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Agriculture is highly dependent on natural conditions of the region's industry, a region to develop modern agriculture, agricultural development must be based on regional conditions, market demand for agricultural products, agricultural production efficiency, screening has a comparative advantage in agricultural industry. Local conditions, scientific layout, superior resources can only focus on the formation of a regional competitiveness and allow farmers to increase income of the rich agricultural industry.
     Ⅰ. Purpose and Significance of the Study
     In this paper, the development of regional agricultural industry, there is not a long life cycle, regional characteristics is unknown, spatial structure is irrational, market fluctuations and other issues, the application of comparative advantage theory and analytic methods, summarized the content of the regional advantages and characteristics of agricultural industries, for regional advantage selected on the basis of agriculture, the principle of selection and choice of method, and for the analysis of Chongqing City, the region's agricultural industry, the main comparative advantages and characteristics of agricultural products, the advantage of screening out the evaluation of various agricultural industries, and agricultural industries of Chongqing, the structure and space readjustment to the development of Chongqing agricultural industries to provide a scientific basis for the adjustment of agricultural structure and layout recommendations, but also for a similar regional agricultural industries choose to provide information.
     Ⅱ. Main Contents
     Under the proposed research objectives and tasks, main contents of this paper as follows:
     1. A technical analysis of selected agricultural industries. Learn from Smith, Ricardo, Heckscher-Ohlin theory and the advantages of such proposed theory, from a different perspective and space, the time dimension of agricultural comparative advantage. Different sides and angles, analysis of agricultural industry in the production cost and production efficiency, product quality and price, industry size and market share capacity and other aspects of absolute and comparative advantages. Beam and space from the industrial point of view, analysis of individual industries, industry clusters, regional industry's comparative advantage. From a historical perspective and time dimension, analysis of the evolution of comparative advantage in agriculture, industry, and market demand, facility conditions, technical, and other factors of production costs and benefits of their movements.
     2. The content of agricultural industries, characteristic analysis. In the research results have been summarized on the basis of defining the concept of agricultural industries, analysis of the types of agricultural industries and criteria. Analysis of the agricultural industries in the region the optimal allocation of agricultural resources, regional restructuring of agriculture, agriculture-led industrial development, agricultural modernization in the region's position as the region in increasing the supply of agricultural products, improve the regional quality of agricultural products, increase the competitiveness of regional agriculture and increase farmers'income in the role. Impact of the cultivation and development of agricultural industries of natural resources, infrastructure, science and technology support, the organizational form of agricultural production, government and public services, and other factors affecting the mechanism.
     3. The selection method of agricultural industries of system construction. In the theoretical analysis based on the agricultural industries selected methodology are discussed. Analysis of regional agriculture, natural resources industries choose the foundation for development, market demand, based on macroeconomic policies, a clear choice of agricultural industries in the market demand-oriented, economic priority, taking into account social, industrial development, sustainability and growth principles, study of the agricultural industries should be chosen to include the advantages of measure, the advantage of comparison, evaluation of advantages, advantages screening process, comparison and selection of agricultural production efficiency advantages of competitive industries, the production efficiency advantage, the production scale advantages, comprehensive advantages of the measurement methods, from agricultural industries evaluation index system, the evaluation model, to build a comprehensive evaluation of other aspects of the evaluation system, from the natural conditions, industrial advantages, and other aspects of macroeconomic policy analysis of the agricultural industries of choice.
     4. Selection of Chongqing agricultural industries. Applications built system selection method of agricultural industries, agricultural industries of Chongqing, a selection. From the production efficiency, production efficiency, market competitiveness analysis of the Chongqing-based industrial development and current status of agriculture, from light, temperature, water, soil, air and other analysis of natural resources, agricultural development in Chongqing, from transportation, communications, water, technology, investment analysis supporting conditions for agricultural development in Chongqing. In the development of foundation support conditions based on the study, application of agricultural advantages of measurement methods, the Chongqing mainly grain, vegetables, fruits, aquaculture industry in advantage measure.
     5. Evaluation of Chongqing agricultural industries. On the basis of agricultural industries in Chongqing the advantages of agriculture, industry, a comprehensive evaluation to determine the possibility of its development, market demand and environmental suitability. From climate, ecology, topography and other aspects of evaluation of the agricultural industries of the ecological adaptability; from the market demand quantity, demand quality, evaluation of market volatility and other market adaptability of agricultural industries; from resource constraints, environmental constraints, market demand, impact assessment of the advantages of investment in agriculture, industry growth; output efficiency from the land, labor output efficiency, return on investment efficiency evaluation of the efficiency of agricultural industries; from the economic, social and ecological benefits and advantages of comprehensive benefit evaluation of agricultural industry efficiency; from the natural risk, market risk, social risk assessment of the risks of agricultural industries.
     6. Chongqing, the industrial distribution and regulation of agricultural research priorities. Agricultural industries in the analysis of the layout of the status quo, Chongqing is proposed based on the general idea and advantages of optimizing the layout of grain, vegetables, fruits, specialty, fish farming layout program, and the corresponding analysis of the natural resources, land, investment and other elements of the optimal allocation. From the planning guidance, funds induction, research support and other aspects of the agricultural industries of Chongqing to promote space layout optimization, optimization of the control elements of ideas and approaches.
     Ⅲ. Main Conclusions
     1. The agriculture industry, mainly in the advantage of production costs and production scale, product quality and price, market share and other capabilities, its comparative advantage relative and absolute unity, subject to market demand, facility conditions, technology, production costs, benefits and other factors and dynamics, theory of comparative advantage in agricultural industries and the development of the theoretical basis for selection.
