way through which China can contribute to the regional welfare. Although public health is not a key issue in China's foreign relations strategies, it should become one of China's priorities in supplying regional public goods.
     Health cooperation in East Asia is new to the region, with only modest achievements so far. Therefore, this paper is only a preliminary study on the health cooperation in East Asia from the perspective of regional public goods. Nevertheless, public health is a new issue worthy of more extensive intellectual exploration.
    4 Joint Center for Bioethics, Ethics and SARS:Leaning lessons from the Toronto experience, working paper, University of Toronto. http://www.utoronto.ca/jcb/SARS_workingpaper.asp.
    5 William H., McNeill, Plagues and Peoples,1976,转引自何帆:“传染病的全球化与防治传染病的国际合作”,载《学术月刊》2004年第3期,第34页。
    7德国著名社会学家乌尔里希·贝克(Ulrich Beck)提出了“风险社会”(risk society)的概念,它是指在全球化背景下,由于人类实践所导致的全球性风险占据了主导地位,在这样的社 会里,各种全球性风险对人类的生存和发展存在着严重威胁。
    9 European Commission, "A sustainable Europe for a better world:a European Union strategy for sustainable development", COM (2001)264 final, Brussels,15 May 2001.
    13 Paul Samuelson, "The pure theory of public expenditure", Review of Economics and Statistics, V.36,Nov.1954,pp.387-389.
    14 Inge Kaul, Isabelle Gruenberg, and Marc A. Stern, Global public goods:International Cooperation in 21 Century, New York:Oxford University Press,1999.
    15 Inge Kaul et al eds., Providing Global Public Goods:Managing Globalization, New York:Oxford University Press,2003.
    16 Inge Kaul, Pedro Conceicao:The New Public Finance:Responding to Global Challenges, New York:Oxford University Press,2006.
    17 Todd Sandler, "Global and regional public goods:a prognosis for collective action", Fiscal Studies, Vol.19, No.3,1998, pp.221-247.
    18 Patrik Stalgren, Regional Public Goods and the Future of International Development Cooperation: A Review of the Literature on Regional Public Goods, Working Paper,2000:2, Expert Group on Development Issues, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Stockholm.
    19 Antoni Estevadeordal, Brian Frantz, Tam Robert Nguyen, eds., Regional Public Goods:from Theory to Practice, IDB Publications Section,2002.
    Daniel G. Arce M. and Todd Sandler, Regional Public Goods:Typologies, Provision, Financing, and Development Assistance, EGDI,2002.
    28 David P. Fidler, "Germs, norms and power:global health's political revolution Law", Social Justice & Global Development Journal,2004(1).
    29 David P. Fidler, SARS, Governance, and the Globalization of Disease, Basingstoke:Palgrave Macmillan,2004.
    30 Richard D. Smith et al eds., Global Public Goods for Health:Health Economic and Public Health Perspectives, New York:Oxford University Press,2003.
    31 Arhin-Tenkorang and Pedro Conceicao, "Beyond communicable disease control:health in the age of globalization", in Inge Kaul et al eds., Providing Global Public Goods:Managing Globalization, New York:Oxford University Press,2003, pp.484-515.
    33 Michael Kremer and Jessica Leino, "Regional public goods and health in Latin America", in Antoni Estevadeordal, Brian Frantz, Tam Robert Nguyen, eds., Regional Public Goods:from Theory to Practice, IDB Publications Section,2002, Chapter 11, pp227-241.
    34 Mario Bronfman, Mirka J. Negroni and Tamil Kendall, "Mobile populations and HIV/AIDS in Mesoamerica:a case for regional public goods in health", in Antoni Estevadeordal, Brian Frantz, Tam Robert Nguyen, eds., Regional Public Goods:from Theory to Practice, IDB Publications Section, 2002, Chapter 19, pp.361-373.
    Mely Caballero-Anthony, "Combating infectious disease in East Asia:securitization and global. public goods for health and human security", Journal of International Affairs, Vol.59, No.2,2006, pp.105-127.
