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The thesis is the primary study about the women's participation in decision-making. The purpose of the thesis is exploring not only the effect of EU institution in promoting women's participation in decision-making within it but also the influencing factors of women's political participation in order to meet the demand of gender equality. Depending on the background of European integration, this study makes a comprehensive research about the effects of EU institution in making the unequal gender relation right in the process of decision-making.
     With the gradual development of economy and society, eliminating all kinds of discriminations based on Gender and improving women's position in society have became important issues on the social, economic and political development agendas in many countries of the world. The United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women held in 1995 emphasized the significance of the equality between men and women, and then gender equality became the condition of human rights and social justice and the precondition of equality, development and peace. At the same time, women's participation in decision-making process equally to men has become an important content of gender equality and important indicator of the realization of gender equality following the totally launch of gender equality. Just because of the close connection with justice and democracy, the aim of equality, development and democracy can not be realized without women's participation and perspective in any decision-making level. So it is a truth that guaranteeing women's participation in power and decision-making and improving women's ability to be a leader are not only the demands of democracy but also the responsibilities of nation states. With the development of regionalization and globalization, the actors who participate in promoting women's participation in decision-making are both within nation states and on transactional, international level. Among these, the effect of EU institution is more notable than other institutions and agents because of its specificity different from other international organization.
     Along with the deepening and expanding of European integration, the influence of EU institution has also been greatly enhanced, the range of its effect has expended from economic domain to social domain. Although the process of establishing the social policy in EU was very slow, gender policy as a main part of social policy got sufficient development. Since entering 21th century, EU has expended its attention from the equality of women in career to social and political field. At the same time, the increase about importance of women's participation in decision-making process for the continuous development of EU promoted EU to pay close attention to gender equality in decision-making process and raise, implement some relevant idea and measures. EU institution became one of the key factors which can affect the condition of women's participation in decision-making. The main background of the promotion for women's participation in decision-making contains two sides. The first is that the strategy of feminism has changed from deviating to paying more attention to the representation of female in decision-making agencies and trying to eliminate the discrimination in the decision-making process. The change made women's participation in decision-making emerge on the calendar of EU member states as a new point then raise to EU level. The second is that women's participation in decision-making is important for the development of EU and favorable for a strong democracy and effective utilization human resources.
     In this context EU institution promote women's participation in decision-making from legal, institution and policy dimension. In legislation, EU gives framework guidance to member states by making some secondary legislations and many soft laws excepted the regulating for women's equal right to participate in the decision-making by EC Treaties. In institutions, the setting up and development of EU institutions afford important power position and political opportunities to Women's participation in decision-making and pushing forward the equality within EU institutions by the actions of main agencies which in charge of gender equality issues. In policy dimension, EU formulates a series of direct and indirect policies to improve women's participation in decision-making process. The direct policies include financial support, collecting data, supervising actions of member states, gender mainstreaming and so on. The indirect policies include the gender equality policies of employment, men and women's role in family, education and training that have positive effects to women's participation in decision-making.
     After more than ten years efforts, the effects of EU institution in promoting women's participation in decision-making are appearing gradually. The evaluation for effectiveness of EU institution in promoting will be launched from EU and member states level. We can conclude from the analysis that the condition of women's participation in decision-making on both level has raised to a certain extent from 1990s and on the question of women's participation in decision-making EU institution really has led to some changes in member states. At the same time the EU institution has shaped a positive environment which affords an informal effect within EU. In general, after 1990s there is a positive correlation between the construction of EU institution and the situation of women's participation in decision-making. For all that, the current situation of women's participation in decision-making still can not meet the challenge of gender equality. There are three main reasons which lead to the result. The first is that the issue- women's participation in decision-making is complex; the second is that there are some limitations existing in EU institutions and, the third one is that there are some obstacles in the process of putting EU legislations and policies into practice.
     Seen from the framework, the essay is composed of three parts: the first part is the introduction, which gives a presentation on the raising of questions, the significance of research, and reviews of the present research status at home and abroad, the research aim, major research methods and basic concepts, the framework of the thesis. Then the second part is the body which includes three chapters provides a deep discussion about the basic problems from three aspects. Those are the background of the promoting action of EU institution in women's participation in decision-making, the concrete actions of EU institution, the effectiveness of EU institution in promoting and some existing problems. The last part is the conclusion. It includes a deep analysis for the research result on experienced and theoretical perspective excepting the conclusion on the research.