     2.Is a regional agricultural industries within the region, through the efforts and the formation of elements with relatively low costs, high productivity and efficiency, higher market share and influence the industry, based on unique natural resources and ecological environment based to improve infrastructure conditions to apply advanced technology to support high rate of labor productivity and production characteristics of land features, large-scale industry; with product differentiation, low cost and efficient production of reckless, growth of the industry can and weak imitative five characteristics; its advantages of fostering the development of natural resources by region, agricultural infrastructure, agriculture, industry, science and technology support, the organizational form of agricultural production, the government's public service and other factors.
     3. Agricultural industries should be chosen to follow the market demand-oriented, economic priority, the sustainability of industrial development, industrial growth and so can the principle of the selection process of agricultural industries should measure agricultural industries, comparative advantage of agricultural industry, agriculture, industrial advantages evaluation agricultural industries and other aspects of regulation.
     4. Studies have shown that the size of rice production in Chongqing, efficiency, advantages and obvious comprehensive advantages, Chongqing does not have a comparative advantage in wheat production, corn production in Chongqing and the comprehensive advantages of scale advantages are not obvious, the scale advantages of soybean production in Chongqing poor, comprehensive advantage not obvious; Chongqing obvious advantages of scale in production of vegetables, but with some comprehensive advantages, the advantages of producing melons in Chongqing is not obvious, especially in poor scale advantages, Chongqing integrated potato production has a strong comparative advantage and higher scale advantages and the efficiency of certain advantages; Chongqing citrus production has a clear comparative advantage, Chongqing, pear and grape production comparative advantage is not obvious; Chongqing flue-cured tobacco production scale advantages and comprehensive obvious advantages; Chongqing obvious comparative advantage in the production of pigs, cattle and Poultry has a comparative advantage, the sheep do not have a comparative advantage, Chongqing, eggs and milk production without advantage, freshwater fish has a clear comparative advantage.
     5. the layout of high-quality rice in Qijiang, Banan, Nanchuan, Fuling, Jiangjin, Rongchang, big foot, Fengdu, Wanzhou, Zhongxian, Xiushan, longevity, Dianjiang, Liangping, Kai County, Fengjie16districts (counties) in Fangshan hilly area, parallel to the Ridge and Valley basin Edge Hill area. Potato layout in Wanzhou, Wuxi, Wushan, Yunyang, Kaixian, Fengdu, Wulong, Youyang, Xiushan, the city population, Yubei, Jiangjin and Qijiang in13districts (counties)800m-1200m above sea level mountain. Citrus layout in Jiangjin, Banan, Yubei, longevity, Fuling, Fengdu, Wanzhou, Dianjiang, Liangping, Zhong County, Fengjie, Yunyang, Kaixian, Wushan14districts (counties) altitude<400m, an average annual temperature≥18℃, frost-free period≥330days, almost no citrus disease, ulcer disease, and large fruit fly quarantine pests such as the advantages of regions. Quality in pigs layout Hechuan, Tongnan, Tongliang, big foot, Rongchang, Yongchuan, Liangping, Dianjiang, longevity, Banan, Jiangjin, Qijiang, Nanchuan and Fuling, Wanzhou, Zhongxian, Kai County, Yunyang, Fengjie, Wulong, Xiushan total of21districts (counties).
     6. Layout ideas and control measures include:①ideas, strengthen leadership, planning control;②use of funds, use of financial support for agricultural industries and induced effects;③strengthen research and development for agricultural industries to provide strong technical support and security;④vigorously promote agriculture production management system and mechanism innovation.
     IV. Main Innovation
     1. Chongqing and other regions on the ecological environment and natural resources, significant differences in the choice of appropriate local conditions but with other regions of the industry, and other regional differences in development of agricultural industries, to improve agricultural industries in Chongqing market competitiveness.
     2. The study found, with the exception of rice and a few other products, Chongqing City, in general, less grain and oil production advantages, characteristics, advantages of a strong agricultural industry, should be to ensure the continued development of rice production on the basis of characteristic agriculture industry to develop and enhance agriculture in Chongqing overall competitiveness.
     3. The analysis indicates that the ecological environment of Chongqing in the same area, the agricultural industry to focus on the most appropriate layout for professional production, with the formation of agricultural industries, can not break through the fragmented and contiguous land restrictions, access to agricultural development scale.
     Ⅴ, Some issues which should be further studied in the future
     1. Around the development of regional agricultural industries to adjust the agricultural structure. The county should focus on their own agricultural industries, development planning, through the development of agricultural industries to-promote the agricultural industrial structure.
     2. To promote agricultural industries with construction, regional agricultural specialization, large-scale production. Agricultural industries concentrated in the most appropriate layout of regional development, agriculture, industries with the formation of large-scale production base, to achieve regional agricultural specialization and scale development.
     3. Focus incentives and funding to increase support to agriculture industries. The various subsidies, incentive funds, effectively focused on regional agricultural industries, in agriculture, insurance, large-scale land management, agricultural finance and other aspects of preferential policies to promote the development of agricultural industries.
     4. Strengthen agricultural research and promotion of industries, to promptly resolve technical bottlenecks. The establishment of agricultural research and special industries, and its dedicated research and development of advanced technologies, especially the core technology; enhance agricultural technology services, infrastructure construction; promote the establishment of agricultural industries and technology service system.
     VI. Further research prospects
     1. The agriculture industries development policy support, financial support, technical support and system innovation requires special study.
     2. How to mobilize the peasants to participate in the process of development of agricultural industries require further study.
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