    41 Kelly Lee, Richard Dodgson, "Golbalization and cholera:implications for global governance", in Kelly Lee, Health Impacts of Globalization, New York:Plagrave Macmillan,2003, p.124. 我国大多数的公共经济学教材中,均采用了“公共产品”的译法。本文依照从众原则,对public goods均表述为“公共产品”。
    3 Paul Samuelson, "The pure theory of public expenditure", Review of Economics and Statistics, V.36, Nov.1954, pp387-389.
    7 James M. Buchanan, "An economic theory of clubs", Economic,32,1965, pp.1-14.
    12 如 Antoni Estevadeordal et al. eds., Regional Public Goods:From Theory to Practice, inter-American development bank & Asian development bank, IDB Publications Section,2002.
    15 Mancur Olson and Richard Zeckhauser, "An economic theory of alliances", The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.48, No.3,1966, pp.266-279.
    16 Bruce M. Russett and John D. Sullivan, "Collective goods and international organization", International Organization, Vol.25, No.4 1971, pp.845-865.
    17 Charles P. Kindleberger, The World in Depression,1929-1933, London, Allen Lane:The Penguin Press,1973.
    19 Charles P. Kindleberger, "International public goods without international government", The American Economic Review, Bol.76, No.1,1986, pp.1-13.
    20 Oliver Morrissey et al, "Defining international public goods:conceptual issues", in Marco Ferroni and Ashoka Mody eds., International Public Goods:Incentives, Measurement, and Financing, Kluwer Academic Publishers and The World Bank,2002, p.35.
    22 Todd Sandler, ed., The Theory and Structures of International Political Economy, Westview Press, 1980.
    27 Mark A. Boyer, International Cooperation and Public Goods:Opportunities for the Western Alliances, Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1993, p.5.
    31 Joseph S. Nye, "The American national interest and global public goods", International Affairs, Vol.78, No.2,2002.
    42 Todd Sandler, "Global and regional public goods:a prognosis for collective action", Fiscal Studies, Vol.19, No.3,1998,pp.221-247.
    43 Asian Development Bank, "Supporting provision of regional public goods in the Asia and Pacific region," April 2007, p.8.
    50根据传染病学的权威解释,控制是指通过积极的努力,降低疾病的发生率、患病率、发病率和死亡率已达到局部的可接受水平,并需要采取持续的干预措施以保持下降的趋势。根除是指通过积极的努力,将世界范围内某一特定病原体引起感染的发生率永久降低为零,并不再需要任何干预措施。灭绝是指特定的感染性病原体在自然界及实验室中不再存在。不过,虽然天花已经被正式宣布灭绝,但由于担心会被用作生物袭击的病原体使用,实验室中的储存株实际上 并没有销毁。
    51 National Intelligence Council, The Global Infections Disease Threat and Its Implications for the United States, January 2000, http://www.dni.gov/nic/special_globalinfectious.html。
    57 David Woodward, Richard D Smith, "Global public goods and health:concepts and issues", Global Public Goods for Health:health economic and public health perspectives, eds., Richard D. Smith, et al., New York:Oxford University Press,2003, p3.
    59 UNCTAD:Globalization and Development, http://www.unctad.org/en/docs/gdscsir20041_en.pdf。
    60 Nigel Atkinson, The Impact of BSE on the UK Economy, http://www.veterinaria. org/revistas/vetenfinf/bse/14Atkinson.html.
    63 Richard Fisher, "SARS crisis:don't rule out linkages to China's biowarfare", Jamestown Foundation China Brief, Vlo.3,2003.
    64 National Intelligence Council, The Global Infections Disease Threat and Its Implications for the United States, January 2000, http://www.dni.gov/nic/special_globalinfectious.html.
    65 David P.Fidler, International Law and Public Health:Materials on and Analysis of Global Health Jurisprudence, Ardsley, New York:Transnational Publishers,2000, p68.
    67 UNADIS:"Adults and children estimated to be living with HIV,2008", http://www.unaids.org/en/KnowledgeCentre/HIVData/mapping_progress.asp.
