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There is a necessity of physical culture for people to live and further development. The rural physical culture, consider as one important part of our country's physical culture cause, is included in the Law of Physical Culture and the National Program for Whole People's Physical Building. It's quite necessary to build up the peasant's health and raise their living quality. Nevertheless, the theory and practice of our country's rural physical culture both fall relatively behind. I am writing this treatise as part of my contribution to the responsibility of being a sport worker.
    The treatise is intended to have a through understanding of the present countryside situation of our country's physical culture by taking the research of the position of the countryside physical culture as the starting point, that of the backward situation as the leading subject, and of the comparable advantages as the breaking through, using theoretical way of thinking, taking effective policy and strengthening the improvement of all kinds of physical culture work in the countryside.
    The leading object of study is focused on the theory and practice of the countryside's physical culture, from ancient to future, tradition to modern, from concept to value and the ways to into practice:
    1) To sort out the generation and the development process of the countryside's physical culture, and show its long history and varieties, so that we can objectively know well its contemporary situation and
    2) To present the concept of the countryside physical culture and peasants" physical culture. Nowadays, countryside and peasant are conceptually different from what they were. The definition of the countryside physical culture and peasants" physical culture will contribute to our good realization of the change of the countryside economy and modern physical culture in this transforming era.
    3) To emphasize the great significance of the countryside physical culture and the formation of the contemporary peasants' concept and value on modern physical culture. Our intention is built on the countryside economic development, the need of peasants themselves and the significance of the countryside physical culture, as well as the making of peasants' idea about modern countryside physical culture. All these will help us put more emphasis on effective practice of the physical culture in the countryside.
    4) To expound the ways and interrelations to have effective practice in the countryside. The ways are involved in families, schools, villages and small towns. The interaction and interrelation between them will promote their supplement, which is sure to lead us to more appropriate, purposeful and effective work.
    5) To point out the trend and core of the reform of the countryside physical culture, by stressing that peasants are endowed with their natural innate genes, and that there is good atmosphere in the countryside for reform. A new situation of the countryside physical culture will surely come so long as the function of both its physical building and economy is well combined with peasant professional transformation and the countryside municipalization.
    6) To present arguments about the differences and similarities between physical labour and exercise, and the relationship between
    countryside physical culture and city physical culture. And suggestions are also made about the future research of countryside physical culture in our country.
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