    [2]非政府组织“妇女论坛”总召集人坤仁·素帕达拉·马斯蒂特在参加1995年联合国第四次世界妇女大会时的发言,参见 http://news.sina.com.cn/o/2005-08-31/19036829793s.shtml[2006-08-11]
    [5]在国际议会联盟网站的统计数据基础上经过笔者整理计算得出的结果。具体数据参见 http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/classif-arc.htm[2006-05-12]
    [1]Mariagrazia Rossili(ed),Gender Policies in the European UnioN,New York:Peter Lang Publishing,2000.
    [1]Robert R.Geyer,Exploring European Social Policy,Cambrige:Polity,2000.
    [2]Linda Hantrais,Social Policy and European Union,Basingstoke and New York:Palgrave Macmillan and St Martin's Press,2000.
    [3]Stephan Leibfried and Paul Pierson,European social policy:between fragmentation and integration,Washington D.C:Brookings Institution Press,1995.
    [4]Mona Len aKrook,"Promoting gender balanced decision-making in the European Union:International and transnational strategies for parity democracy",paper presented at the European Community Studies Association International Conference Madison,WI,May 31-June2,2001.
    [5]Jane Lewis,"Work/family reconciliation,equal opportunities and social policies:the interpretation of policy trajectories at the EU level and the meaning of gender equality".Journal of European Public Policy,2006,13(3),pp.420-437.
    [6]此类研究成果主要包括:Elaine S.Weiner,"The Gender Politics of the European Union's Eastward Expansion:Equal Opportunity Policies in the Czech Republic",paper prepared for "Postcommunist State and Society" seminar Maxwell School,Syracuse University http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/moynihan/programs/ces/pcconfpdfs/Weiner.pdf [2007-02-11]Myra Marx Ferree,"Framing Equality:The Politics of Race,Class,Gender in the US,Germany,and the Expanding European Union",http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~mferree/documents/Penn-EUbook-final-1006.pdf[2007-09-22]
    [1]Raquel Pastor Yuste,"The gender bias in parliamentary action:The Spanish Case",paper presented at the 2nd ECPR-Conference,Marburg,18-21 September 2003 Section No.2 "Gender and politics" Panel No.2-3 "Translating Political Equality into Practice Ⅱ".http://www.essex.ac.uk/ecpr/[2005-07-25]
    [2]Pippa Norris,Joni Lovenduski and Rosie Campbell,"Closing the Activism Gap:Gender and Political Participation in Britain" http://ksghome.harvard.edu/~pnorris/Acrobat/Electoral%20Commission%20Draft%[2005-10-06]
    [3]Dolores Mornodo,The situation of women in Hungary,Poland and the Czech Republic,European Parliament Division for Social Affairs and Employment,Public Health and Consumer Protection,Women's Rights,Culture,Youth,Education and the Media,Luxembourg:European Parliament,1998.
    [4]Richadr E.Matland,,"Enhancing Women's Political Participation:Legislative Recruitment and Electoral Systems",http://www.idea.int/women/[2006-05-22]
    [5]David M.Farrell,"Studying Electoral Institutions and their Consequences:Electoral Systems and Electoral Laws",http://repositories.cdlib.org/csd/01-05/[2006-02-02]
    [6]Mona Lena Krook,"Candidate Gender Quotas:A Framework for Analysis",http://www.essex.ac.uk/ecpr/events/generalconference/marburg/papers/2/5/Krook.pdf[2007-07-21]
    [7]Stina Larserud and Rita Taphorn,"Designing for Equality-Best-fit,medium-fit and non-favourable combinations of electoral systems and gender quotas",http://tinyurl.com/2tqe2d[2007-08-01]
    [8]Lenita Freidenvall,"Women's Political Representation and Gender Quotas -the Swedish Case",paper presented at the ECRP conference in Marburg,Germany,September 18-21,2003.http://www.statsvet.su.se/quotas/l_freidenvall_wps_2003_2.pdf[2003-09-18]
    [9]Azza Karam and Joni lovenduski,"Women in Parliament:Making a Difference",.in Azza Karam(ed.),Women in Parliament:Beyond Numbers.http://www.idea.int/women/[2005-08-23]
    [10]"The Participation of Women and Men in Decision-Making:The Parliamentary Dimension",http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/classif-arc.htm[2008-03-22]
    [1]Petra Meier,Emanuela Lombardo,Maria Bustelo and Maro Pantelidou Maloutas,"Women in political decision-making and gender mainstreaming:obvious partners?" paper presented at the 2nd Pan-European Conference on EU Politics of the ECPR Standing Group on the EU Bologna 24-26 June 2004 http://www.mageeq.net/docs/magpap05.pdf[2007-03-15]
    [2]近年来,国内外女性主义研究的成果颇多,例如Judith Squires,Gender in Political Theory,Malden:Polity Press,1999.John Hoffman and Blind Alley,“Defining Feminism",Politics,2001,21(4),pp.193-199.
