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Under economic globalization’s background, the Local enterprise clusters display the very strong competitive power, the phenomenon is becoming the hot spot which the domestic and foreign scholars study. The world has many successful enterprise cluster’s case, for example the third Italy, American Silicon Valley, the cluster of leather in Zhejiang Haining, the cluster of Datang socking and Zhongguan Village. In view of the fact that the success cluster’s demonstration effect, the cluster becomes the strategic tool which many regions formulates the economic policy. The enterprise cluster has also become the important economic phenomena in the world now.
     However, if we analyse the world's enterprise clusters carefully, We discover that not all enterprise clusters are successful and there are many failing clusters for example Detroit automobile city. The current domestic and foreign scholar’s vision mostly focuses in the enterprise cluster’s formation condition, the characteristic, the competitive advantage aspect. But research of the risk in cluster and how to avoid the cluster’s risk is little. Based on this, this article has analysed the enterprise cluster’s risk and cause of formation from enterprise cluster interior, has promulgated the enterprise cluster risk essence and has given countermeasure and suggestion how to avoid enterprise cluster endogenetic risk and technology risk.
     Firstly, the paper has carried on the review to the enterprise cluster’s risk and the technological leapfrogging research present situation. By summing up the existing research from different perspectives, we can discover the deficiencies, make a start for the latter research and point out the research direction.
     Then, from enterprise cluster interior the paper has analysed thoroughly the risk in enterprise cluster---constitutive risk, self-fertility risk, network risk, ecology risk---and origin and harm of them. This paper has given model of the regional cluster’s endogenesis cause of risk and has given some metheds which avoid cluster’s endogenesis risk: enterprise cluster interior self-adjustment and cluster father. Then the paper has introduced one important ectogenic risk of enterprise cluster--- technology risk.
     In view of the enterprise cluster technology risk which can’t be evaded by enterprise cluster interior self-adjustment and cluster father, the paper has brought forward the method of evading enterprise cluster technology risk---enterprise cluster technological Leapfrogging. This article has researched inevitability analysis, condition, technology ability, process and mode choice of enterprise cluster technological Leapfrogging. The paper has researched enterprise cluster technological Leapfrogging’s process importantly, and qualitatively analysed technological Leapfrogging’s opportunity choice. This article has given most superior opportunity choice of technological leapfrogging through establish mathematical model, and given corresponding economic analysis. It will offer strong instruction and reference function for real-life enterprises when they make decision. Then the paper has given qualitative and quantitative research about new technical diffusion in enterprise cluster technological Leapfrogging’s process.
     Finally, the research of this paper was summed up ,the further research directions was pointed out.
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