    68 WHO:"World malaria situation in 1994, Part 1, population at risk", Weekly Epidemiological Record,72, pp.269-274.
    69 WHO:Summary of probable SARS case with onset of illness between 1 November 2002 to 31 July 2003. http://www.who.int/csr/sars/country/table2004_04_21/en。
    72 IATA:http://www.iata.org/pressroom/facts_figures/fact_sheets/iata.htm,最新统计截止2009年11月。
    73 working group of The University of Toronto Joint Center for Bioethics, Ethics and SARS:Leaning lessons from the Toronto experience, Toronto, Canada, http://www.yorku.ca/igreene/sars.html。
    74 WHO:The World Health Report 2006:Working Together for Health, World Health Organization, 2006, pp. ⅹⅷ-ⅹⅸ.
    75 WHO:"Health expenditure,2006", http://www.who.int/whosis/whostat/EN_WHS09_Table7.pdf.
    76 WHO:"Control of neglected tropical disease", http://www.who.int/neglected_diseases/en/。
    77 WHO:Control of Scbistosomiasis:The Second Report of the WHO Expert Committee, Geneva, 1993.
    81 David Woodward, Richard D Smith, "Global public goods and health:Concepts and issues" Global Public Goods for Health:health economic and public health perspectives, eds., Richard D. Smith, et al., New York:Oxford University Press,2003, pp.14-15.
    Jack Hirshleifer, "From weakest-link to best-shot:the voluntary provision of public goods", Public Choice,1983.41, pp.371-386.
    84[美]托德·桑德勒:“评估公共产品的最佳供应:寻找圣杯”,载[美]英吉·考尔等编,张春 波等译:《全球化之道——全球公共产品的提供与管理》,北京:人民出版社2006年版,第119页。
    88 WHO, "Status of collection of assessed contributions, including Members in arrears in the payment of their contributions to an extent that would justify invoking Article 7 of the Constitution", Fifty-seventh World Health Assembly,17 May,2004, http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA57/A57_22-en.pdf.
    91 The White House, "A national security strategy for a new century", http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/national/nss9912.htm。
    92 The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, "Statement by the president on global health initiative",5 May,2009, http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Statement-by-the-President-on-Global-Health-Initiative。
    93 http://www.avert.org/usa-statistics.htm。
    104 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, "2010 annual letter form Bill Gates", http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annual-letter/2010/Pages/bill-gates-annual-letter.aspx。
    105 Bjorn Hettne, Fredrik Soderbaum, "Regional cooperation:a tool for addressing regional and global challenges", in International Task Force on Global Public Goods, Achieving Global Public Goods, Stockholm:Foreign Ministry, pp.179-244,2006.
    108 Curley, Melissa, and Nicholas Thomas. "Human security and public health in South East Asia", Australian Journal of International Affairs,58 (1),2004. p.21.
    112 ADB:Regional Public Goods for Health:Combating Dengue in ASEAN, April 2009, http://www.adb.org/Documents/TARs/REG/42190-REG-TAR.pdf.
    113 David P. Fidler, "SARS:political pathology of the first Post-Westphalia pathogen", Learning From SARS:Preparing for the Next Disease, eds., Stacey Knobler et al., Washington. D. C.:The National Academies Press,2004, pp.110-116.
    114 EU: "EU in the world", http://ec.europa.eu/health/eu_world/policy/index_en.htm。
    5 WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, SARS:How a Global Epidemic Was Stopped, World Health Organization,2006, p.100.
    6按照WHO的规定,从“近期有本地传播的地区名单”(The List of Areas with Recent Local Transmission)中除名的条件是:连续20天,即在相当于SARS疫病的2倍潜伏期内,不再出现新的临床诊断病例。
    9 Stacey Knobler, et al., eds., "Summary and assessment", Learning from SARS:Preparing for the Next Disease Outbreak, Washington D. C.:The National Academics Press,2004, p.2.
    10 Claudia Kalb:"The battle to contain SARS", News Week, May.5,2003, p.28.
    11 Ibid. p.11.
    22 "SARS刺激亚洲共呼吸”,载《经济观察报》2003年5月17日。
    26 Richard Fisher, "SARS crisis:don't rule out linkages to China's biowarfare", Jamestown Foundation China Brief, Vol.3,2003.