    [6]欧盟理事会对于政治、经济、公共管理和司法领域的决策参与给出了具体的考察指标,具体参见本文第一章第 三节内容。
    [2]郗艳菊:争论中的国际关系“非主流”学派,社科院世经政所“国际政治重点学科理论研讨会”观点综述 参见社科院网站http://sym2005.cass.cn/file/2005053133772.html[2008-07-11]
    [1]对女性主义流派的划分也存在很多不同的看法。李银河在《女性主义》一书中提到的“最流行的分法将女性主义分为自由女性主义、礼会主义女性主义、激进女性主义三大家以及新女性主义流派:后现代女性主义”,另有将女性主义理论流派划分为“修正派”和“分配派”,2003年3月《妇女研究动态》第21期载“Claire Moses 讲座内容”提出:传统的对女性主义的划分即自由女性主义、社会主义女性主义、激进女性主义、文化女性主义等都是人为建构的,刻意的区分给理解女性主义思想造成很大的障碍,最好的女性主义理论是参与其他人的想法、是开放而非封闭的。打破传统的对女性主义的划分对研究女性主义理论将是有益的。
    [2]Catherine Hoskyns,"Gender Perspective in European Integration Theories",in A.Wiener and T.Diez(eds) European Integration Theory,Oxford University Press,paper presented at EUSA conference,Nashville,Tennessee,27-29 March 2003.
    [3]Roberta Guerrina,"Gendered Futures:The Case For a Feminist Theory of European Integration",paper presented at the PSA Annual Conference-Europe and Global Politics University of Bath,April 2007.
    [1]Sylvia Walby,"The European Union and Gender Equality:Emergent Varieties of Gender Regime",Social Politics,2004,11(1),p.22.
    [3]1993年欧盟委员会绿皮书中对性别政策提出的三个需要注意的问题有:协调就业与家庭的责任、消除劳动力市场的性别歧视,提高女性的参与决策的角色。参见European Social Policy(1993a),Green Paper,Options for the Union,COM(93)551,p.57.
    [1]联合国第四次世界妇女大会确定的12个重大的关切领域包括:女性与贫穷、女性的教育和培训、女性与健康、对女性的暴力行为、女性与武装冲突、女性与经济、女性参与权力和决策、提高女性地位的机制、女性的人权、女性性媒体、女性与环境、女童问题。参见联合国网站http://www.un.org/chinese/esa/progareas/women.html [2008-07-11]
    [2]European Commission "Incorporating equal opportunities for women and men into all Community policies and activities",COM(96) 67 final,see in European Commission Directorate-General for Employment,Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Unit G1,"Women and men In decision-making 2007-Analysis of the situation and trends",Luxembourg:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,2008,p.17.
    [3]欧盟理事会1996年12月《平衡男女在决策中的参与》的建议(OJL319/11 10.12.96)。
    [1]European Commission," Report from the Commission to the Council,the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee on the implementation of Council Recommendation 96/694 on the balanced participation of women and men in the decision-making process"OJL391,COM(2000)120.
    [2]European Commission,"Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament,Framework Strategy on Gender Equality Work Programme for 2002",Brussels,2001,COM(2001) 773 final.
    [1]第五次平等机会纲领的计划实施期限是从2001年到2005年,但因为除了性别政策领域的两个行动纲领按原计划执行完毕外,其余的几个欧盟社会事务相关领域的行动纲领都是到2006年底到期,为了便于统一协调,欧盟决定在2004年底通过追加预算将第五次行动纲领延期到2006年12月31日。参见欧盟官方网站: http://ec.europa.eu/emoloyment_social/gender_equality/actions/index_en.html[2007-03-18]
    [2]Catherine Hoskyns,Shirin M.Rai,"Gender,Class and Representation:India and the European Union",The European Journal of Women's Studies,1998,5(3),pp.345-365.
    [1]Charles Tilly,Durable Inequality,Berkeley:University of California press,1998.
    [3]Catherine Hoskyns,"The European Women's Lobby",Feminist Review,1991,38(summer),pp.67-70.
