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     酵母双杂交系统是研究蛋白质间相互作用的一种有效方法。该系统能迅速、灵敏地在真核细胞体内检测蛋白生理状态下的互作,并可快速获得目的蛋白的编码基因,近几年来已在很多领域得到应用。本研究利用酵母双杂交系统从CEF cDNA文库中筛选与IBDV弱毒VP2蛋白相互作用的受体蛋白编码基因,并对获得受体蛋白进行初步研究,为研究该病毒的致病机制,防制传染性法氏囊病奠定理论基础。
     利用gateway技术构建鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF)文库,以5′端生物素标记的Oligo (dT) primer为引物反转录后连接Adapter,层析柱纯化,通过BP重组反应构建cDNA入门文库,其平均滴度为1.1×10~6cfu/mL,文库总容量为1.2×107cfu,平均插入片段为2243bp,重组率为100%。通过LR重组反应将入门文库转换为表达文库,经测定平均滴度为5×105cfu/mL,文库总容量为5.5×10~6cfu,平均插入片段为2411bp,重组率为100%。结果表明,所构建的文库具有较高的重组率和较大的库容量,可作为较高质量的文库来研究IBDV的相关基因,为筛选IBDV在CEF中的细胞受体,研究细胞嗜性提供基础平台。
     通过BP和LR两个反应将IBDV Gt株VP2基因克隆到pDEST-32载体上构建诱饵载体,通过酶切和PCR鉴定,并测序正确后,用醋酸锂法转化酵母菌MaV203,在三缺陷板(SC-Trp-Leu-His)上观察其生长情况。结果确定了3AT使用浓度,且证明了诱饵载体本身无自激活活性,为下一步筛选文库提供正确的诱饵载体。
     3.从CEF文库筛选与IBDV Gt VP2蛋白相互作用受体蛋白及相互作用的验证
     用构建的诱饵质粒筛选CEF CDNA文库,采用顺序转化的方法,先将Bait质粒转入酵母MaV203中,挑取阳性克隆做酵母感受态细胞,然后再将文库质粒转入含Bait质粒酵母感受态细胞,通过X-gal实验和三种缺陷型培养基筛选,找出19个阳性克隆,提取质粒,测序并比对,结果获得大小两段序列(与原鸡序列相似度为99.9%),分别为800bp和350bp。最后将两段序列构建成Prey质粒,用同筛库的方法反过来验证与Gt VP2的互作,结果证实了二者的相互作用。
     4.IBDV VP2蛋白CEF受体的初步研究
Infectious bursal disease virus(IBDV),the causative agent of infectious bursal disease(IBD),causes immunosuppression in young chicken by destroying the precursors of B lymphocytes in the bursal of Fabricius. In 1957, the disease first broke out in broilers in Gumboro, Telahua state, America. In the 1980s, the variation strain of IBDV was first appeared in America. Acute IBD caused by very virulent infectious bursal disease virus (vvIBDV) was first reported in Europe lately 1980s. The acute disease was then transmitted into China in the early 1990s, and rapidly spreaded all over Asia and other major parts of the world. The IBDV had caused the significant economic losses in poultry industry for a long time. Through research, people have confirmed that VP2 play a critical role at the induction of NA, mutation of antigen, apoptosis of cell et al., However, there is no reports about receptor protein of IBDV up to now.
     The development of the yeast two-hybrid system provided a genetic means to identify proteins that physically interact in vivo.The goal of the system is to isolate a protein or proteins that interact with a "bait" protein, this bait protein can be almost any protein from any organism. Over the past ten years, this system and its variants have been extremely useful for detecting and analyzing protein-protein interactions in many fields. One purpose of the research is screening the interactive coding gene with IBDV Gt VP2 from CEF cDNA library by the yeast two-hybrid system. Addition, we take a preliminary research for discoverable gene, all those can as a substantial foundation for us to research pathogenic mechanism of IBDV and prevention of IBD.
     The following are the main contents of this reseach:
     1. Construction of chicken embryo fibroblasts cDNA expression library by gateway technology. The mRNA was extracted from chicken embryonic fibroblast. Moreover, single-strand cDNA and double-strand cDNA were synthesized by using biotin-conjugated Oligo (dT) primer in turn. The double-strand cDNA was ligated Adapter and then purified by the cDNA Size Fractionation Columns. After BP recombination reaction, an cDNA entry library was constructed with a titer of 1×10~6cfu/mL, total clones of 1.2×107 cfu and an average insertion size of about 2243bp. After LR recombination reaction, the cDNA entry library was transformed into expression library which took on a titer of 5×105cfu/mL, total clones of 5.5×10~6 cfu and an average insertion size of about 2411bp. The results indicate that the constructed cDNA expression library performs a remarkable high value in both recombination rate and library coverage. As a result, the cDNA expression library, with its good quality, may facilitate to identify the receptors associated with the resistance against IBDV in chicken embryonic fibroblast and to cast new light on the mechanism of cellular tropism. Moreover, it may also provide data of chicken embryonic fibroblast in transcription level and may be helpful to study its biological functions.
     2. Through BP and LR reaction, the fragments of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) Gt VP2 was cloned into pDEST-32 vector by Gateway technology, after confirmation with restriction enzyme digestion, PCR and sequence analysis, the plasmids were transformed into the yeast cell MaV203 with ployethylene glycol/lithiuma acetate method, then the growths of transformation were observed on the SC-Trp-Leu-His selective plate, to detect the self-activation of bait vectors. At last, determination 3AT density and verification the bait vector neither the ability of outonomous reporter gene activation, nor toxicity to the yeast host-cells.
     3. Transform bait plasmid into yeast competent cell, then to select the positive clone as the yeast competent cell for CEF library plasmid. Through X-gal test and three selective medium, we found 19 postive clones, extraction the plasmid and sequence. In the result, we obtain two gene segments (similar Gallus gallus gene as 99.9%), they are 800bp and 350bp respectively. Continue, construction prey plasmid with two gene segments, to test the interaction between two segments with Gt VP2 again.
     4. Delete the termination codon by PCR technology, then little segment (CR2_(11)) was cloned into expressing vector pET32a and vector pCAGGS, the recombinants were transformed into E.coli DH5α. The recombinant plasmid was identified by restriction enzyme digestion, PCR and sequence analysis and named pET32a-CR2_(11) and pCAGGS-CR2_(11). The recombinant plasmid (pET32a-CR2_(11)) was transformed into E.coli BL21(DE3) and induced by IPTG. SDS-PAGE results indicated that the fusion protein was about 31kDa. The pCAGGS -CR2_(11) was transfected into PK15 cell, IFA showed that there are strong green fluorescence on the cell hole (PK15), It proved the interactive role between Gt VP2 and CR2_(11) in vivo.
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