    37 WHO:"SARS outbreak contained worldwide", http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2003/pr56/en/。
    38[美]Jersey Liang:“在全球化环境下的SARS和公共卫生政策”,载谢遐龄等主编:《SARS、全球化与中国》,上海:上海人民出版社2004年版,第216页。
    43 Mark Beeson, "ASEAN plus three and the rise of reactionary regionalism", Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.25,2003.
    45陈雨露:“突发性公共卫生事件、金融危机与东亚区域合作”,载冯慧玲主编:《公共危机 启示录—对SARS的多维审视》,北京:中国人民大学出版社2003年版,第228页。
    51 "ADB provides US$4 million in emergency support to address SARS",见亚洲开发银行官网: http://www.adb.org/Media/Articles/2003/2326_Regional_ADB_Provides_US$4_MILLION_in_Emer gency_Support_to_Address_SARS/。
    1 "Cumulative number of confirmed human cases of avian influenza A/(H5N1) reported to WHO",见WHO官方网站:http://www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza/country/cases_table_2009_11_27/en/index.html。
    3 WPRO:"Avian influenza", http://www.wpro.who.int/health_topics/avian_influenza/。
    5 WPRO:"Avian influenza", http://www.wpro.who.int/health_topics/avian_influenza/.
    6 http://gamapserver.who.int/mapLibrary/Files/Maps/Global_H5N1inHumanCUMULATIVE_FIMS_2 0090924.png.
    8 Michael Perry, "Poor Asian farmers are weak link in bird flu fight", http://www.health-news.org/breaking/3492/poor-asian-farmers-are-weak-link-in-bird-flu-fight.html。
    9 Alan Sipress, "Indonesia warns of possible bird flu epidemic", Washington Post,21 September, 2005.
    "U.S.efforts to combat avian, pandemic influenza in East Asia",07 June 2007,见美国国务院网站:http://www.america.gov/st/texttrans-english/2007/June/20070607155503eaifas0.9595301.html。
    20《东盟与中日韩卫生部长应对甲型H1N1流感特别会议部长联合声明》,见卫生部网站:http://www.moh.gov.cn/sofpro/cms/previewjspfile/wsb/cms_0000000000000000207_tpl.jsp?requestC ode=40490&CategoryID=7387。
    29 http://www.aseanplus3-eid.info/news.php?node=2。
    1 R. W. Lacey, " The BSE epidemic", Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, Vol.3, January 1992, pp.149-151.
    2 Mark Caldwell, "Mad cows and wild proteins", Discover, April,1991, pp.69-74.
    3 "Britain temporarily bans older cattle beef", Reuter,28 March,1996.
    4 WHO:"Variant creutzfeldt-Jakob disease", http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs180/en/.
    5 http://www.cjd.ed.ac.uk/vcjdworld.htm.
    6 Richard Doughty, "In a stew about beef", Guardian,26 March 1996, p13.
    7 "EU puts british beef in quarantine", Reuter,27 March 1996.
    8 Nigel Atkinson, "The impact of BSE on the UK economy", http://www.veterinaria.org/revistas/vetenfinf/bse/14Atkinson.html.
    9 DTZ Pieda Consulting, The Economic Impact of BSE on the UK Economy, A Report Commissioned by the UK Agricultural Departments & the HM Treasury, Manchester, March 1998.
    10 Richard Doughty, "In a stew about beef", Guardian,26 March 1996, p13.
    14 Uriel Rosenthal, R. Arjen Boin, Louise K. Comfort, Managing Crises:Threats, Dilemmas, Opportunities, Charles C.Thomas,2001.
    17 http://www.who.int/csr/sars/country/table2003_09_23/en/,2003年9月26日数据更新。
    19 European Commission, "A sustainable Europe for a better world:a European Union strategy for sustainable development", COM (2001)264 final, Brussels,15 May 2001.
    20 European Commission, Health & Consumer Protection Directorate, Partnerships for Health in Europe,http://ec.europa.eu/health/ph_overview/Documents/partnerships_health_en.pdf, p15.
    21 European Commission, Report to the Spring European Council on "Delivering Lisbon", COM (2004) 29,21 January 2004.
    22 European Commission, Health Statistics, "Key data on health",2002.
    23 European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the European Lung Foundation (ELF), European Lung White Book, November 2003.
    24 European Commission,The Social situation in the EU 2003, Luxembourg:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,2003,p20.