    [4]Mona Lena Krook,"Promoting Gender-balanced Decision-making:The Role of International Fora and Transnational Networks." In Hilda Roemer Christensen,Beatrice Halsaa and Aino Saarinen(ed.),Crossing Borders Re-mapping Women's Movements at the Turn of the 21st Century,Odense:University Press of Southern Denmark,2004,pp.205-220.
    [5]European Commission,"Communication From The Commission,addressed to Member States on the Commission Decision relating to a gender balance within the committees and expert groups established by it Official Journal of the European Communities",C 203 18.7.2000,p.4.
    [1]European Commission,"Incorporating equal opportunities for women and men into all Community policies and activities" COM(96) 67 final,see in European Commission Directorate-General for Employment,Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Unit G1,Women and men In decision-making 2007-Analysis of the situation and trends,Luxembourg:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,2008,p.17.
    [1]Johan Peterson,"Decision-Making in the European Union:Towrds a Framework for Analysis",Journal of European public Policy,1995,2(1),p.59.
    [3]FritzW.Scharpf,Governing in Europe:Effective and Democratic? NewYork:Oxford University Press,1999.
    [4]饶蕾:《欧盟委员会:一个超国家机构的作用》,第35页。欧盟委员会机构中的工作人员的等级分类基本上是根据法国的管理模式进行的。总体来讲分为四级:A级官员是管理的精英层,是具有创造性思维的管理人员;B 级官员主要负责日常管理工作;C级为秘书和一般文员;D级是服务性人员。A级官员分为A1-A8级,通常A1-A2级别的官员担任着各总局局长或局长助理或分局局长的工作,A3级官员常担任各处负责人。总体讲,A3级以上官员的政治性较强。
    [1]Elizabeth Meehan,"Sexual Politics and the European Union:The New Feminist Challenge",Australian Journal of Political Science,1997,32(2),a review for R.Amy Elman(ed.),Sexual Politics and the European Union:The New Feminism Challenge,Providence and Oxford:Berghahn Books,1996.
    [2]T.Laeufer(hg.),Vertrag von Amsterdam-Texte des EU-Vertrages und des EG-Vertrages mit den deutschen Begleitesetzen,Bonn:Europa Union Verlag GmbH,1999,pp.56-57.
    [3]Permanent Representative Committee,"Presidency report:Review of implementation by Member States and the European Union of the Beijing Platform for Action",Brussels:Council of the European Union.1999,p.2.
    [1]John Peterson and Elizabeth Bomberg,Decision-making in the European Union,New York:St.Martin Press,1999,pp.38-42.
    [2]参见欧洲议会妇女权利和性别平等委员会网站http://www.europarl.eu.int/committees/femm_home_en.htm [2006-11-6]
    [3]"Presentation of the Commission proposal for the creation of a European Institute for Gender Equality Brussels",13 September 2005,p.6.
    [4]European Commission,"Feasibility Study for a European Gender Institute",conducted by PLS Ramboll Management,DK,2002.
    [1]European Parliament,"Role of a Future European Institute",a study for the European Parliament,Final report,2004.http://www.unidadgenero.com/documentos/Creacion_IEIG.pdf[2008-10-11]
    [2]European Commission,"Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Establishing a European Institute for Gender Equality",COM(2005) 81 final,p.13.
    [3]“开放式协调法”正式提出于2000年里斯本高峰会议,在2001年3月斯德哥尔摩高峰会议上再次提及“开放协 调法”对于就业协调的重要性,希望藉此提高欧洲国家的就业参与率。欧盟委员会在2003年报告中便明确指出这点:“开放协调法被视为弹性的治理模式,补充既有的共同体方法以及条约为基础的过程...。基于辅助性原则,其目标为帮助成员国渐进发展自身的政策。”参见施世骏:“欧盟新治理模式与社会政策发展”,《台湾社会福利学刊》第4卷第1期,以及CEC(2003a),"Strengthening the Social Dimension ofthe Lisbon Strategy:Streamlining Open Coordination in the Field of Social Protection",Brussels.2003.
    [1]Mieke Verloo,Anther Velvet Revolution.Gender Mainstreaming And The Politics Of Implementation",IWM Working Paper No.5,2001,p.3.
    [2]AP:Action Programme.
    [3]Linda Hantrais,Social Policy in the European Union,New York:Palgrave Macmillan and St Martin's Press,2000,pp.122-123.
    [1]European commission(1993a),"Green Paper-European Social Policy-Options for the Union",COM(93)551,1993,p.57.
