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This dissertation is devoted to study the News Frame of Science News and the News Production in newspaper between China and Taiwan. It uses content analysis to analyze the issue Energy Conservation & Carbon Reduction in Nanfang Daily and China Times of Taiwan from the 1st of July in 2009 to the 30th of June in 2010. It also analyses the News Production to deconstruct the influences by in-depth interview.
     The aims of this dissertation are listed as below:
     1. To analyze that what is the News Frame of the issue Energy Conservation & Carbon Reduction in Nanfang Daily and China Times of Taiwan.
     2. To find out that what is the News Production and influences to the issue Energy Conservation & Carbon Reduction in Nanfang Daily and China Times of Taiwan? / How were the News produced and what influences effect the production?
     3. To discover the differentiation and the similarity in the production/producing process in the issue of Energy Conservation & Carbon Reduction between China and Taiwan.
     The findings from this study are listed as below:
     1. There are 10 News Frames in writing / reporting the issue of Energy Conservation & Carbon Reduction in China and Taiwan.
     2. There are 12 similarities in the News Production process between China and Taiwan.
     3. There are 10 differentiations in the News Production process between China and Taiwan.
     4. The issue Energy Conservation & Carbon Reduction is not only science news, but also the socio-scientific issue.
     Finally, the study also raised five recommendations for future research, as well as raised three specific recommendations for journalists.
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