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    问题90—15以及 FAS125和 FAS140中。笔者在对这些规定进行简要的介绍之后,
    相比,IASC虽然已经颁布了完整的规定侣 人但是由于规则本身的缺陷难以
    3%改为 10%)作为判断的标准之一,且可变利益的比较基础存在一定的不确定性,
    销售确认标准和 SPE合并标准相结合,吸取“后续涉入法”的思想,但是在相关
Asset securitization is the most important financial innovation in international financial field in recent decades. It is structuring a transaction and transferring the 'cash flow producing', 'illiquid' asset to marketable securities. From the development of securitization abroad, the desired alternative in most securitization transactions is to structure the transaction that will result in off-balance sheet treatment for the existing assets. To structure a successful securitization transaction, the sponsor should design out more complicated contracts to scatter the risks and interests on the expected cash flow of the underlying assets and transfer the asset to a SPE to isolate the risk of transferred assets from other assets. In this process, if the transfer is accounted for as a sale and the SPE is unconsolidated by the sponsor, the sponsor can get the off-balance sheet treatment. So the derecognition of transferred asset and consolidation of SPE is the main problems on securitization accounting which have
     attracted the attention of sponsors and accounting standard-setters. This paper is focus on the two problems. With an introduction and analysis of the international accounting rules about it, the paper comes to a conclusion that the international accounting principles and procedures should be used to establish the rules in our county before the controversial issues in that rules are considered.
    This paper is divided into five sections. Considering the complexity of securitization transaction, an analysis of its characteristics is provided in the first two parts which is the preparation in probing into accounting problems of securitization. The first part mainly analyzes the concept of securitization and introduces the securitization process including the basic structure, participants and operation steps. Next the key techniques of securitizalion which is bankruptcy isolation and credit enhancement are described. The paper indicates that securitization is substantially a process of redirecting and redistributing the risk and interests on future cash flow of underling assets. Sponsor will take lots of advantages of using securitization, especially get the off-balance sheet treatment. In order to make further understanding on securitization, the second part emphasis on the three basic forms of asset securitization, pass-through securitization, asset-backed bond and pay-through securitization, with an
    analysis and comparison of their characteristics and cash flow features .
    The third and fourth parts are the focuses of the paper. The derecognition problem that transferred assets should be accounted for as a sale or as a secured borrowing and
    related measurement are discussed in the third part. After evaluating traditional recognition mode including ris -reward approach, it focuses on the modern recognition and measurement mode: financial-components approach and recently research achievements of IASB: continuing involvement approach. Since the risks, rewards and right of control on transferred assets are usually departed from each other, the traditional recognition mode is obviously inapplicable in practice. Financial-components approach focuses on control and differentiates derecognition of transferred asset from recognition of new financial instruments arising from securitization. It is preferable to the traditional mode, but the inconsistencies and inevitable quantities identification also exists in the approach. Comparing to this, continuing involvement approach which focuses on 'no continuing involvement' and allows the transfer accounted for as part-sale will delimitate that limitations. Since the approach will usually treat a transaction as part-sale and part -loan, it could be acceptable in practice. However, the pair value measurement in the tow modes would make the gain-on-sale fluctuated.
    The fourth part mainly discusses the consolidation of SPE. Under current practice, consolidation based on voting interest is not appropriable for consolidation of SPE, since the SPE could be es
[1]ABS通常也 资产支持证券化(asset-backed securitization,ABS),它和抵押支持证券化(mortgage-backed securitization,MBS)是目前国外比较成熟和规范的证券化品利,由此发行的证券分别也称ABS和MBS。为了叙述的方便,若无特殊说明,本文以ABS代表资产证券化过程中由基础资产支持而发行的证券,不再区分证券的品种。
    [2]FASB SFAC6:Elements of Financial Statements,第25段。
    [6]转引自Martin Rosenblatt,FASB Issues FAS 140 replacing FAS 125,www.vinodkothari.com
    [9]根据Marty rosenblatt,jim Johnson Securitization accounting under FASB 140 Jan 2001 Deloitte&touch,USA 第17段归纳而成
    [13]引自Exposure Draft of Proposed Amendments to IAS 39:Financial Instruments:Recognition and Measurement第37段
    [14]Exposure Draft of Proposed Amendments to IAS 39:Financial Instruments:Recognition and Measurement第41段指出过手的安排(pass—through arrangement)应符合以下三个条件:(1)转让者仅仅支付给受让者相当于从被转让资产或其中
    [15]根据Exposure Draft of Proposed Amendments to IAS 39:Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement 第47段归纳而成。
    [16]具体可参见Exposure Draft of Proposed Amendments to IAS 39:Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement 附录B中B4至B17的实例。
    [19]转引自何小锋,资产证券化:中国的模式 北京大学出版社 2002 第一版 P258
    [20]根据FASB ED: Consolidation of Certain Special-Purpose Entities an interpretation of ARB No. 51 Aug 2002 附录C1a归纳而成
    [21]根据Marty rosenblatt,jim Johnson Securitization accounting under FASB 140 Jan 2001 Deloitte&touch,USA page 10 相关内容归纳而成。
    [22]引自IASC解释公告第12号——合并:特殊目的的实体 第10段
    [23]根据FASB ED: Consolidation of Certain Special-Purpose Entities an interpretation of ARB No. 51 第9、11、12段归纳而成。
    [24]FASB ED:Consolidation of Certain Special-Purpose Entities an inter Dretation of ARB No.51第7段a指出实质性经营企业是相对于SPE而言的,它区别于SPE独立开展商业活动,有雇员和经营场地,有开展经营活动的充足的权益资本并且对外发布财务报告。
    [26]FASB ED:Consolidation of Certain Special-Purpose Entities an interDretation of ARB No.51第22段指出持有特定金融资产的SPE被称之为金融特
    殊目的实体(Financial SPE,FSPE),FSPE与QSPE相类似,不同的是FSPE一般不持有权益证券(equity securities)而且不像QSPE那样对其持有资产的出售有严格的限制。
    [27] 根据FASB ED: Consolidation of Certain Special-Purpose Entities an interpretation of ARB No. 51 第23段归纳而成。
    [28]FASB ED:Consolidation of Certain Special-Purpose Entities an interPretation of ARB No.51第8段中明确指出以下三种情形不适用该《解释公告》:(1)特殊目的实体符合FAS140第35段定义的QSPE。(2)特殊目的实体是为雇员福利计划而设立的,其会计处理适用SFAS87,SFAS106和SFAS112。(3)已纳入实质性经营企业(substantive operating enterprise,SOE)合并范围的特殊目的实体。实质性经营企业是相对于SPE而言的,它区别于SPE独立开展商业活动,有雇员和经营场地,有开展经营活动的充足的权益资本并且对外发布财务报告。
    [29]FASB ED:Consolidation of Certain Special-PurposeEntities an interpretation of ARB No.51第21段中指出:SPE的主要风险是指一项风险最有可能引起SPE现金流的重大变化。比如,信贷风险能改变大部分与贷款资产相关的现金流
    [30] FASB ED: Consolidation of Certain Special-Purpose Entities an interpretation of ARB No. 51 第15段列举了5种存在关联关系的情况。
    [31] 详细内容参加FASB ED: Consolidation of Certain Special-Purpose Entities an interpretation of ARB No. 51 第20、21段。
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