    [3]European Commission,"General Budget of the European Union for the Financial Year",2004,p.18.http://europa.eu.int/comm./budget/pdf/budget/syntchi2004/en.pdf.[2007-07-07]
    [1]参见欧盟委员会就业、社会事务和平等机会总司官方网站http://ec.europa.eu/employments_social/gender_equality/gender_mainstreaming/general_overview_en.html[2008-06-14]转引自杨解朴:“欧盟性别政策及其治理体系”,中国社会科学院研究生院2006年博士学位论文,第25页。1997年6月,联合国经济及社会理事会给社会性别主流化下了定义,所谓社会性别主流化是指在各个领域和各个层面上评估所有有计划的行动(包括立法、政策、方案)对男女双方的不同含义。作为一种策略方法,它使男女双方的关注和经验成为设计、实施、监督和评判政治、经济和社会领域所有政策方案的有机组成部分,从而使男女双方受益均等,不再有不平等发生。纳入主流的最终目标是实现男女平等。参见联合国网站http://www.un.org/chinese/esa/women/mainstreaming.htm[2007-08-11]另外还有其他对“性别主流化”概念的定义,参见Alison E.Woodward,"Gender Mainstreaming in European Policy:Innovation or Deception?"http://skylla.wz-berlin.de/pdf/2001/i01-103.pdf[2008-01-11]
    [3]European commission(2000a),"Communication from the Commission concerning Towards ACommunity Framework Strategy on Gender Equality(2001-2005)",COM(2000)335.final,2000.
    [1]Teresa Rees,Mainstreaming equality in the European Union,London:Routledge,1998,p.52.
    [3]European Commission(2000b)," Impact Evalution of the EES-Equal Opportunities for women and women",2000.http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/news/2002/may/equ_opp_en.pdf[2007-3-23]
    [1]“家庭友好政策”是在福利国家体制之下实行的帮助身为父母的就业者协调家庭与工作矛盾的社会政策,如产假、父母假与儿童照料服务等,参见J.Hecht,and H.Leridon,"Fertility Policies:a Limited Influence?" in D.Noin and Woods R.(eds.),The Changing Population of Europe,Oxford:Blackwell,1993,pp.62-75.转引自吕亚军:“欧盟家庭友好政策的性别视角分析”,《妇女研究论丛》2008年第1期,第59页。
    [2]Council of the European Communities,"Council Recommendation 92/241/EEC of 31 March 1992 on childcare",OJL123/16 8.5.1992.
    [3]European commission,"A White Paper-European Social Policy.A way forward for the Union",COM(94)333final,1994.
    [1]European Commission,"Women and Statistics and Indicators".http://ec.europa.eu/research/science-society/pdf/she_figures_2006_en.pdf.[2007-09-17].
    [2]"Women among Academic Staff by Field of Science 1998-2002".http://ec.europa.eu/research/science-society/women/wssi/pdf/8_academicstaff_field.pdf.[2007-09-16]
    [3]CEC,"Annex 1:Women and Science Statistics:are We Successful in Closing the Gender Gap in Science and Engineering?".http://ec.europa.eu/research/science-society/pdf/documents_women_sec2_en.pdf.[2007-09-17]
    [1]European Platform of Women Scientists.http://www.epws.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=55&Itemid=4574[2007-09-17]
    [1]European Commission,"Report From The Commission to the Council,the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee on theImplementation of Council Recommendation 96/694 on the Balanced Participatation of Women and Men in the Decision-making Process",COM(2000) 120 final.
    [2]"Studiy of DG Empl Committees",http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg05/equ.opp/index-en.htm[2008-09-22]
    [3]European Commission,"Commission Decision 2000/407/EC Relating to Gender Balance within the Committees and Expert Groups Established by it",OJ L 154,27.6.2000,p.34.
    [4]European Commission,"Communication From The Commission to the Council,the European Parliament:Framework Strategy on Gender Equality Work Programme for 2002",COM(2001) 773 final,p.4.
    [1]European Commission,"Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament Framework Strategy on Gender Equality Work Programme for 2002",COM(2001) 773 final.p.5.
    [2]Marie Mushaben,"The Politics of Critical Acts:Women,Leadership and Democraatic Deficits in the European Union"The European Studies Journal 1998,15(2),pp.51-91.