    25 European Commission, "Building our common future:policy challenges and budgetary means of the Enlarged Union 2007-2013", COM (2004) 101 final,10 February 2004.
    26 European Commission, Health & Consumer Protection Directorate, Partnerships for Health in Europe, http://ec.europa.eu/health/ph_overview/Documents/partnerships_health_en.pdf,p4.
    27详见:Commission of the European Communities:WHITE PAPER, Together for Health:A Strategic Approach for the EU 2008-2013, http://ec.europa.eu/health/ph_overview/Documents/strategy_wp_en.pdf.
    28 Ibid.
    31 European Commission, "Previous programmes", http://ec.europa.eu/health/programme/policy/index_en.htm.
    32 European Commission, "Programme 2003-2008", http://ec.europa.eu/health/programme/policy/2003-2008/index_en.htm.
    33 "Health research", http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/health/home_en.html.
    34 "€610 million to support 106 new health research projects", ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/funding-106-health-research-projects_en.pdf.
    36 http://www.who.int/whosis/whostat/2009/en/index.html。
    37 European Commission, Health Statistics, "Key data on health",2002.
    38 WHO, The World Health Report 2004-Changing History, http://www.who.int/whr/2004/en/.
    39 Eurostat, Health expenditure,2003-2005, Data in Focus 26/2008, http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/cache/ITY_OFFPUB/KS-QA-08-026/EN/KS-QA-08-026-EN.PDF.
    European Commission, Health & Consumer Protection Directorate, Partnerships for Health in Europe, http://ec.europa.eu/health/ph_overview/Documents/partnerships_health_en.pdf, p15.
    2 Heribert Dieter, "Asia's monetary regionalism", Far Eastern Economic Review, July 6,2000.
    3 Bob Deacon, "The social dimension of regionalism:a constructive alternative to neo-liberal globalization? ", Project Report for Innovations Fund of the United Kingdom's Department for International Development, June 2001.
    8 Alesina, Alberto, Reza Baqir and William Easterly, "Public goods and ethnic divisions", Quarterly Journal of Economics,114(4),1999, pp.1243-1284.
    9 Matthew E. Kahn, "Environmental regional public goods in Asia and Latin America", in Antoni Estevadeordal, Brian Frantz, Tam Robert Nguyen, eds., Regional Public Goods:from Theory to Practice, IDB Publications Section,2002, pp.203-226.
    13 Bela Balassa, The Theory of Economic Integration, Homewood, Illinois,1961.
    14 Ludlow Peter, The Making of the European Monetary System:A case study of the politics of the European Community, London:Butterworth Scientific,1982, p.92.
    15 Ernst B. Hass, The Uniting of Europe:Political, Social, and Economic Forces 1950-1957, Stanford CA:Stanford University Press,1958.
    17 Jusuf Wanandi, "Toward East Asian Community building", APAP, JCIE paper,2004, p.12.
    19 http://www.who.int/whosis/whostat/2009/en/index.html。
    21 European Commission, Report to the Spring European Council on "Delivering Lisbon", COM (2004) 29,21 January 2004.
    23 European Commission, "A sustainable Europe for a better world:a European Union strategy for sustainable development", COM (2001)264 final, Brussels,15 May 2001.
    26 John Luke Gallup and Jeffrey D. Sachs, "Geography and economic development", International Science Review, Vol.22, No.2, August 1999, pp.179:232.
    1 Robert b. Zoellick, "Whither China:from membership to responsibility? ", Remarks to National Committee on U.S. China Relations, September 2005; Commission of the European Union, "EU-China:Closer Partners, Growing Responsibilities", October,2006.
    3 John G. Ruggie, "Multilateralism:the anatomy of an institution", in John G. Ruggie, eds., Multilateralism Matters:the Theory and Praxis of an Institutional Form, New Your:Columbia University Press,1993, p.11.
    7 Charles A. Kupchan, "After Pax Americana:benign power, regional integration, and the sources of a stable multipolarity", International Security, No.2,1998, pp.40-79.
    14 Lee Siew Hua, "Shocking proposition:how an uncertain ASEAN came to accept China's free-trade idea", Strait Times, March 15,2002.
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