    [3]参见国际议会联盟(Inter-parliamentary Union),http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/world.htm[2005-04-10]
    [1]European Commission(2002b),"Impact Evaluation of the EES-Equal Opportunities for Women and Men",2002.http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/news/2002/may/equ_opp_en.pdf[2007-03-23]
    [1]欧盟现行法律包括源与欧盟条约和法律的所有权利与义务,其中包括基本法、二级立法和软法。参见CEC (2000c),Enlargement Strategy Paper:Report on Progress towards Accession by Each of theCandidate Countries,2000.http://europa.eu.int.[2006-07-22]
    [3]Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer,"Policy Initiatives and Tools to Promote the Participation of Women and Gender Equality in the Process of the Czech Republic's Accession to the European Union",p.71.This publication stems from work on the project "Constructing Supranational Political Spaces:The European Union,Eastern Enlargement and Women's Agency".Funding has been provided by the NationalScience Foundation,USA(grant no.BCS-0137954;project co-ordinator Joanna Regulska,Rutgers University) and by the KONTAKT Programme of Ministry of Education,Youth and Sports,Czech Republic(grant no.ME 594;project co-ordinator Marie(?)ermakova,Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic).
    [1]Kalivodova,E.'," Analysis of Agenda 2000 and Regular Report 1999"(unpublished manuscript),Prague:Centre for Gender Studies,Charles University,2003.
    [2]CEC(2000d),"Regular Report on the Czech Republic's Progress towards Accession",2000,p.66.http://europa.eu.int/comm/enlargement.[2006-07-22]
    [3]平等机会、平等待遇、性别平等三个定义在内涵和使用上也存在一定的区别。平等机会主要被用于欧盟的软法如理事会结论中,这个概念主要指更广泛的目标和承诺即女性和男性应该拥有同样的权利和发展的前途。平等待遇一般是用于欧盟二级立法当中,尤其在处理就业和社会安全方面男女平等权利问题的具有约束力的欧盟理事会指令中使用。性别平等概念代表一个复合的政策目标,主要被使用于20世纪90年代以来欧盟政策文件中,很少被使用于欧盟条约和理事会指令中。参见Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer,"Policy Initiatives and Tools to Promote the Participation of Women and Gender Equality in the Process of the Czech Republic's Accession to the European Union",pp.63-66.http://studie.soc.cas.cz/upl/texty/files/223_03-9%20text%20pro%20tisk.pdf[2008-03-07]
    [1]CEC(2000b),"Report from the Commission to the Council,the European Parliament,the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in the European Union",COM (2000) 123 final,Brussels,1999,p.24.http://www.europa.eu.int.[2006-07-22]
    [2]European Commission(2001a),"Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in the European Union",COM(2000) 179final,Luxembourg:Office for Official Publications of theEuropean Communities,2000,p.23.
    [3]Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic,"Summary Report on the Fulfilment of Government Priorities and Procedures in Enforcement of the Equality of Men and Women in 2001",p.1.http://www.mpsv.cz.[2008-01-12]
    [4]Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer,"Policy Initiatives and Tools to Promote the Participation of Women and Gender Equality in the Process of the Czech Republic's Accession to the European Union",pp.89-91.http://studie.soc.cas.cz/upl/texty/files/223_03-9%20text%20pro%20tisk.pdf[2008-03-07]
    [1]Montreal,"Mainstreamed Away? The European Employment Strategy and its Gender Equality Dimension",paper prepared for the 2007 Biennial EUSA Conference.pp.13-15.http://www.unc.edu/euce/eusa2007/papers/pfister-t-07e.pdf [2007-11-03]
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    [2]Council of Europe,"Positive Action in the Field of Equality between Men and Women" EG-S-PANo.7.Published by Council of Europe,Brussles,2000.
    [1]在法国,政党从政府获得的财政收入主要有两部分,第一部分是根据该政党在选举中所获得的选票占总选票数量的比例,第二部分是根据该政党获得的议席数量的比例。财政惩罚则是与第一部分收入相联系。相关法律规定,如果政党所提名的名单中男性候选人与女性候选人所占比例的差额超过2%时,政党将要在其获得的第一部分经费中扣除相当于性别比例之差一半的比例数的资金。对此,较大的政党通常具有抵抗财政惩罚的能力,如果政党相信通过推举男性候选人可以获得更多的席位,那么财政惩罚这一措施将不会影响政党继续提名多数男性候选人的政策。正如保卫共和联盟的圣特·昆特恩所言:“通过提名男性候选人而获得的要比提名女性候选人而失去的更具有经济价值。”参见Rainbow Murray,"Quota and electoral systems" paper prepared for ECPconference,Budapest,2005,p.9.http://www.essex.ac.uk/ecpr/publications/index.aspx[2006-02-11]
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